qa-lang-admin.php 15 KB
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Scott committed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
	Question2Answer by Gideon Greenspan and contributors

	Description: Language phrases for admin center

	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
	as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
	of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	More about this license:

Scott committed
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
return array(
	'active_widgets_explanation' => 'Currently active widgets:',
	'add_category_button' => 'Add Category',
	'add_field_button' => 'Add Field',
	'add_link_button' => 'Add Link',
	'add_link_link' => ' - ^1add link^2',
	'add_new_field' => 'Add new field',
	'add_new_title' => 'Add new title',
	'add_page_button' => 'Add Page',
	'add_title_button' => 'Add Title',
	'add_widget_button' => 'Add Widget',
	'add_widget_link' => ' - ^1add widget^2',
	'admin_title' => 'Administration center',
	'after_footer' => 'After links in footer',
	'after_main_menu' => 'After tabs at top',
	'after_x' => 'After "^"',
	'after_x_tab' => 'After "^" tab',
	'approve_user_popup' => 'Approve user',
	'approve_users_title' => 'Approve users',
	'basic_editor' => 'Basic Editor',
	'before_main_menu' => 'Before tabs at top',
	'blobs_directory_error' => 'The directory ^ defined as QA_BLOBS_DIRECTORY is not writable by the web server.',
	'blobs_move_complete' => 'Migration of uploaded images and documents completed.',
	'blobs_move_moved' => 'Migration ^1 of ^2 uploaded images and documents',
	'blobs_stop' => 'Stop migrating',
	'blobs_to_db' => 'Blobs to database',
	'blobs_to_db_note' => '- migrate all uploaded images and documents from disk files to the database',
	'blobs_to_disk' => 'Blobs to disk',
	'blobs_to_disk_note' => '- migrate all uploaded images and documents from the database to disk files',
	'block_button' => 'block',
	'block_ips_note' => 'Use a hyphen for ranges or * to match any number. Examples: , , 192.168.0.*',
	'block_user_popup' => 'Block user',
	'block_words_note' => 'Use a * to match any letters. Examples: doh (will only match exact word doh) , doh* (will match doh or dohno) , do*h (will match doh, dooh, dough).',
Scott committed
55 56 57 58 59
	'caching_cleanup' => 'Caching clean-up operations',
	'caching_delete_all' => 'Delete entire cache',
	'caching_delete_complete' => 'Cache successfully deleted',
	'caching_delete_expired' => 'Delete expired cache',
	'caching_delete_progress' => 'Deleted ^1 of ^2 cache files...',
Scott committed
	'caching_dir_error' => 'The directory ^ defined as QA_CACHE_DIRECTORY is not writable by the web server.',
Scott committed
	'caching_dir_missing' => 'Cache directory has not been defined.',
Scott committed
	'caching_dir_public' => 'The directory ^ defined as QA_CACHE_DIRECTORY must be outside the public root.',
Scott committed
63 64
	'caching_num_items' => 'Number of items in cache',
	'caching_space_used' => 'Total size of cache',
Scott committed
65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205
	'caching_title' => 'Caching',
	'cancel_mailing_button' => 'Cancel Mailing',
	'categories' => 'Categories',
	'categories_introduction' => 'To get started with categories, click the \'Add Category\' button.',
	'categories_not_shown' => 'Some questions have categories which will not be displayed.',
	'categories_title' => 'Categories',
	'category_add_sub' => 'add sub-category',
	'category_added' => 'Category added',
	'category_already_used' => 'This is already being used by a category',
	'category_default_slug' => 'category-^',
	'category_description' => 'Optional category description:',
	'category_max_depth_x' => 'Some options may be hidden to prevent a category going deeper than ^ levels.',
	'category_move_parent' => 'move to different parent',
