Commit 6a62c693 by Scott

Fix language strings ordering

Closes #196.
parent cd542c7d
......@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@
'add_widget_button' => 'Add Widget',
'add_widget_link' => ' - ^1add widget^2',
'admin_title' => 'Administration center',
'approve_user_popup' => 'Approve user',
'after_footer' => 'After links in footer',
'after_main_menu' => 'After tabs at top',
'after_x_tab' => 'After "^" tab',
'after_x' => 'After "^"',
'moderate_title' => 'Moderate',
'after_x_tab' => 'After "^" tab',
'approve_user_popup' => 'Approve user',
'approve_users_title' => 'Approve users',
'basic_editor' => 'Basic Editor',
'before_main_menu' => 'Before tabs at top',
'blobs_directory_error' => 'The directory ^ defined as QA_BLOBS_DIRECTORY is not writable by the web server.',
......@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@
'block_user_popup' => 'Block user',
'block_words_note' => 'Use a * to match any letters. Examples: doh (will only match exact word doh) , doh* (will match doh or dohno) , do*h (will match doh, dooh, dough).',
'cancel_mailing_button' => 'Cancel Mailing',
'categories' => 'Categories',
'categories_introduction' => 'To get started with categories, click the \'Add Category\' button.',
'categories_not_shown' => 'Some questions have categories which will not be displayed.',
'categories_title' => 'Categories',
'categories' => 'Categories',
'category_add_sub' => 'add sub-category',
'category_added' => 'Category added',
'category_already_used' => 'This is already being used by a category',
......@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@
'category_description' => 'Optional category description:',
'category_max_depth_x' => 'Some options may be hidden to prevent a category going deeper than ^ levels.',
'category_move_parent' => 'move to different parent',
'category_name_first' => 'Name of first category:',
'category_name' => 'Category name:',
'category_name_first' => 'Name of first category:',
'category_no_add_subs_x' => 'This category cannot have sub-categories because it is already ^ levels down.',
'category_no_delete_subs' => 'This category cannot be deleted because it has a sub-category.',
'category_no_sub_error' => '^q question/s in this category have no sub-category - ^1set sub-category^2',
......@@ -83,12 +83,12 @@
'check_language_suffix' => ' - ^1check language files^2',
'click_name_edit' => 'Custom pages or links:',
'database_cleanup' => 'Database clean-up operations',
'delete_category_reassign' => 'Delete this category and reassign its questions to:',
'delete_category' => 'Delete this category',
'delete_category_reassign' => 'Delete this category and reassign its questions to:',
'delete_field' => 'Delete this field',
'delete_hidden' => 'Delete hidden posts',
'delete_hidden_complete' => 'All hidden posts without dependents have been deleted',
'delete_hidden_note' => ' - all hidden questions, answer and comments without dependents',
'delete_hidden' => 'Delete hidden posts',
'delete_link' => 'Delete this link',
'delete_page' => 'Delete this page',
'delete_stop' => 'Stop deleting',
......@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@
'edit_title' => ' - ^1edit title^2',
'emails_per_minute' => 'emails per minute',
'emails_title' => 'Emails',
'feed_link_example' => 'Example feed',
'feed_link' => 'Feed',
'feed_link_example' => 'Example feed',
'feeds_title' => 'RSS feeds',
'field_link_url' => 'Linked URL',
'field_multi_line' => 'Multiple lines of text',
......@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@
'hidden_answers_deleted' => 'Deleted ^1 of ^2 hidden answers without dependents...',
'hidden_comments_deleted' => 'Deleted ^1 of ^2 hidden comments...',
'hidden_questions_deleted' => 'Deleted ^1 of ^2 hidden questions without dependents...',
'hotness_factors' => 'Relative importance for question hotness:',
'hidden_title' => 'Hidden',
'hotness_factors' => 'Relative importance for question hotness:',
'ip_address_pages' => 'IP address pages',
'layout_title' => 'Layout',
'link_name' => 'Text of link:',
......@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
'mailing_unsubscribe' => 'An unsubscribe link will be added at the bottom of every message.',
'maintenance_admin_only' => 'Your site is in ^1maintenance^2 and is currently inaccessible to regular users.',
'maximum_x' => ' (max ^)',
'approve_users_title' => 'Approve users',
'moderate_title' => 'Moderate',
