Commit 54ada742 by Scott

Coding style (app/)

parent f24542bb
......@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ function qa_captcha_available()
* Return an HTML string explaining $captchareason (from qa_user_captcha_reason()) to the user about why they are seeing a captcha
* @param $captchareason
* @return mixed|null|string
function qa_captcha_reason_note($captchareason)
......@@ -65,8 +67,13 @@ function qa_captcha_reason_note($captchareason)
* Prepare $qa_content for showing a captcha, adding the element to $fields, given previous $errors, and a $note to display.
* Returns JavaScript required to load CAPTCHA when field is shown by user (e.g. clicking comment button).
* @param $qa_content
* @param $fields
* @param $errors
* @param $note
* @return string
function qa_set_up_captcha_field(&$qa_content, &$fields, $errors, $note=null)
function qa_set_up_captcha_field(&$qa_content, &$fields, $errors, $note = null)
if (!qa_captcha_available())
return '';
......@@ -79,8 +86,7 @@ function qa_set_up_captcha_field(&$qa_content, &$fields, $errors, $note=null)
if ($count > 1) {
// use blank captcha in order to load via JS
$html = '';
else {
} else {
// first captcha is always loaded explicitly
$qa_content['script_var']['qa_captcha_in'] = 'qa_captcha_div_1';
$html = $captcha->form_html($qa_content, @$errors['captcha']);
......@@ -89,17 +95,19 @@ function qa_set_up_captcha_field(&$qa_content, &$fields, $errors, $note=null)
$fields['captcha'] = array(
'type' => 'custom',
'label' => qa_lang_html('misc/captcha_label'),
'html' => '<div id="qa_captcha_div_'.$count.'">'.$html.'</div>',
'html' => '<div id="qa_captcha_div_' . $count . '">' . $html . '</div>',
'error' => @array_key_exists('captcha', $errors) ? qa_lang_html('misc/captcha_error') : null,
'note' => $note,
return "if (!document.getElementById('qa_captcha_div_".$count."').hasChildNodes()) { recaptcha_load('qa_captcha_div_".$count."'); }";
return "if (!document.getElementById('qa_captcha_div_" . $count . "').hasChildNodes()) { recaptcha_load('qa_captcha_div_" . $count . "'); }";
* Check if captcha is submitted correctly, and if not, set $errors['captcha'] to a descriptive string.
* @param $errors
* @return bool
function qa_captcha_validate_post(&$errors)
......@@ -20,59 +20,56 @@
More about this license:
if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) { // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
header('Location: ../');
if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) { // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
header('Location: ../');
function qa_cookie_get()
Return the user identification cookie sent by the browser for this page request, or null if none
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
* Return the user identification cookie sent by the browser for this page request, or null if none
function qa_cookie_get()
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
return isset($_COOKIE['qa_id']) ? qa_gpc_to_string($_COOKIE['qa_id']) : null;
return isset($_COOKIE['qa_id']) ? qa_gpc_to_string($_COOKIE['qa_id']) : null;
function qa_cookie_get_create()
Return user identification cookie sent by browser if valid, or create a new one if not.
Either way, extend for another year (this is used when an anonymous post is created)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'db/cookies.php';
* Return user identification cookie sent by browser if valid, or create a new one if not.
* Either way, extend for another year (this is used when an anonymous post is created)
function qa_cookie_get_create()
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'db/cookies.php';
if (isset($cookieid) && qa_db_cookie_exists($cookieid))
; // cookie is valid
$cookieid = qa_cookie_get();
setcookie('qa_id', $cookieid, time()+86400*365, '/', QA_COOKIE_DOMAIN, (bool)ini_get('session.cookie_secure'), true);
return $cookieid;
if (!isset($cookieid) || !qa_db_cookie_exists($cookieid)) {
// cookie is invalid
$cookieid = qa_db_cookie_create(qa_remote_ip_address());
setcookie('qa_id', $cookieid, time() + 86400 * 365, '/', QA_COOKIE_DOMAIN, (bool)ini_get('session.cookie_secure'), true);
$_COOKIE['qa_id'] = $cookieid;
function qa_cookie_report_action($cookieid, $action)
Called after a database write $action performed by a user identified by $cookieid,
relating to $questionid, $answerid and/or $commentid
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'db/cookies.php';
return $cookieid;
qa_db_cookie_written($cookieid, qa_remote_ip_address());
* Called after a database write $action performed by a user identified by $cookieid,
* relating to $questionid, $answerid and/or $commentid
* @param $cookieid
* @param $action
function qa_cookie_report_action($cookieid, $action)
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'db/cookies.php';
Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output
qa_db_cookie_written($cookieid, qa_remote_ip_address());
......@@ -20,159 +20,164 @@
More about this license:
if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) { // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
header('Location: ../');
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'app/options.php';
if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) { // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
header('Location: ../');
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/options.php';
* Suspend the sending of all email notifications via qa_send_notification(...) if $suspend is true, otherwise
* reinstate it. A counter is kept to allow multiple calls.
