qa-lang-misc.php 5.73 KB
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	Question2Answer by Gideon Greenspan and contributors

	File: qa-include/qa-lang-misc.php
	Description: Miscellaneous language phrases

	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
	as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
	of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	More about this license:

	return array(
		'block_ip_button' => 'Block IP address',
		'browse_categories' => 'Browse categories',
		'captcha_approve_fix' => 'This verification will stop appearing once your account is approved.',
		'captcha_confirm_fix' => 'To avoid this verification in future, please ^5confirm your email address^6.',
		'captcha_error' => 'Please complete the anti-spam verification',
		'captcha_label' => 'Anti-spam verification:',
		'captcha_login_fix' => 'To avoid this verification in future, please ^1log in^2 or ^3register^4.',
		'feed_a_edited_prefix' => 'Answer edited: ',
		'feed_a_prefix' => 'Answered: ',
		'feed_a_reshown_prefix' => 'Answer reshown: ',
		'feed_a_selected_prefix' => 'Answer selected: ',
		'feed_c_edited_prefix' => 'Comment edited: ',
		'feed_c_moved_prefix' => 'Comment moved: ',
		'feed_c_prefix' => 'Commented: ',
		'feed_c_reshown_prefix' => 'Comment reshown: ',
		'feed_closed_prefix' => 'Closed: ',
		'feed_edited_prefix' => 'Edited: ',
		'feed_hidden_prefix' => 'Hidden: ',
		'feed_not_found' => 'Feed not found',
		'feed_recategorized_prefix' => 'Recategorized: ',
		'feed_reopened_prefix' => 'Reopened: ',
		'feed_reshown_prefix' => 'Reshown: ',
		'feed_retagged_prefix' => 'Retagged: ',
		'feedback_email' => 'Your email: (optional)',
		'feedback_empty' => 'Please use this field to send some comments or suggestions',
		'feedback_message' => 'Your comments or suggestions for ^:',
		'feedback_name' => 'Your name: (optional)',
		'feedback_sent' => 'Your message below was sent - thank you.',
		'feedback_title' => 'Send feedback',
		'form_security_again' => 'Please click again to confirm',
		'form_security_reload' => 'Please reload the page then try again',
		'hide_all_ip_button' => 'Hide all posts from this IP',
		'host_name' => 'Host name:',
		'inbox' => 'Inbox',
		'matches_blocked_ips' => 'Matches blocked IP addresses:',
		'message_empty' => 'Please enter your message to send to this user',
		'message_explanation' => 'This will be sent as a notification from ^. Your email address will not be revealed unless you include it in the message.',
		'message_for_x' => 'Your message for ^:',
		'message_limit' => 'You cannot send more private messages this hour',
		'message_must_login' => 'Please ^1log in^2 or ^3register^4 to send private messages.',
		'message_recent_history' => 'Recent correspondence with ^',
		'message_sent' => 'Your private message below was sent',
		'more_favorite_qs' => 'More favorite questions...',
		'more_favorite_tags' => 'More favorite tags...',
		'more_favorite_users' => 'More favorite users...',
		'my_favorites_title' => 'My favorites',
		'nav_all_my_updates' => 'All my updates',
		'nav_my_content' => 'My content',
		'nav_my_details' => 'My account',
		'nav_my_favorites' => 'My favorites',
		'nav_user_activity' => 'Recent activity',
		'nav_user_as' => 'All answers',
		'nav_user_pms' => 'Private messages',
		'nav_user_qs' => 'All questions',
		'nav_user_wall' => 'Wall',
		'no_activity_from_x' => 'No activity from ^',
		'no_favorite_categories' => 'No favorite categories',
		'no_favorite_qs' => 'No favorite questions',
		'no_favorite_tags' => 'No favorite tags',
		'no_favorite_users' => 'No favorite users',
		'no_recent_updates' => 'No recent updates',
		'no_updates_content' => 'No recent updates for my content',
		'no_updates_favorites' => 'No updates for my favorites',
		'outbox' => 'Sent items',
		'pm_inbox_title' => 'Private messages received',
		'pm_outbox_title' => 'Private messages sent',
Scott committed
		'private_message_title' => 'Send a private message',
Scott committed
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123
		'recent_activity_from_x' => 'Recent activity from ^',
		'recent_updates_content' => 'Recent updates for my content',
		'recent_updates_favorites' => 'Recent updates for my favorites',
		'recent_updates_title' => 'Recent updates for me',
		'site_in_maintenance' => 'This site is currently down for maintenance - please come back soon.',
		'suggest_favorites_add' => 'To add a question or other item to your favorites, click the ^ at the top of its page.',
		'suggest_update_favorites' => 'For more updates, add items to ^1your favorites^2.',
		'unblock_ip_button' => 'Unblock IP address',
		'your_a_commented' => 'your answer commented',
		'your_a_edited' => 'your answer edited',
		'your_a_hidden' => 'your answer hidden',
		'your_a_questioned' => 'asked on your answer',
		'your_a_reshown' => 'your answer reshown',
		'your_a_selected' => 'your answer selected',
		'your_c_edited' => 'your comment edited',
		'your_c_followed' => 'your comment followed',
		'your_c_hidden' => 'your comment hidden',
		'your_c_moved' => 'your comment moved',
		'your_c_reshown' => 'your comment reshown',
		'your_q_answered' => 'your question answered',
		'your_q_closed' => 'your question closed',
		'your_q_commented' => 'your question commented',
		'your_q_edited' => 'your question edited',
		'your_q_hidden' => 'your question hidden',
		'your_q_recategorized' => 'your question recategorized',
		'your_q_reopened' => 'your question reopened',
		'your_q_reshown' => 'your question reshown',
		'your_q_retagged' => 'your question retagged',

	Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output
Gideon Greenspan committed