	'category_name' => 'Category name:',
	'category_name_first' => 'Name of first category:',
	'category_no_add_subs_x' => 'This category cannot have sub-categories because it is already ^ levels down.',
	'category_no_delete_subs' => 'This category cannot be deleted because it has a sub-category.',
	'category_no_sub_error' => '^q question/s in this category have no sub-category - ^1set sub-category^2',
	'category_no_sub_to' => 'Move questions in ^ with no sub-category to:',
	'category_no_subs' => 'None',
	'category_none_error' => '^q question/s currently have no category - ^1set category^2',
	'category_none_to' => 'Move questions with no category to:',
	'category_parent' => 'Parent category:',
	'category_saved' => 'Category saved',
	'category_slug' => 'Category slug - URL fragment:',
	'category_subs' => 'Sub-categories:',
	'category_top_level' => 'No parent (top level)',
	'characters' => 'characters',
	'check_language_suffix' => ' - ^1check language files^2',
	'click_name_edit' => 'Custom pages or links:',
	'database_cleanup' => 'Database clean-up operations',
	'delete_category' => 'Delete this category',
	'delete_category_reassign' => 'Delete this category and reassign its questions to:',
	'delete_field' => 'Delete this field',
	'delete_hidden' => 'Delete hidden posts',
	'delete_hidden_complete' => 'All hidden posts without dependents have been deleted',
	'delete_hidden_note' => ' - all hidden questions, answer and comments without dependents',
	'delete_link' => 'Delete this link',
	'delete_page' => 'Delete this page',
	'delete_stop' => 'Stop deleting',
	'delete_title' => 'Delete this title',
	'delete_widget_position' => 'Delete this widget from this position',
	'edit_custom_page' => 'Edit custom page',
	'edit_field' => ' - ^1edit field^2',
	'edit_link' => ' - ^1edit link^2',
	'edit_page' => ' - ^1edit page^2',
	'edit_title' => ' - ^1edit title^2',
	'emails_per_minute' => 'emails per minute',
	'emails_title' => 'Emails',
	'enabled' => 'Enabled',
	'feed_link' => 'Feed',
	'feed_link_example' => 'Example feed',
	'feeds_title' => 'RSS feeds',
	'field_link_url' => 'Linked URL',
	'field_multi_line' => 'Multiple lines of text',
	'field_name' => 'Field name:',
	'field_single_line' => 'Single line of text',
	'field_type' => 'Content type:',
	'first' => 'First',
	'flagged_title' => 'Flagged',
	'form_security_expired' => 'Form security code expired - please try again',
	'from_anon' => 'From anonymous:',
	'from_users' => 'From users:',
	'general_title' => 'General',
	'hidden_answers_deleted' => 'Deleted ^1 of ^2 hidden answers without dependents...',
	'hidden_comments_deleted' => 'Deleted ^1 of ^2 hidden comments...',
	'hidden_questions_deleted' => 'Deleted ^1 of ^2 hidden questions without dependents...',
	'hidden_title' => 'Hidden',
	'hotness_factors' => 'Relative importance for question hotness:',
	'ip_address_pages' => 'IP address pages',
	'layout_title' => 'Layout',
	'link_name' => 'Text of link:',
	'link_new_window' => 'Open link in a new window',
	'link_url' => 'URL of link - absolute or relative to Q2A root:',
	'lists_title' => 'Lists',
	'mailing_complete' => 'The mailing is complete',
	'mailing_explanation' => 'Users will be able to unsubscribe on their account page.',
	'mailing_progress' => 'Mailing completed for ^1 of ^2 users...',
	'mailing_title' => 'Mailing',
	'mailing_unsubscribe' => 'An unsubscribe link will be added at the bottom of every message.',
	'maintenance_admin_only' => 'Your site is in ^1maintenance^2 and is currently inaccessible to regular users.',
	'maximum_x' => ' (max ^)',
	'moderate_title' => 'Moderate',
	'module_x_database_init' => 'The ^1 ^2 module requires some ^3database initialization^4.',
	'most_flagged_title' => 'Flagged content',
	'mysql_version' => 'MySQL version:',
	'nav_links_explanation' => 'Show navigation links:',
	'nav_qa_is_home' => 'Q&A (links to home page)',