* @param bool $suspend
function qa_suspend_notifications($suspend = true)
global $qa_notifications_suspended;
$qa_notifications_suspended += ($suspend ? 1 : -1);
* Send email to person with $userid and/or $email and/or $handle (null/invalid values are ignored or retrieved from
* user database as appropriate). Email uses $subject and $body, after substituting each key in $subs with its
* corresponding value, plus applying some standard substitutions such as ^site_title, ^handle and ^email.
* @param $userid
* @param $email
* @param $handle
* @param $subject
* @param $body
* @param $subs
* @param bool $html
* @return bool
function qa_send_notification($userid, $email, $handle, $subject, $body, $subs, $html = false)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
global $qa_notifications_suspended;
if ($qa_notifications_suspended > 0)
return false;
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'db/selects.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'util/string.php';
if (isset($userid)) {
$needemail = !qa_email_validate(@$email); // take from user if invalid, e.g. @ used in practice
$needhandle = empty($handle);
if ($needemail || $needhandle) {
if ($needhandle) {
$handles = qa_get_public_from_userids(array($userid));
$handle = @$handles[$userid];
function qa_suspend_notifications($suspend=true)
Suspend the sending of all email notifications via qa_send_notification(...) if $suspend is true, otherwise
reinstate it. A counter is kept to allow multiple calls.
global $qa_notifications_suspended;
if ($needemail)
$email = qa_get_user_email($userid);
$qa_notifications_suspended+=($suspend ? 1 : -1);
} else {
$useraccount = qa_db_select_with_pending(
'columns' => array('email', 'handle'),
'source' => '^users WHERE userid = #',
'arguments' => array($userid),
'single' => true,
if ($needhandle)
$handle = @$useraccount['handle'];
function qa_send_notification($userid, $email, $handle, $subject, $body, $subs, $html = false)
Send email to person with $userid and/or $email and/or $handle (null/invalid values are ignored or retrieved from
user database as appropriate). Email uses $subject and $body, after substituting each key in $subs with its
corresponding value, plus applying some standard substitutions such as ^site_title, ^handle and ^email.
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
global $qa_notifications_suspended;
if ($qa_notifications_suspended>0)
return false;
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'db/selects.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'util/string.php';
if (isset($userid)) {
$needemail=!qa_email_validate(@$email); // take from user if invalid, e.g. @ used in practice
if ($needemail || $needhandle) {
if ($needhandle) {
if ($needemail)
} else {
'columns' => array('email', 'handle'),
'source' => '^users WHERE userid = #',
'arguments' => array($userid),
'single' => true,
if ($needhandle)
if ($needemail)
if ($needemail)
$email = @$useraccount['email'];
if (isset($email) && qa_email_validate($email)) {
return qa_send_email(array(
'fromemail' => qa_opt('from_email'),
'fromname' => qa_opt('site_title'),
'toemail' => $email,
'toname' => $handle,
'subject' => strtr($subject, $subs),
'body' => (empty($handle) ? '' : qa_lang_sub('emails/to_handle_prefix', $handle)).strtr($body, $subs),
'html' => $html,
} else
return false;
if (isset($email) && qa_email_validate($email)) {
$subs['^site_title'] = qa_opt('site_title');
$subs['^handle'] = $handle;
$subs['^email'] = $email;
$subs['^open'] = "\n";
$subs['^close'] = "\n";
return qa_send_email(array(
'fromemail' => qa_opt('from_email'),
'fromname' => qa_opt('site_title'),
'toemail' => $email,
'toname' => $handle,
'subject' => strtr($subject, $subs),
'body' => (empty($handle) ? '' : qa_lang_sub('emails/to_handle_prefix', $handle)) . strtr($body, $subs),
'html' => $html,
function qa_send_email($params)
Send the email based on the $params array - the following keys are required (some can be empty): fromemail,
fromname, toemail, toname, subject, body, html
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
// @error_log(print_r($params, true));
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'vendor/PHPMailer/PHPMailerAutoload.php';