'module_x_database_init' => 'The ^1 ^2 module requires some ^3database initialization^4.',
'most_flagged_title' => 'Flagged content',
'mysql_version' => 'MySQL version:',
......@@ -151,9 +151,9 @@
'no_unapproved_found' => 'No users waiting for approval',
'not_logged_in' => 'Please ^1log in^2 as the administrator to access this page.',
'opposite_main_menu' => 'Far end of tabs at top',
'options' => 'options',
'options_reset' => 'Options reset',
'options_saved' => 'Options saved',
'options' => 'options',
'page_already_used' => 'This is already being used by a page',
'page_content_html' => 'Content to display in page - HTML allowed:',
'page_default_slug' => 'page-^',
......@@ -172,10 +172,10 @@
'plugin_module' => ' (plugin module: ^)',
'plugin_pages_explanation' => 'Pages available via plugins:',
'plugins_title' => 'Plugins',
'points' => 'points',
'points_defaults_shown' => 'Defaults shown below but NOT YET APPLIED:',
'points_required' => 'Points required to receive title:',
'points_title' => 'Points',
'points' => 'points',
'position' => 'Position:',
'posting_title' => 'Posting',
'profile_fields' => 'Extra fields on user pages or registration form:',
......@@ -186,31 +186,31 @@
'q2a_version' => 'Question2Answer version:',
'question_lists' => 'Question lists',
'question_pages' => 'Question pages',
'recalc_categories' => 'Recalculate categories',
'recalc_categories_backpaths' => 'Recalculating URL paths for ^1 of ^2 categories...',
'recalc_categories_complete' => 'All categories were successfully recalculated.',
'recalc_categories_note' => ' - for post categories and category counts',
'recalc_categories_recounting' => 'Recounting questions for ^1 of ^2 categories...',
'recalc_categories_updated' => 'Recalculated for ^1 of ^2 posts...',
'recalc_categories' => 'Recalculate categories',
'recalc_points' => 'Recalculate user points',
'recalc_points_complete' => 'All user points were successfully recalculated.',
'recalc_points_note' => ' - for user ranking and points displays',
'recalc_points_recalced' => 'Recalculated for ^1 of ^2 users...',
'recalc_points_usercount' => 'Estimating total number of users...',
'recalc_points' => 'Recalculate user points',
'recalc_posts_count' => 'Getting total number of questions, answers and comments...',
'recalc_stop' => 'Stop recalculating',
'recent_approve_title' => 'Recent content waiting for approval',
'recent_hidden_title' => 'Recent hidden content',
'recount_posts' => 'Recount posts',
'recount_posts_as_recounted' => 'Recounted answers and hotness for ^1 of ^2 posts...',
'recount_posts_complete' => 'All posts were successfully recounted.',
'recount_posts_note' => ' - the number of answers, votes, flags and hotness for each post',
'recount_posts_stop' => 'Stop recounting',
'recount_posts_votes_recounted' => 'Recounted votes and flags for ^1 of ^2 posts...',
'recount_posts' => 'Recount posts',
'refill_events' => 'Refill event streams',
'refill_events_complete' => 'All events streams were successfully refilled',
'refill_events_note' => ' - for each user\'s list of updates',
'refill_events_refilled' => 'Refilled for ^1 of ^2 questions...',
'refill_events' => 'Refill event streams',
'registration_fields' => 'add registration fields',
'reindex_content' => 'Reindex content',
'reindex_content_note' => ' - for searching and related question suggestions',
......@@ -237,9 +237,9 @@
'stats_title' => 'Stats',
'stop_recalc_warning' => 'A database clean-up operation is running. If you close this page now, the operation will be interrupted.',
'tag_pages' => 'Tag pages',
'tags' => 'Tags',
'tags_and_categories' => 'Tags and Categories',
'tags_not_shown' => 'Some questions have tags which will not be displayed.',
'tags' => 'Tags',
'test_sent_to_x' => 'The test message was sent to ^',
'title_already_used' => 'This value is already being used by another title',
'top_level_categories' => 'Top level categories:',
......@@ -259,10 +259,10 @@
'users_title' => 'Users',
'users_voted' => 'Users who voted:',
'version_get_x' => 'get ^',
'version_latest' => 'latest',
'version_latest_unknown' => 'latest unknown',
'version_requires_php' => '^1 requires PHP ^2',
'version_requires_q2a' => '^1 requires Q2A ^2',
'version_latest_unknown' => 'latest unknown',
'version_latest' => 'latest',
'viewing_title' => 'Viewing',
'widget_all_pages' => 'Show widget in this position on all available pages',
'widget_global_options' => ' - ^1options^2',
......@@ -71,14 +71,14 @@
