Commit 4932f19c by Scott

Coding style (misc)

parent c20678fb
......@@ -20,76 +20,71 @@
More about this license:
return array(
'1_chosen_as_best' => ' (1 chosen as best)',
'1_down_vote' => '1 down vote',
'1_up_vote' => '1 up vote',
'1_with_best_chosen' => ' (1 with best answer chosen)',
'activity_by_x' => 'Activity by ^',
'answers' => 'Answers:',
'answers_by_x' => 'Answers by ^',
'bonus_points' => 'Bonus points:',
'comments' => 'Comments:',
'delete_pm_popup' => 'Delete this private message',
'delete_wall_post_popup' => 'Delete this wall post',
'extra_privileges' => 'Extra privileges:',
'gave_out' => 'Gave out:',
'my_account_title' => 'My account',
'no_answers_by_x' => 'No answers by ^',
'no_posts_by_x' => 'No posts by ^',
'no_questions_by_x' => 'No questions by ^',
'permit_anon_view_ips' => 'Viewing IPs of anonymous posts',
'permit_close_q' => 'Closing any question',
'permit_delete_hidden' => 'Deleting hidden posts',
'permit_edit_a' => 'Editing any answer',
'permit_edit_c' => 'Editing any comment',
'permit_edit_q' => 'Editing any question',
'permit_edit_silent' => 'Editing posts silently',
'permit_flag' => 'Flagging posts',
'permit_hide_show' => 'Hiding or showing any post',
'permit_moderate' => 'Approving or rejecting posts',
'permit_post_a' => 'Answering questions',
'permit_post_c' => 'Adding comments',
'permit_post_q' => 'Asking questions',
'permit_post_wall' => 'Posting on user walls',
'permit_recat' => 'Recategorizing any question',
'permit_retag' => 'Retagging any question',
'permit_select_a' => 'Selecting answer for any question',
'permit_view_q_page' => 'Viewing question pages',
'permit_view_new_users_page' => 'Viewing the newest users page',
'permit_view_special_users_page' => 'Viewing the special users page',
'permit_view_voters_flaggers' => 'Viewing who voted or flagged posts',
'permit_vote_a' => 'Voting on answers',
'permit_vote_down' => 'Voting posts down',
'permit_vote_q' => 'Voting on questions',
'post_wall_blocked' => 'This user has disallowed new posts on their wall',
'post_wall_button' => 'Add wall post',
'post_wall_empty' => 'Please enter something to post on this wall',
'post_wall_limit' => 'You cannot write more wall posts this hour',
'post_wall_must_be_approved' => 'Your account must be approved to post on this wall.',
'post_wall_must_confirm' => 'Please ^5confirm your email address^6 to post on this wall.',
'post_wall_must_login' => 'Please ^1log in^2 or ^3register^4 to post on this wall.',
'questions' => 'Questions:',
'questions_by_x' => 'Questions by ^',
'ranked_x' => ' (ranked #^)',
'received' => 'Received:',
'recent_activity_by_x' => 'Recent activity by ^',
'score' => 'Score:',
'send_private_message' => ' - ^1send private message^2',
'set_bonus_button' => 'Update bonus',
'title' => 'Title:',
'user_x' => 'User ^',
'user_x_disabled_pms' => 'User ^ has disabled private messages.',
'voted_on' => 'Voted on:',
'wall_for_x' => 'Wall for ^',
'wall_view_more' => 'View more wall posts...',
'x_chosen_as_best' => ' (^ chosen as best)',
'x_down_votes' => '^ down votes',
'x_up_votes' => '^ up votes',
'x_with_best_chosen' => ' (^ with best answer chosen)',
Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output
\ No newline at end of file
return array(
'1_chosen_as_best' => ' (1 chosen as best)',
'1_down_vote' => '1 down vote',
'1_up_vote' => '1 up vote',
'1_with_best_chosen' => ' (1 with best answer chosen)',
'activity_by_x' => 'Activity by ^',
'answers' => 'Answers:',
'answers_by_x' => 'Answers by ^',
'bonus_points' => 'Bonus points:',
'comments' => 'Comments:',
'delete_pm_popup' => 'Delete this private message',
'delete_wall_post_popup' => 'Delete this wall post',
'extra_privileges' => 'Extra privileges:',
'gave_out' => 'Gave out:',
'my_account_title' => 'My account',
'no_answers_by_x' => 'No answers by ^',
'no_posts_by_x' => 'No posts by ^',
'no_questions_by_x' => 'No questions by ^',
'permit_anon_view_ips' => 'Viewing IPs of anonymous posts',
'permit_close_q' => 'Closing any question',
'permit_delete_hidden' => 'Deleting hidden posts',
'permit_edit_a' => 'Editing any answer',
'permit_edit_c' => 'Editing any comment',
'permit_edit_q' => 'Editing any question',
'permit_edit_silent' => 'Editing posts silently',
'permit_flag' => 'Flagging posts',
'permit_hide_show' => 'Hiding or showing any post',
'permit_moderate' => 'Approving or rejecting posts',
'permit_post_a' => 'Answering questions',
'permit_post_c' => 'Adding comments',
'permit_post_q' => 'Asking questions',
'permit_post_wall' => 'Posting on user walls',
'permit_recat' => 'Recategorizing any question',
'permit_retag' => 'Retagging any question',
'permit_select_a' => 'Selecting answer for any question',
'permit_view_q_page' => 'Viewing question pages',
'permit_view_new_users_page' => 'Viewing the newest users page',
'permit_view_special_users_page' => 'Viewing the special users page',
'permit_view_voters_flaggers' => 'Viewing who voted or flagged posts',
'permit_vote_a' => 'Voting on answers',