return false;
$mailer=new PHPMailer();
$mailer->addAddress($params['toemail'], $params['toname']);
$mailer->addReplyTo($params['replytoemail'], $params['replytoname']);
* Send the email based on the $params array - the following keys are required (some can be empty): fromemail,
* fromname, toemail, toname, subject, body, html
* @param $params
* @return bool
function qa_send_email($params)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
if ($params['html'])
// @error_log(print_r($params, true));
if (qa_opt('smtp_active')) {
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'vendor/PHPMailer/PHPMailerAutoload.php';
if (qa_opt('smtp_secure')){
else {
'ssl' => array(
'verify_peer' => false,
'verify_peer_name' => false,
'allow_self_signed' => true
$mailer = new PHPMailer();
$mailer->CharSet = 'utf-8';
if (qa_opt('smtp_authenticate')) {
$mailer->From = $params['fromemail'];
$mailer->Sender = $params['fromemail'];
$mailer->FromName = $params['fromname'];
$mailer->addAddress($params['toemail'], $params['toname']);
if (!empty($params['replytoemail'])) {
$mailer->addReplyTo($params['replytoemail'], $params['replytoname']);
$mailer->Subject = $params['subject'];
$mailer->Body = $params['body'];
if ($params['html'])
if (qa_opt('smtp_active')) {
$mailer->Host = qa_opt('smtp_address');
$mailer->Port = qa_opt('smtp_port');
if (qa_opt('smtp_secure')) {
$mailer->SMTPSecure = qa_opt('smtp_secure');
} else {
$mailer->SMTPOptions = array(
'ssl' => array(
'verify_peer' => false,
'verify_peer_name' => false,
'allow_self_signed' => true,
$send_status = $mailer->send();
@error_log('PHP Question2Answer email send error: '.$mailer->ErrorInfo);
if (qa_opt('smtp_authenticate')) {
$mailer->SMTPAuth = true;
$mailer->Username = qa_opt('smtp_username');
$mailer->Password = qa_opt('smtp_password');
return $send_status;
Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output
$send_status = $mailer->send();
if (!$send_status) {
@error_log('PHP Question2Answer email send error: ' . $mailer->ErrorInfo);
return $send_status;
......@@ -20,69 +20,82 @@
More about this license:
if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) { // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
header('Location: ../');
if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) { // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
header('Location: ../');
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'db/events.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/updates.php';
* Add appropriate events to the database for an action performed on a question. The event of type $updatetype relates
* to $lastpostid whose antecedent question is $questionid, and was caused by $lastuserid. Pass a unix $timestamp for
* the event time or leave as null to use now. This will add an event to $questionid's and $lastuserid's streams. If
* $otheruserid is set, it will also add an notification-style event for that user, unless they are the one who did it.
* @param $questionid
* @param $lastpostid
* @param $updatetype
* @param $lastuserid
* @param $otheruserid
* @param $timestamp
function qa_create_event_for_q_user($questionid, $lastpostid, $updatetype, $lastuserid, $otheruserid = null, $timestamp = null)
qa_db_event_create_for_entity(QA_ENTITY_QUESTION, $questionid, $questionid, $lastpostid, $updatetype, $lastuserid, $timestamp); // anyone who favorited the question
if (isset($lastuserid) && !QA_FINAL_EXTERNAL_USERS)
qa_db_event_create_for_entity(QA_ENTITY_USER, $lastuserid, $questionid, $lastpostid, $updatetype, $lastuserid, $timestamp); // anyone who favorited the user who did it
if (isset($otheruserid) && ($otheruserid != $lastuserid))
qa_db_event_create_not_entity($otheruserid, $questionid, $lastpostid, $updatetype, $lastuserid, $timestamp); // possible other user to be informed
* Add appropriate events to the database for an action performed on a set of tags in $tagstring (namely, a question
* being created with those tags or having one of those tags added afterwards). The event of type $updatetype relates
* to the question $questionid, and was caused by $lastuserid. Pass a unix $timestamp for the event time or leave as
* null to use now.