'to_handle_prefix' => "^,\n\n",
'u_registered_body' => "A new user has registered as ^u_handle.\n\nClick below to view the user profile:\n\n^url\n\nThank you,\n\n^site_title",
'u_to_approve_body' => "A new user has registered as ^u_handle.\n\nClick below to approve the user:\n\n^url\n\nClick below to review all users waiting for approval:\n\n^a_url\n\nThank you,\n\n^site_title",
'u_registered_subject' => '^site_title has a new registered user',
'u_to_approve_body' => "A new user has registered as ^u_handle.\n\nClick below to approve the user:\n\n^url\n\nClick below to review all users waiting for approval:\n\n^a_url\n\nThank you,\n\n^site_title",
'u_approved_body' => "You can see your new user profile here:\n\n^url\n\nThank you,\n\n^site_title",
'u_approved_subject' => 'Your ^site_title user has been approved',
'wall_post_subject' => 'Post on your ^site_title wall',
'wall_post_body' => "^f_handle has posted on your user wall at ^site_title:\n\n^open^post^close\n\nYou may respond to the post here:\n\n^url\n\nThank you,\n\n^site_title",
'wall_post_subject' => 'Post on your ^site_title wall',
'welcome_body' => "Thank you for registering for ^site_title.\n\n^custom^confirmYour login details are as follows:\n\nUsername: ^handle\nEmail: ^email\n\nPlease keep this information safe for future reference.\n\nThank you,\n\n^site_title\n^url",
'welcome_confirm' => "Please click below to confirm your email address.\n\n^url\n\n",
......@@ -47,11 +47,11 @@
'answer_edited' => 'answer edited',
'answer_reshown' => 'answer reshown',
'answer_selected' => 'answer selected',
'answered' => 'answered',
'answered_qs_in_x' => 'Most answered questions in ^',
'answered_qs_title' => 'Most answered questions',
'answered' => 'answered',
'asked_related_q' => 'asked related question',
'asked' => 'asked',
'asked_related_q' => 'asked related question',
'by_x' => 'by ^',
'cancel_button' => 'Cancel',
'closed' => 'closed',
......@@ -90,10 +90,10 @@
'ip_address_x' => 'IP address ^',
'logged_in_x' => 'Hello ^',
'max_length_x' => 'Maximum length is ^ characters',
'max_upload_size_x' => 'Maximum upload size is ^',
'me' => 'me',
'meta_order' => '^what^when^where^who', // you can reorder but DO NOT translate! e.g. <answered> <15 hours ago> <in Problems> <by me (500 points)>
'min_length_x' => 'Please provide more information - at least ^ characters',
'max_upload_size_x' => 'Maximum upload size is ^',
'moved' => 'moved',
'nav_activity' => 'All Activity',
'nav_admin' => 'Admin',
......@@ -167,8 +167,8 @@
'since_x' => 'since ^',
'suggest_ask' => 'Help get things started by ^1asking a question^2.',
'suggest_category_qs' => 'To see more, click for all the ^1questions in this category^2.',
'suggest_qs_tags' => 'To see more, click for the ^1full list of questions^2 or ^3popular tags^4.',
'suggest_qs' => 'To see more, click for the ^1full list of questions^2.',
'suggest_qs_tags' => 'To see more, click for the ^1full list of questions^2 or ^3popular tags^4.',
'to_x' => 'to ^',
'unanswered_qs_in_x' => 'Questions without answers in ^',
'unanswered_qs_title' => 'Recent questions without answers',
......@@ -85,9 +85,9 @@
'no_updates_content' => 'No recent updates for my content',
'no_updates_favorites' => 'No updates for my favorites',
'outbox' => 'Sent items',
'private_message_title' => 'Send a private message',
'pm_inbox_title' => 'Private messages received',
'pm_outbox_title' => 'Private messages sent',
'private_message_title' => 'Send a private message',
'recent_activity_from_x' => 'Recent activity from ^',
'recent_updates_content' => 'Recent updates for my content',
'recent_updates_favorites' => 'Recent updates for my favorites',
......@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
'allow_no_category' => 'Allow questions with no category',
'allow_no_sub_category' => 'Allow questions with a category but no sub-category',
'allow_private_messages' => 'Enable private messaging between users:',
'allow_user_walls' => 'Enable wall posts on user profiles:',
'allow_self_answer' => 'Allow users to answer their own question:',
'allow_user_walls' => 'Enable wall posts on user profiles:',
'allow_view_q_bots' => 'Allow search engines to view question pages',
'approve_user_required' => 'All new users must be approved:',
'avatar_allow_gravatar' => 'Allow ^1Gravatar^2 avatars:',
......@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@
'editor_for_qs' => 'Default editor for questions:',
