qa-lang-profile.php 3.78 KB
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Scott committed
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	Question2Answer by Gideon Greenspan and contributors

	Description: Language phrases for user profile page

	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
	as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
	of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	More about this license:

Scott committed
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61
return array(
	'1_chosen_as_best' => ' (1 chosen as best)',
	'1_down_vote' => '1 down vote',
	'1_up_vote' => '1 up vote',
	'1_with_best_chosen' => ' (1 with best answer chosen)',
	'activity_by_x' => 'Activity by ^',
	'answers' => 'Answers:',
	'answers_by_x' => 'Answers by ^',
	'bonus_points' => 'Bonus points:',
	'comments' => 'Comments:',
	'delete_pm_popup' => 'Delete this private message',
	'delete_wall_post_popup' => 'Delete this wall post',
	'extra_privileges' => 'Extra privileges:',
	'gave_out' => 'Gave out:',
	'my_account_title' => 'My account',
	'no_answers_by_x' => 'No answers by ^',
	'no_posts_by_x' => 'No posts by ^',
	'no_questions_by_x' => 'No questions by ^',
	'permit_anon_view_ips' => 'Viewing IPs of anonymous posts',
	'permit_close_q' => 'Closing any question',
	'permit_delete_hidden' => 'Deleting hidden posts',
	'permit_edit_a' => 'Editing any answer',
	'permit_edit_c' => 'Editing any comment',
	'permit_edit_q' => 'Editing any question',
	'permit_edit_silent' => 'Editing posts silently',
	'permit_flag' => 'Flagging posts',
	'permit_hide_show' => 'Hiding or showing any post',
	'permit_moderate' => 'Approving or rejecting posts',
	'permit_post_a' => 'Answering questions',
	'permit_post_c' => 'Adding comments',
	'permit_post_q' => 'Asking questions',
	'permit_post_wall' => 'Posting on user walls',
	'permit_recat' => 'Recategorizing any question',
	'permit_retag' => 'Retagging any question',
	'permit_select_a' => 'Selecting answer for any question',
	'permit_view_q_page' => 'Viewing question pages',
	'permit_view_new_users_page' => 'Viewing the newest users page',
	'permit_view_special_users_page' => 'Viewing the special users page',
	'permit_view_voters_flaggers' => 'Viewing who voted or flagged posts',
	'permit_vote_a' => 'Voting on answers',
Scott committed
	'permit_vote_c' => 'Voting on comments',
Scott committed
63 64 65 66 67 68
	'permit_vote_down' => 'Voting posts down',
	'permit_vote_q' => 'Voting on questions',
	'post_wall_blocked' => 'This user has disallowed new posts on their wall',
	'post_wall_button' => 'Add wall post',
	'post_wall_empty' => 'Please enter something to post on this wall',
	'post_wall_limit' => 'You cannot write more wall posts this hour',
	'post_wall_must_be_approved' => 'Your account must be approved to post on this wall. Please wait or ^1add more information^2.',
Scott committed
70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
	'post_wall_must_confirm' => 'Please ^5confirm your email address^6 to post on this wall.',
	'post_wall_must_login' => 'Please ^1log in^2 or ^3register^4 to post on this wall.',
	'questions' => 'Questions:',
	'questions_by_x' => 'Questions by ^',
	'ranked_x' => ' (ranked #^)',
	'received' => 'Received:',
	'recent_activity_by_x' => 'Recent activity by ^',
	'score' => 'Score:',
	'send_private_message' => ' - ^1send private message^2',
	'set_bonus_button' => 'Update bonus',
	'title' => 'Title:',
	'user_x' => 'User ^',
	'user_x_disabled_pms' => 'User ^ has disabled private messages.',
	'voted_on' => 'Voted on:',
	'wall_for_x' => 'Wall for ^',
	'wall_view_more' => 'View more wall posts...',
	'x_chosen_as_best' => ' (^ chosen as best)',
	'x_down_votes' => '^ down votes',
	'x_up_votes' => '^ up votes',
	'x_with_best_chosen' => ' (^ with best answer chosen)',