* @param $tagstring
* @param $questionid
* @param $updatetype
* @param $lastuserid
* @param $timestamp
function qa_create_event_for_tags($tagstring, $questionid, $updatetype, $lastuserid, $timestamp = null)
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'util/string.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'db/post-create.php';
$tagwordids = qa_db_word_mapto_ids(array_unique(qa_tagstring_to_tags($tagstring)));
foreach ($tagwordids as $wordid) {
qa_db_event_create_for_entity(QA_ENTITY_TAG, $wordid, $questionid, $questionid, $updatetype, $lastuserid, $timestamp);
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'db/events.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'app/updates.php';
function qa_create_event_for_q_user($questionid, $lastpostid, $updatetype, $lastuserid, $otheruserid=null, $timestamp=null)
Add appropriate events to the database for an action performed on a question. The event of type $updatetype relates
to $lastpostid whose antecedent question is $questionid, and was caused by $lastuserid. Pass a unix $timestamp for
the event time or leave as null to use now. This will add an event to $questionid's and $lastuserid's streams. If
$otheruserid is set, it will also add an notification-style event for that user, unless they are the one who did it.
qa_db_event_create_for_entity(QA_ENTITY_QUESTION, $questionid, $questionid, $lastpostid, $updatetype, $lastuserid, $timestamp); // anyone who favorited the question
if (isset($lastuserid) && !QA_FINAL_EXTERNAL_USERS)
qa_db_event_create_for_entity(QA_ENTITY_USER, $lastuserid, $questionid, $lastpostid, $updatetype, $lastuserid, $timestamp); // anyone who favorited the user who did it
if (isset($otheruserid) && ($otheruserid!=$lastuserid))
qa_db_event_create_not_entity($otheruserid, $questionid, $lastpostid, $updatetype, $lastuserid, $timestamp); // possible other user to be informed
function qa_create_event_for_tags($tagstring, $questionid, $updatetype, $lastuserid, $timestamp=null)
Add appropriate events to the database for an action performed on a set of tags in $tagstring (namely, a question
being created with those tags or having one of those tags added afterwards). The event of type $updatetype relates
to the question $questionid, and was caused by $lastuserid. Pass a unix $timestamp for the event time or leave as
null to use now.
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'util/string.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'db/post-create.php';
foreach ($tagwordids as $wordid)
qa_db_event_create_for_entity(QA_ENTITY_TAG, $wordid, $questionid, $questionid, $updatetype, $lastuserid, $timestamp);
function qa_create_event_for_category($categoryid, $questionid, $updatetype, $lastuserid, $timestamp=null)
Add appropriate events to the database for an action performed on $categoryid (namely, a question being created in
that category or being moved to it later on), along with all of its ancestor categories. The event of type
$updatetype relates to the question $questionid, and was caused by $lastuserid. Pass a unix $timestamp for the event
time or leave as null to use now.
if (isset($categoryid)) {
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'db/selects.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'app/format.php';
$categories=qa_category_path(qa_db_single_select(qa_db_category_nav_selectspec($categoryid, true)), $categoryid);
foreach ($categories as $category)
qa_db_event_create_for_entity(QA_ENTITY_CATEGORY, $category['categoryid'], $questionid, $questionid, $updatetype, $lastuserid, $timestamp);
* Add appropriate events to the database for an action performed on $categoryid (namely, a question being created in
* that category or being moved to it later on), along with all of its ancestor categories. The event of type
* $updatetype relates to the question $questionid, and was caused by $lastuserid. Pass a unix $timestamp for the event
* time or leave as null to use now.