'email_privacy' => 'Privacy note for email addresses - HTML allowed:',
'extra_field_active' => 'Custom field for extra information on ask form:',
'extra_field_display_label' => 'Show the extra information on question pages with label:',
'extra_field_display' => 'Show the extra information on question pages',
'extra_field_display_label' => 'Show the extra information on question pages with label:',
'feed_for_activity' => 'Feed for recent activity:',
'feed_for_hot' => 'Feed for hot questions:',
'feed_for_qa' => 'Feed for recent questions and answers:',
......@@ -185,8 +185,8 @@
'permit_editors' => 'Editors, Moderators, Admins',
'permit_experts' => 'Experts, Editors, Moderators, Admins',
'permit_moderators' => 'Moderators and Admins',
'permit_points_confirmed' => 'Registered & email confirmed & enough points',
'permit_points' => 'Registered users with enough points',
'permit_points_confirmed' => 'Registered & email confirmed & enough points',
'permit_see_emails' => 'Viewing user email addresses:',
'permit_supers' => 'Super Administrators',
'permit_users' => 'Registered users',
......@@ -238,7 +238,6 @@
'show_custom_sidebar' => 'Custom HTML in sidebar box on every page:',
'show_custom_sidepanel' => 'Custom HTML in side panel on every page:',
'show_custom_welcome' => 'Custom message in email sent to new registered users:',
'show_post_update_meta' => 'Show edits/updates in post meta:',
'show_fewer_cs_count' => 'If partially hidden, show most recent:',
'show_fewer_cs_from' => 'Partially hide comments if more than:',
'show_full_date_days' => 'Show full date after:',
......@@ -248,13 +247,14 @@
'show_never' => 'Never',
'show_notice_visitor' => 'Notice at top for first time visitors - HTML allowed:',
'show_notice_welcome' => 'Notice at top for new registered users - HTML allowed:',
'show_post_update_meta' => 'Show edits/updates in post meta:',
'show_register_terms' => 'Terms & Conditions checkbox on registration form - HTML allowed:',
'show_selected_first' => 'Move selected answer to the top:',
'show_url_links' => 'Detect and link URLs in posts:',
'show_user_points' => 'Show points next to usernames:',
'show_user_titles' => 'Show titles next to usernames:',
'show_view_counts' => 'Show view count in question lists:',
'show_view_count_q_page' => 'Show view count on question pages:',
'show_view_counts' => 'Show view count in question lists:',
'show_when_created' => 'Show age of user posts:',
'site_language' => 'Site language:',
'site_maintenance' => 'Take site down for temporary maintenance',
......@@ -268,8 +268,8 @@
'smtp_authenticate' => 'Send SMTP username and password',
'smtp_password' => 'SMTP password:',
'smtp_port' => 'SMTP server port:',
'smtp_secure_none' => 'None',
'smtp_secure' => 'SMTP secure connection:',
'smtp_secure_none' => 'None',
'smtp_username' => 'SMTP username:',
'sort_answers_by' => 'Sort answers by:',
'sort_time' => 'Time',
......@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@
'1_up_vote' => '1 up vote',
'1_with_best_chosen' => ' (1 with best answer chosen)',
'activity_by_x' => 'Activity by ^',
'answers_by_x' => 'Answers by ^',
'answers' => 'Answers:',
'answers_by_x' => 'Answers by ^',
'bonus_points' => 'Bonus points:',
'comments' => 'Comments:',
'delete_wall_post_popup' => 'Delete this wall post',
'delete_pm_popup' => 'Delete this private message',
'delete_wall_post_popup' => 'Delete this wall post',
'extra_privileges' => 'Extra privileges:',
'gave_out' => 'Gave out:',
'my_account_title' => 'My account',
......@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@
'post_wall_must_be_approved' => 'Your account must be approved to post on this wall.',
'post_wall_must_confirm' => 'Please ^5confirm your email address^6 to post on this wall.',
'post_wall_must_login' => 'Please ^1log in^2 or ^3register^4 to post on this wall.',
'questions_by_x' => 'Questions by ^',
'questions' => 'Questions:',
'questions_by_x' => 'Questions by ^',
'ranked_x' => ' (ranked #^)',
'received' => 'Received:',
'recent_activity_by_x' => 'Recent activity by ^',
......@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@
return array(
'1_answer_title' => '1 Answer',
'a_convert_to_c_on' => 'Convert this answer into a comment on:',
'a_convert_to_c' => 'Convert this answer into a comment',
'a_convert_warn_cs' => 'Warning: This conversion cannot be reversed and will also move this answer\'s comments.',
'a_convert_to_c_on' => 'Convert this answer into a comment on:',