	'neat_urls_note' => ' (requires ^1htaccess^2 file)',
	'no_approve_found' => 'No content is waiting for approval',
	'no_classification' => 'None',
	'no_flagged_found' => 'No flagged content found',
	'no_hidden_found' => 'No hidden content found',
	'no_image_gd' => 'The installed version of PHP was compiled without GD image support, so users cannot upload their avatars directly.',
	'no_link' => 'No link',
	'no_multibyte' => 'The installed version of PHP was compiled without multibyte string support. Searching will be less effective for non-Roman characters.',
	'no_privileges' => 'Only administrators may access this page.',
	'no_unapproved_found' => 'No users waiting for approval',
	'not_logged_in' => 'Please ^1log in^2 as the administrator to access this page.',
	'opposite_main_menu' => 'Far end of tabs at top',
	'options' => 'options',
	'options_reset' => 'Options reset',
	'options_saved' => 'Options saved',
	'page_already_used' => 'This is already being used by a page',
	'page_content_html' => 'Content to display in page - HTML allowed:',
	'page_default_slug' => 'page-^',
	'page_heading' => 'Heading to display at top of page:',
	'page_name' => 'Name of page (also used for tab or link):',
	'page_slug' => 'Page slug (URL fragment):',
	'pages_explanation' => 'Click the \'Add Page\' button to add custom content to your Q2A site, or \'Add Link\' to link to any other web page.',
	'pages_title' => 'Pages',
	'pause_mailing_button' => 'Pause Mailing',
	'per_ip_hour' => 'per IP/hour',
	'per_user_hour' => 'per user/hour',
	'permissions_title' => 'Permissions',
	'permit_to_view' => 'Visible for:',
	'php_version' => 'PHP version:',
	'pixels' => 'pixels',
	'plugin_module' => ' (plugin module: ^)',
	'plugin_pages_explanation' => 'Pages available via plugins:',
	'plugins_title' => 'Plugins',
	'points' => 'points',
	'points_defaults_shown' => 'Defaults shown below but NOT YET APPLIED:',
	'points_required' => 'Points required to receive title:',
	'points_title' => 'Points',
	'position' => 'Position:',
	'posting_title' => 'Posting',
	'profile_fields' => 'Extra fields on user pages or registration form:',
	'q2a_build_date' => 'Build date:',
	'q2a_db_size' => 'Database size:',
	'q2a_db_version' => 'Q2A database version:',
	'q2a_latest_version' => 'Latest version:',
	'q2a_version' => 'Question2Answer version:',
	'question_lists' => 'Question lists',
	'question_pages' => 'Question pages',
	'recalc_categories' => 'Recalculate categories',
	'recalc_categories_backpaths' => 'Recalculating URL paths for ^1 of ^2 categories...',
	'recalc_categories_complete' => 'All categories were successfully recalculated.',
	'recalc_categories_note' => ' - for post categories and category counts',
	'recalc_categories_recounting' => 'Recounting questions for ^1 of ^2 categories...',
	'recalc_categories_updated' => 'Recalculated for ^1 of ^2 posts...',
	'recalc_hotness_q_view_note' => 'Slightly more efficient if disabled, but hotness values will become out of date if views are given higher importance in settings',
Scott committed
207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286
	'recalc_points' => 'Recalculate user points',
	'recalc_points_complete' => 'All user points were successfully recalculated.',
	'recalc_points_note' => ' - for user ranking and points displays',
	'recalc_points_recalced' => 'Recalculated for ^1 of ^2 users...',
	'recalc_points_usercount' => 'Estimating total number of users...',
	'recalc_posts_count' => 'Getting total number of questions, answers and comments...',
	'recalc_stop' => 'Stop recalculating',
	'recent_approve_title' => 'Recent content waiting for approval',
	'recent_hidden_title' => 'Recent hidden content',
	'recount_posts' => 'Recount posts',
	'recount_posts_as_recounted' => 'Recounted answers and hotness for ^1 of ^2 posts...',
	'recount_posts_complete' => 'All posts were successfully recounted.',