* @param $categoryid
* @param $questionid
* @param $updatetype
* @param $lastuserid
* @param $timestamp
function qa_create_event_for_category($categoryid, $questionid, $updatetype, $lastuserid, $timestamp = null)
if (isset($categoryid)) {
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'db/selects.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/format.php';
$categories = qa_category_path(qa_db_single_select(qa_db_category_nav_selectspec($categoryid, true)), $categoryid);
foreach ($categories as $category) {
qa_db_event_create_for_entity(QA_ENTITY_CATEGORY, $category['categoryid'], $questionid, $questionid, $updatetype, $lastuserid, $timestamp);
Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ function qa_limits_calc_remaining($action, $userlimits, $iplimits)
$period = (int)(qa_opt('db_time') / 3600);
return max(0, min(
$usermax - ((@$userlimits['period'] == $period) ? $userlimits['count'] : 0),
$ipmax - ((@$iplimits['period'] == $period) ? $iplimits['count'] : 0)
$usermax - (@$userlimits['period'] == $period ? $userlimits['count'] : 0),
$ipmax - (@$iplimits['period'] == $period ? $iplimits['count'] : 0)
......@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ function qa_ip_between($ip, $startip, $endip)
if (count($uip) != count($ustartip) || count($uip) != count($uendip))
return false;
foreach ($uip as $i=>$byte) {
foreach ($uip as $i => $byte) {
if ($byte < $ustartip[$i] || $byte > $uendip[$i]) {
return false;
......@@ -20,135 +20,138 @@
More about this license:
if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) { // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
header('Location: ../');
if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) { // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
header('Location: ../');
* Start a mailing to all users, unless one has already been started
function qa_mailing_start()
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'db/admin.php';
if (strlen(qa_opt('mailing_last_userid')) == 0) {
qa_opt('mailing_last_timestamp', time());
qa_opt('mailing_last_userid', '0');
qa_opt('mailing_total_users', qa_db_count_users());
qa_opt('mailing_done_users', 0);
function qa_mailing_start()
Start a mailing to all users, unless one has already been started
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'db/admin.php';
if (strlen(qa_opt('mailing_last_userid'))==0) {
qa_opt('mailing_last_timestamp', time());
qa_opt('mailing_last_userid', '0');
qa_opt('mailing_total_users', qa_db_count_users());
qa_opt('mailing_done_users', 0);
* Stop a mailing to all users
function qa_mailing_stop()
qa_opt('mailing_last_timestamp', '');
qa_opt('mailing_last_userid', '');
qa_opt('mailing_done_users', '');
qa_opt('mailing_total_users', '');
function qa_mailing_stop()
Stop a mailing to all users
qa_opt('mailing_last_timestamp', '');
qa_opt('mailing_last_userid', '');
qa_opt('mailing_done_users', '');
qa_opt('mailing_total_users', '');
* Allow the mailing to proceed forwards, for the appropriate amount of time and users, based on the options
function qa_mailing_perform_step()
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'db/users.php';
$lastuserid = qa_opt('mailing_last_userid');
function qa_mailing_perform_step()
Allow the mailing to proceed forwards, for the appropriate amount of time and users, based on the options
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'db/users.php';
if (strlen($lastuserid)) {
$thistime = time();
$lasttime = qa_opt('mailing_last_timestamp');
$perminute = qa_opt('mailing_per_minute');
if (strlen($lastuserid)) {
if (($lasttime - $thistime) > 60) // if it's been a while, we assume there hasn't been continuous mailing...
$lasttime = $thistime - 1; // ... so only do 1 second's worth
else // otherwise...
$lasttime = max($lasttime, $thistime - 6); // ... don't do more than 6 seconds' worth
if (($lasttime-$thistime)>60) // if it's been a while, we assume there hasn't been continuous mailing...
$lasttime=$thistime-1; // ... so only do 1 second's worth
else // otherwise...
$lasttime=max($lasttime, $thistime-6); // ... don't do more than 6 seconds' worth
$count = min(floor(($thistime - $lasttime) * $perminute / 60), 100); // don't do more than 100 messages at a time
$count=min(floor(($thistime-$lasttime)*$perminute/60), 100); // don't do more than 100 messages at a time
if ($count > 0) {
qa_opt('mailing_last_timestamp', $thistime + 30);
// prevents a parallel call to qa_mailing_perform_step() from sending messages, unless we're very unlucky with timing (poor man's mutex)
if ($count>0) {
qa_opt('mailing_last_timestamp', $thistime+30);
// prevents a parallel call to qa_mailing_perform_step() from sending messages, unless we're very unlucky with timing (poor man's mutex)
$sentusers = 0;
$users = qa_db_users_get_mailing_next($lastuserid, $count);
$users=qa_db_users_get_mailing_next($lastuserid, $count);
if (count($users)) {
foreach ($users as $user) {
$lastuserid = max($lastuserid, $user['userid']);
if (count($users)) {
foreach ($users as $user)
$lastuserid=max($lastuserid, $user['userid']);
qa_opt('mailing_last_userid', $lastuserid);
qa_opt('mailing_done_users', qa_opt('mailing_done_users') + count($users));
qa_opt('mailing_last_userid', $lastuserid);
qa_opt('mailing_done_users', qa_opt('mailing_done_users')+count($users));
foreach ($users as $user) {
if (!($user['flags'] & QA_USER_FLAGS_NO_MAILINGS)) {
qa_mailing_send_one($user['userid'], $user['handle'], $user['email'], $user['emailcode']);
foreach ($users as $user)
if (!($user['flags'] & QA_USER_FLAGS_NO_MAILINGS)) {
qa_mailing_send_one($user['userid'], $user['handle'], $user['email'], $user['emailcode']);
qa_opt('mailing_last_timestamp', $lasttime + $sentusers * 60 / $perminute); // can be floating point result, based on number of mails actually sent
qa_opt('mailing_last_timestamp', $lasttime+$sentusers*60/$perminute); // can be floating point result, based on number of mails actually sent
} else
} else
function qa_mailing_send_one($userid, $handle, $email, $emailcode)
Send a single message from the mailing, to $userid with $handle and $email.