'permit_vote_down' => 'Voting posts down',
'permit_vote_q' => 'Voting on questions',
'post_wall_blocked' => 'This user has disallowed new posts on their wall',
'post_wall_button' => 'Add wall post',
'post_wall_empty' => 'Please enter something to post on this wall',
'post_wall_limit' => 'You cannot write more wall posts this hour',
'post_wall_must_be_approved' => 'Your account must be approved to post on this wall.',
'post_wall_must_confirm' => 'Please ^5confirm your email address^6 to post on this wall.',
'post_wall_must_login' => 'Please ^1log in^2 or ^3register^4 to post on this wall.',
'questions' => 'Questions:',
'questions_by_x' => 'Questions by ^',
'ranked_x' => ' (ranked #^)',
'received' => 'Received:',
'recent_activity_by_x' => 'Recent activity by ^',
'score' => 'Score:',
'send_private_message' => ' - ^1send private message^2',
'set_bonus_button' => 'Update bonus',
'title' => 'Title:',
'user_x' => 'User ^',
'user_x_disabled_pms' => 'User ^ has disabled private messages.',
'voted_on' => 'Voted on:',
'wall_for_x' => 'Wall for ^',
'wall_view_more' => 'View more wall posts...',
'x_chosen_as_best' => ' (^ chosen as best)',
'x_down_votes' => '^ down votes',
'x_up_votes' => '^ up votes',
'x_with_best_chosen' => ' (^ with best answer chosen)',
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class qa_html_theme_layer extends qa_html_theme_base
private $qa_voters_flaggers_cache = array();
// Collect up all required postids for the entire page to save DB queries - common case where whole page output
// Collect up all required postids for the entire page to save DB queries - common case where whole page output
public function main()
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class qa_html_theme_layer extends qa_html_theme_base
// Other functions which also collect up required postids for lists to save DB queries - helps with widget output and Ajax calls
// Other functions which also collect up required postids for lists to save DB queries - helps with widget output and Ajax calls
public function q_list_items($q_items)
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class qa_html_theme_layer extends qa_html_theme_base
// Actual output of the voters and flaggers
// Actual output of the voters and flaggers
public function vote_count($post)
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ class qa_html_theme_layer extends qa_html_theme_base
// Utility functions for this layer
// Utility functions for this layer
* @deprecated This function will become private in Q2A 1.8. It is specific to this plugin and
......@@ -26,24 +26,24 @@ class qa_search_basic
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'db/post-create.php';
// Get words from each textual element
// Get words from each textual element
// Map all words to their word IDs
// Map all words to their word IDs
$words=array_unique(array_merge($titlewords, array_keys($contentcount), $tagwords, $wholetags));
// Add to title words index
// Add to title words index
$titlewordids=qa_array_filter_by_keys($wordtoid, $titlewords);
qa_db_titlewords_add_post_wordids($postid, $titlewordids);
// Add to content words index (including word counts)
// Add to content words index (including word counts)
foreach ($contentcount as $word => $count)
......@@ -52,17 +52,17 @@ class qa_search_basic
qa_db_contentwords_add_post_wordidcounts($postid, $type, $questionid, $contentwordidcounts);
// Add to tag words index
// Add to tag words index
$tagwordids=qa_array_filter_by_keys($wordtoid, $tagwords);
qa_db_tagwords_add_post_wordids($postid, $tagwordids);
// Add to whole tags index
// Add to whole tags index
$wholetagids=qa_array_filter_by_keys($wordtoid, $wholetags);
qa_db_posttags_add_post_wordids($postid, $wholetagids);
// Update counts cached in database (will be skipped if qa_suspend_update_counts() was called
// Update counts cached in database (will be skipped if qa_suspend_update_counts() was called
......@@ -20,147 +20,142 @@
More about this license:
if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) { // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
header('Location: ../');
if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) { // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
header('Location: ../');
function qa_get_mysql_user_column_type()
function qa_get_mysql_user_column_type()
function qa_get_login_links($relative_url_prefix, $redirect_back_to_url)
return array(
'login' => wp_login_url(qa_opt('site_url').$redirect_back_to_url),
'register' => function_exists('wp_registration_url') ? wp_registration_url() : site_url('wp-login.php?action=register'),
'logout' => strtr(wp_logout_url(), array('&' => '&')),
function qa_get_login_links($relative_url_prefix, $redirect_back_to_url)
return array(
'login' => wp_login_url(qa_opt('site_url') . $redirect_back_to_url),
'register' => function_exists('wp_registration_url') ? wp_registration_url() : site_url('wp-login.php?action=register'),
