qa_db_event_create_for_entity(QA_ENTITY_QUESTION,$questionid,$questionid,$lastpostid,$updatetype,$lastuserid,$timestamp);// anyone who favorited the question
qa_db_event_create_for_entity(QA_ENTITY_USER,$lastuserid,$questionid,$lastpostid,$updatetype,$lastuserid,$timestamp);// anyone who favorited the user who did it
Add appropriate events to the database for an action performed on a question. The event of type $updatetype relates
to $lastpostid whose antecedent question is $questionid, and was caused by $lastuserid. Pass a unix $timestamp for
the event time or leave as null to use now. This will add an event to $questionid's and $lastuserid's streams. If
$otheruserid is set, it will also add an notification-style event for that user, unless they are the one who did it.
qa_db_event_create_for_entity(QA_ENTITY_QUESTION,$questionid,$questionid,$lastpostid,$updatetype,$lastuserid,$timestamp);// anyone who favorited the question
qa_db_event_create_for_entity(QA_ENTITY_USER,$lastuserid,$questionid,$lastpostid,$updatetype,$lastuserid,$timestamp);// anyone who favorited the user who did it