Pass the user's existing $emailcode if there is one, otherwise a new one will be set up
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'app/emails.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'db/users.php';
if (!strlen(trim($emailcode))) {
qa_db_user_set($userid, 'emailcode', $emailcode);
$unsubscribeurl=qa_path_absolute('unsubscribe', array('c' => $emailcode, 'u' => $handle));
return qa_send_email(array(
'fromemail' => qa_opt('mailing_from_email'),
'fromname' => qa_opt('mailing_from_name'),
'toemail' => $email,
'toname' => $handle,
'subject' => qa_opt('mailing_subject'),
'body' => trim(qa_opt('mailing_body'))."\n\n\n".qa_lang('users/unsubscribe').' '.$unsubscribeurl,
'html' => false,
* Send a single message from the mailing, to $userid with $handle and $email.
* Pass the user's existing $emailcode if there is one, otherwise a new one will be set up
* @param $userid
* @param $handle
* @param $email
* @param $emailcode
* @return bool
function qa_mailing_send_one($userid, $handle, $email, $emailcode)
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/emails.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'db/users.php';
if (!strlen(trim($emailcode))) {
$emailcode = qa_db_user_rand_emailcode();
qa_db_user_set($userid, 'emailcode', $emailcode);
function qa_mailing_progress_message()
Return a message describing current progress in the mailing
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/format.php';
if (strlen(qa_opt('mailing_last_userid')))
return strtr(qa_lang('admin/mailing_progress'), array(
'^1' => qa_format_number(qa_opt('mailing_done_users')),
'^2' => qa_format_number(qa_opt('mailing_total_users')),
return null;
$unsubscribeurl = qa_path_absolute('unsubscribe', array('c' => $emailcode, 'u' => $handle));
return qa_send_email(array(
'fromemail' => qa_opt('mailing_from_email'),
'fromname' => qa_opt('mailing_from_name'),
'toemail' => $email,
'toname' => $handle,
'subject' => qa_opt('mailing_subject'),
'body' => trim(qa_opt('mailing_body')) . "\n\n\n" . qa_lang('users/unsubscribe') . ' ' . $unsubscribeurl,
'html' => false,
* Return a message describing current progress in the mailing
function qa_mailing_progress_message()
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/format.php';
if (strlen(qa_opt('mailing_last_userid'))) {
return strtr(qa_lang('admin/mailing_progress'), array(
'^1' => qa_format_number(qa_opt('mailing_done_users')),
'^2' => qa_format_number(qa_opt('mailing_total_users')),
Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output
\ No newline at end of file
return null;
......@@ -20,121 +20,122 @@
More about this license:
if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) { // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
header('Location: ../');
if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) { // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
header('Location: ../');
* Returns $count search results for $query performed by $userid, starting at offset $start. Set $absoluteurls to true
* to get absolute URLs for the results and $fullcontent if the results should include full post content. This calls
* through to the chosen search module, and performs all the necessary post-processing to supplement the results for
* display online or in an RSS feed.
* @param $query
* @param $start
* @param $count
* @param $userid
* @param $absoluteurls
* @param $fullcontent
* @return
function qa_get_search_results($query, $start, $count, $userid, $absoluteurls, $fullcontent)
// Identify which search module should be used
$searchmodules = qa_load_modules_with('search', 'process_search');
if (!count($searchmodules))
qa_fatal_error('No search engine is available');
$module = reset($searchmodules); // use first one by default
if (count($searchmodules) > 1) {
$tryname = qa_opt('search_module'); // use chosen one if it's available
if (isset($searchmodules[$tryname]))
$module = $searchmodules[$tryname];
// Get the results
function qa_get_search_results($query, $start, $count, $userid, $absoluteurls, $fullcontent)
Returns $count search results for $query performed by $userid, starting at offset $start. Set $absoluteurls to true
to get absolute URLs for the results and $fullcontent if the results should include full post content. This calls
through to the chosen search module, and performs all the necessary post-processing to supplement the results for
display online or in an RSS feed.