	'recount_posts_note' => ' - the number of answers, votes, flags and hotness for each post',
	'recount_posts_stop' => 'Stop recounting',
	'recount_posts_votes_recounted' => 'Recounted votes and flags for ^1 of ^2 posts...',
	'refill_events' => 'Refill event streams',
	'refill_events_complete' => 'All events streams were successfully refilled',
	'refill_events_note' => ' - for each user\'s list of updates',
	'refill_events_refilled' => 'Refilled for ^1 of ^2 questions...',
	'registration_fields' => 'add registration fields',
	'reindex_content' => 'Reindex content',
	'reindex_content_note' => ' - for searching and related question suggestions',
	'reindex_content_stop' => 'Stop reindexing',
	'reindex_pages_reindexed' => 'Reindexed ^1 of ^2 pages...',
	'reindex_posts_complete' => 'All posts were successfully reindexed.',
	'reindex_posts_reindexed' => 'Reindexed ^1 of ^2 posts...',
	'reindex_posts_wordcounted' => 'Recounted ^1 of ^2 words...',
	'requires_php_version' => 'Disabled - requires PHP ^ or later',
	'requires_q2a_version' => 'Disabled - requires Question2Answer ^ or later',
	'reset_options_button' => 'Reset to Defaults',
	'reset_options_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to reset all options on this page to their defaults?',
	'resume_mailing_button' => 'Resume Mailing',
	'save_options_button' => 'Save Options',
	'save_recalc_button' => 'Save and Recalculate',
	'save_view_button' => 'Save and View',
	'send_test_button' => 'Send Test to Me',
	'show_defaults_button' => 'Show Defaults',
	'show_on_register_form' => 'Show field on user registration form',
	'slug_bad_chars' => 'The slug may not contain these characters: ^',
	'slug_reserved' => 'This slug is reserved for use by another page',
	'spam_title' => 'Spam',
	'start_mailing_button' => 'Start Mailing',
	'stats_title' => 'Stats',
	'stop_recalc_warning' => 'A database clean-up operation is running. If you close this page now, the operation will be interrupted.',
	'tag_pages' => 'Tag pages',
	'tags' => 'Tags',
	'tags_and_categories' => 'Tags and Categories',
	'tags_not_shown' => 'Some questions have tags which will not be displayed.',
	'test_sent_to_x' => 'The test message was sent to ^',
	'title_already_used' => 'This value is already being used by another title',
	'top_level_categories' => 'Top level categories:',
	'total_as' => 'Total answers:',
	'total_cs' => 'Total comments:',
	'total_qs' => 'Total questions:',
	'unnamed_plugin' => 'Unnamed Plugin',
	'upgrade_db' => 'Your Question2Answer database needs to be ^1upgraded^2 for this version.',
	'url_format_note' => 'Options with the ^ label are working for your site\'s configuration. For best search engine optimization (SEO), use the first ^ option available.',
	'user_pages' => 'User pages',
	'user_title' => 'User title - HTML allowed:',
	'user_titles' => 'User titles based on points:',
	'users_active' => 'Active users:',
	'users_must_have' => 'Users must have',
	'users_posted' => 'Users who posted:',
	'users_registered' => 'Registered users:',
	'users_title' => 'Users',
	'users_voted' => 'Users who voted:',
	'version_get_x' => 'get ^',
	'version_latest' => 'latest',
	'version_latest_unknown' => 'latest unknown',
	'version_requires_php' => '^1 requires PHP ^2',
	'version_requires_q2a' => '^1 requires Q2A ^2',
	'viewing_title' => 'Viewing',
	'widget_all_pages' => 'Show widget in this position on all available pages',
	'widget_global_options' => ' - ^1options^2',
	'widget_name' => 'Name of widget:',
	'widget_no_positions' => 'This widget has already been added to every available position.',
	'widget_not_available' => 'This widget is not available. This could be because the plugin providing the widget is no longer installed.',
	'widget_pages_explanation' => 'Show widget in this position on the following pages:',
	'widgets_explanation' => 'Available widgets:',