'a_convert_warn' => 'Warning: This conversion cannot be reversed.',
'a_convert_warn_cs' => 'Warning: This conversion cannot be reversed and will also move this answer\'s comments.',
'a_notify_email' => 'Email me at this address if my answer is selected or commented on:',
'a_notify_label' => 'Email me if my answer is selected or commented on',
'a_notify_x_label' => 'Email me (^) if my answer is selected or commented on',
......@@ -59,18 +59,18 @@
'c_notify_x_label' => 'Email me (^) if a comment is added after mine',
'c_waiting_your_approval' => 'This comment is waiting for your approval',
'c_your_waiting_approval' => 'Your comment will be checked and approved shortly.',
'category_ask_not_allowed' => 'You do not have permission to ask questions in this category',
'category_js_note' => 'To select any category, please enable Javascript in your web browser.',
'category_required' => 'Please choose a category',
'category_ask_not_allowed' => 'You do not have permission to ask questions in this category',
'claim_button' => 'I wrote this',
'claim_a_popup' => 'Assign this answer to your user account',
'claim_button' => 'I wrote this',
'claim_c_popup' => 'Assign this comment to your user account',
'claim_q_popup' => 'Assign this question to your user account',
'clear_flags_button' => 'clear flags',
'clear_flags_popup' => 'Remove flags by all users',
'close_button' => 'close',
'close_duplicate_error' => 'The duplicate question could not be found - please try entering the number from a different question URL, e.g. 123.',
'close_duplicate' => 'This is a duplicate of another question',
'close_duplicate_error' => 'The duplicate question could not be found - please try entering the number from a different question URL, e.g. 123.',
'close_form_button' => 'Close question',
'close_form_title' => 'Close this question',
'close_original_note' => 'You can also enter the question number from the URL, e.g. 123.',
......@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@
'login_button' => 'Log In',
'login_limit' => 'Too many login attempts - please try again in an hour',
'login_title' => 'Log in',
'mass_mailings_explanation' => 'Subscribe to emails sent out to all users',
'mass_mailings' => 'Mass mailings:',
'mass_mailings_explanation' => 'Subscribe to emails sent out to all users',
'member_for' => 'Member for:',
'member_type' => 'Type:',
'new_password_1' => 'New password:',
......@@ -98,19 +98,17 @@
'password_sent' => 'Your new password was emailed to you',
'password_to_set' => 'Please set on your account page',
'password_wrong' => 'Password not correct',
'private_messages_explanation' => 'Allow users to email you (without seeing your address)',
'private_messages' => 'Private messages:',
'private_messages_explanation' => 'Allow users to email you (without seeing your address)',
'profile_saved' => 'Profile saved',
'wall_posts' => 'Wall posts:',
'wall_posts_explanation' => 'Allow users to post on your wall (you will also be emailed)',
'register_button' => 'Register',
'register_limit' => 'Too many registrations - please try again in an hour',
'register_suspended' => 'Registration of new users has been temporarily suspended. Please try again soon.',
'register_title' => 'Register as a new user',
'registered_label' => 'Registered:',
'registered_user' => 'Registered user',
'remember_label' => 'Remember me on this computer',
'remember' => 'Remember',
'remember_label' => 'Remember me on this computer',
'remove_avatar' => 'Remove avatar:',
'reset_code_another' => 'send another',
'reset_code_emailed' => 'You have been emailed your reset code',
......@@ -126,12 +124,14 @@
'special_users' => 'Special users',
'terms_not_accepted' => 'You must tick this.',
'unblock_user_button' => 'Unblock User',
'unsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe:',
'unsubscribe_complete' => 'You have been unsubscribed from mass mailings sent out by ^0. You may resubscribe at any time via your ^1account^2 page.',
'unsubscribe_title' => 'Unsubscribe',
'unsubscribe_wrong_log_in' => 'Code not correct - please ^1log in^2 to unsubscribe',
'unsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe:',
'user_blocked' => '(blocked)',
'user_not_found' => 'User not found',
'wall_posts' => 'Wall posts:',
'wall_posts_explanation' => 'Allow users to post on your wall (you will also be emailed)',
'website' => 'Website',
'x_ago_from_y' => '^1 ago from ^2',
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