$results = $module->process_search($query, $start, $count, $userid, $absoluteurls, $fullcontent);
// Identify which search module should be used
// Work out what additional information (if any) we need to retrieve for the results
$searchmodules=qa_load_modules_with('search', 'process_search');
$keypostidgetfull = array();
$keypostidgettype = array();
$keypostidgetquestion = array();
$keypageidgetpage = array();
if (!count($searchmodules))
qa_fatal_error('No search engine is available');
foreach ($results as $result) {
if (isset($result['question_postid']) && !isset($result['question']))
$keypostidgetfull[$result['question_postid']] = true;
$module=reset($searchmodules); // use first one by default
if (isset($result['match_postid'])) {
if (!((isset($result['question_postid'])) || (isset($result['question']))))
$keypostidgetquestion[$result['match_postid']] = true; // we can also get $result['match_type'] from this
if (count($searchmodules)>1) {
$tryname=qa_opt('search_module'); // use chosen one if it's available
if (isset($searchmodules[$tryname]))
elseif (!isset($result['match_type']))
$keypostidgettype[$result['match_postid']] = true;
// Get the results
if (isset($result['page_pageid']) && !isset($result['page']))
$keypageidgetpage[$result['page_pageid']] = true;
$results=$module->process_search($query, $start, $count, $userid, $absoluteurls, $fullcontent);
// Perform the appropriate database queries
// Work out what additional information (if any) we need to retrieve for the results
list($postidfull, $postidtype, $postidquestion, $pageidpage) = qa_db_select_with_pending(
count($keypostidgetfull) ? qa_db_posts_selectspec($userid, array_keys($keypostidgetfull), $fullcontent) : null,
count($keypostidgettype) ? qa_db_posts_basetype_selectspec(array_keys($keypostidgettype)) : null,
count($keypostidgetquestion) ? qa_db_posts_to_qs_selectspec($userid, array_keys($keypostidgetquestion), $fullcontent) : null,
count($keypageidgetpage) ? qa_db_pages_selectspec(null, array_keys($keypageidgetpage)) : null
// Supplement the results as appropriate
foreach ($results as $result) {
if (isset($result['question_postid']) && !isset($result['question']))
foreach ($results as $key => $result) {
if (isset($result['question_postid']) && !isset($result['question']))
if (@$postidfull[$result['question_postid']]['basetype'] == 'Q')
$result['question'] = @$postidfull[$result['question_postid']];
if (isset($result['match_postid'])) {
if (!( (isset($result['question_postid'])) || (isset($result['question'])) ))
$keypostidgetquestion[$result['match_postid']]=true; // we can also get $result['match_type'] from this
if (isset($result['match_postid'])) {
if (!(isset($result['question_postid']) || isset($result['question']))) {
$result['question'] = @$postidquestion[$result['match_postid']];
elseif (!isset($result['match_type']))
if (!isset($result['match_type']))
$result['match_type'] = @$result['question']['obasetype'];
if (isset($result['page_pageid']) && !isset($result['page']))
} elseif (!isset($result['match_type']))
$result['match_type'] = @$postidtype[$result['match_postid']];
// Perform the appropriate database queries
list($postidfull, $postidtype, $postidquestion, $pageidpage)=qa_db_select_with_pending(
count($keypostidgetfull) ? qa_db_posts_selectspec($userid, array_keys($keypostidgetfull), $fullcontent) : null,
count($keypostidgettype) ? qa_db_posts_basetype_selectspec(array_keys($keypostidgettype)) : null,
count($keypostidgetquestion) ? qa_db_posts_to_qs_selectspec($userid, array_keys($keypostidgetquestion), $fullcontent) : null,
count($keypageidgetpage) ? qa_db_pages_selectspec(null, array_keys($keypageidgetpage)) : null
// Supplement the results as appropriate
foreach ($results as $key => $result) {
if (isset($result['question_postid']) && !isset($result['question']))
if (@$postidfull[$result['question_postid']]['basetype']=='Q')
if (isset($result['match_postid'])) {
if (!( (isset($result['question_postid'])) || (isset($result['question'])) )) {
if (isset($result['question']) && !isset($result['question_postid']))
$result['question_postid'] = $result['question']['postid'];
if (!isset($result['match_type']))
if (isset($result['page_pageid']) && !isset($result['page']))
$result['page'] = @$pageidpage[$result['page_pageid']];
} elseif (!isset($result['match_type']))
if (isset($result['question']) && !isset($result['question_postid']))