'logout' => strtr(wp_logout_url(), array('&' => '&')),
function qa_get_logged_in_user()
if ($wordpressuser->ID==0)
return null;
else {
if (current_user_can('administrator'))
elseif (current_user_can('editor'))
elseif (current_user_can('contributor'))
return array(
'userid' => $wordpressuser->ID,
'publicusername' => $wordpressuser->user_nicename,
'email' => $wordpressuser->user_email,
'level' => $level,
function qa_get_logged_in_user()
$wordpressuser = wp_get_current_user();
if ($wordpressuser->ID == 0)
return null;
function qa_get_user_email($userid)
else {
if (current_user_can('administrator'))
elseif (current_user_can('editor'))
elseif (current_user_can('contributor'))
return @$user->user_email;
return array(
'userid' => $wordpressuser->ID,
'publicusername' => $wordpressuser->user_nicename,
'email' => $wordpressuser->user_email,
'level' => $level,
function qa_get_userids_from_public($publicusernames)
global $wpdb;
function qa_get_user_email($userid)
$user = get_userdata($userid);
if (count($publicusernames))
return qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub(
'SELECT user_nicename, ID FROM '.$wpdb->base_prefix.'users WHERE user_nicename IN ($)',
), 'user_nicename', 'ID');
return array();
return @$user->user_email;
function qa_get_public_from_userids($userids)
global $wpdb, $qa_cache_wp_user_emails;
function qa_get_userids_from_public($publicusernames)
global $wpdb;
if (count($userids)) {
if (count($publicusernames))
return qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub(
'SELECT user_nicename, ID FROM ' . $wpdb->base_prefix . 'users WHERE user_nicename IN ($)',
), 'user_nicename', 'ID');
return array();
'SELECT ID, user_nicename, user_email FROM '.$wpdb->base_prefix.'users WHERE ID IN (#)',
), 'ID');
foreach ($userfields as $id => $fields) {
function qa_get_public_from_userids($userids)
global $wpdb, $qa_cache_wp_user_emails;
return $useridtopublic;
if (count($userids)) {
$useridtopublic = array();
$qa_cache_wp_user_emails = array();
} else
return array();
$userfields = qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub(
'SELECT ID, user_nicename, user_email FROM ' . $wpdb->base_prefix . 'users WHERE ID IN (#)',
), 'ID');
foreach ($userfields as $id => $fields) {
$useridtopublic[$id] = $fields['user_nicename'];
$qa_cache_wp_user_emails[$id] = $fields['user_email'];
function qa_get_logged_in_user_html($logged_in_user, $relative_url_prefix)
return $useridtopublic;
return '<a href="'.qa_path_html('user/'.$publicusername).'" class="qa-user-link">'.htmlspecialchars($publicusername).'</a>';
} else
return array();
function qa_get_users_html($userids, $should_include_link, $relative_url_prefix)
function qa_get_logged_in_user_html($logged_in_user, $relative_url_prefix)
$publicusername = $logged_in_user['publicusername'];
return '<a href="' . qa_path_html('user/' . $publicusername) . '" class="qa-user-link">' . htmlspecialchars($publicusername) . '</a>';
foreach ($userids as $userid) {
function qa_get_users_html($userids, $should_include_link, $relative_url_prefix)
$useridtopublic = qa_get_public_from_userids($userids);
if ($should_include_link)
$usershtml[$userid]='<a href="'.qa_path_html('user/'.$publicusername).'" class="qa-user-link">'.$usershtml[$userid].'</a>';
$usershtml = array();
return $usershtml;
foreach ($userids as $userid) {
$publicusername = $useridtopublic[$userid];
$usershtml[$userid] = htmlspecialchars($publicusername);
if ($should_include_link)
$usershtml[$userid] = '<a href="' . qa_path_html('user/' . $publicusername) . '" class="qa-user-link">' . $usershtml[$userid] . '</a>';
function qa_avatar_html_from_userid($userid, $size, $padding)
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'app/format.php';
return $usershtml;
global $qa_cache_wp_user_emails;
if (isset($qa_cache_wp_user_emails[$userid]))
return qa_get_gravatar_html($qa_cache_wp_user_emails[$userid], $size);
function qa_avatar_html_from_userid($userid, $size, $padding)
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/format.php';
return null;
global $qa_cache_wp_user_emails;
if (isset($qa_cache_wp_user_emails[$userid]))
return qa_get_gravatar_html($qa_cache_wp_user_emails[$userid], $size);
function qa_user_report_action($userid, $action)
return null;
Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output
function qa_user_report_action($userid, $action)
......@@ -20,12 +20,7 @@
More about this license:
return array(
'admin_title' => 'Administration Centre',
'url_format_note' => 'Options with the ^ label are working for your site\'s configuration. For best search engine optimisation (SEO), use the first ^ option available.',
Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output
\ No newline at end of file
return array(
'admin_title' => 'Administration Centre',
'url_format_note' => 'Options with the ^ label are working for your site\'s configuration. For best search engine optimisation (SEO), use the first ^ option available.',
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