if (isset($result['page_pageid']) && !isset($result['page']))
if (!isset($result['title'])) {
if (isset($result['question']))
elseif (isset($result['page']))
if (!isset($result['url'])) {
if (isset($result['question']))
$result['url']=qa_q_path($result['question']['postid'], $result['question']['title'],
$absoluteurls, @$result['match_type'], @$result['match_postid']);
elseif (isset($result['page']))
$result['url']=qa_path($result['page']['tags'], null, qa_opt('site_url'));
if (!isset($result['title'])) {
if (isset($result['question']))
$result['title'] = $result['question']['title'];
elseif (isset($result['page']))
$result['title'] = $result['page']['heading'];
// Return the results
if (!isset($result['url'])) {
if (isset($result['question']))
$result['url'] = qa_q_path($result['question']['postid'], $result['question']['title'],
$absoluteurls, @$result['match_type'], @$result['match_postid']);
elseif (isset($result['page']))
$result['url'] = qa_path($result['page']['tags'], null, qa_opt('site_url'));
return $results;
$results[$key] = $result;
// Return the results
Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output
\ No newline at end of file
return $results;
......@@ -20,39 +20,35 @@
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if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) { // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
header('Location: ../');
if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) { // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
header('Location: ../');
// Character codes for the different types of entity that can be followed (entitytype columns)
// Character codes for the different types of entity that can be followed (entitytype columns)
define('QA_ENTITY_QUESTION', 'Q');
define('QA_ENTITY_USER', 'U');
define('QA_ENTITY_TAG', 'T');
define('QA_ENTITY_CATEGORY', 'C');
define('QA_ENTITY_NONE', '-');
define('QA_ENTITY_QUESTION', 'Q');
define('QA_ENTITY_USER', 'U');
define('QA_ENTITY_TAG', 'T');
define('QA_ENTITY_CATEGORY', 'C');
define('QA_ENTITY_NONE', '-');
// Character codes for the different types of updates on a post (updatetype columns)
// Character codes for the different types of updates on a post (updatetype columns)
define('QA_UPDATE_CATEGORY', 'A'); // questions only, category changed
define('QA_UPDATE_CLOSED', 'C'); // questions only, closed or reopened
define('QA_UPDATE_CONTENT', 'E'); // title or content edited
define('QA_UPDATE_PARENT', 'M'); // e.g. comment moved when converting its parent answer to a comment
define('QA_UPDATE_SELECTED', 'S'); // answers only, removed if unselected
define('QA_UPDATE_TAGS', 'T'); // questions only
define('QA_UPDATE_TYPE', 'Y'); // e.g. answer to comment
define('QA_UPDATE_VISIBLE', 'H'); // hidden or reshown
define('QA_UPDATE_CATEGORY', 'A'); // questions only, category changed
define('QA_UPDATE_CLOSED', 'C'); // questions only, closed or reopened
define('QA_UPDATE_CONTENT', 'E'); // title or content edited
define('QA_UPDATE_PARENT', 'M'); // e.g. comment moved when converting its parent answer to a comment
define('QA_UPDATE_SELECTED', 'S'); // answers only, removed if unselected
define('QA_UPDATE_TAGS', 'T'); // questions only
define('QA_UPDATE_TYPE', 'Y'); // e.g. answer to comment
define('QA_UPDATE_VISIBLE', 'H'); // hidden or reshown
// Character codes for types of update that only appear in the streams tables, not on the posts themselves
// Character codes for types of update that only appear in the streams tables, not on the posts themselves
define('QA_UPDATE_FOLLOWS', 'F'); // if a new question was asked related to one of its answers, or for a comment that follows another
define('QA_UPDATE_C_FOR_Q', 'U'); // if comment created was on a question of the user whose stream this appears in
define('QA_UPDATE_C_FOR_A', 'N'); // if comment created was on an answer of the user whose stream this appears in
Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output
\ No newline at end of file
define('QA_UPDATE_FOLLOWS', 'F'); // if a new question was asked related to one of its answers, or for a comment that follows another
define('QA_UPDATE_C_FOR_Q', 'U'); // if comment created was on a question of the user whose stream this appears in
define('QA_UPDATE_C_FOR_A', 'N'); // if comment created was on an answer of the user whose stream this appears in
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