qa-lang-main.php 9.71 KB
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Scott committed
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	Question2Answer by Gideon Greenspan and contributors

	Description: Language phrases commonly used throughout Q2A

	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
	as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
	of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	More about this license:

Scott committed
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
return array(
	'_decimal_point' => '.',
	'_thousands_separator' => ',',
	'_thousands_suffix' => 'k',
	'_millions_suffix' => 'm',
	'1_answer' => '1 answer',
	'1_comment' => '1 comment',
	'1_day' => '1 day',
	'1_disliked' => '1 dislike',
	'1_flag' => '1 flag',
	'1_hour' => '1 hour',
	'1_liked' => '1 like',
	'1_minute' => '1 minute',
	'1_month' => '1 month',
	'1_point' => '1 point',
	'1_question' => '1 question',
	'1_second' => '1 second',
	'1_tag' => '1 tag',
	'1_user' => '1 user',
	'1_view' => '1 view',
	'1_vote' => '1 vote',
	'1_week' => '1 week',
	'1_year' => '1 year',
	'add_category_x_favorites' => 'Add category ^ to my favorites',
	'add_favorites' => 'Add to my favorites',
	'add_tag_x_favorites' => 'Add tag ^ to my favorites',
	'all_categories' => 'All categories',
	'anonymous' => 'anonymous',
	'answer_edited' => 'answer edited',
	'answer_reshown' => 'answer reshown',
	'answer_selected' => 'answer selected',
	'answered' => 'answered',
	'answered_qs_in_x' => 'Most answered questions in ^',
	'answered_qs_title' => 'Most answered questions',
	'asked' => 'asked',
	'asked_related_q' => 'asked related question',
	'by_x' => 'by ^',
	'cancel_button' => 'Cancel',
	'closed' => 'closed',
	'comment_edited' => 'comment edited',
	'comment_moved' => 'comment moved',
	'comment_reshown' => 'comment reshown',
	'commented' => 'commented',
	'date_day_min_digits' => 1, // 1 or 2
	'date_format_other_years' => '^month ^day, ^year',
	'date_format_this_year' => '^month ^day',
	'date_month_1' => 'Jan',
	'date_month_2' => 'Feb',
	'date_month_3' => 'Mar',
	'date_month_4' => 'Apr',
	'date_month_5' => 'May',
	'date_month_6' => 'Jun',
	'date_month_7' => 'Jul',
	'date_month_8' => 'Aug',
	'date_month_9' => 'Sep',
	'date_month_10' => 'Oct',
	'date_month_11' => 'Nov',
	'date_month_12' => 'Dec',
	'date_year_digits' => 4, // 2 or 4
	'edited' => 'edited',
	'email_error' => 'An error occurred trying to send the email.',
	'field_required' => 'Please enter something in this field',
	'file_upload_limit_exceeded' => 'The size of the file exceeds the server\'s limits',
	'general_error' => 'A server error occurred - please try again.',
	'hidden' => 'hidden',
	'highest_users' => 'Top scoring users',
	'hot_qs_in_x' => 'Hot questions in ^',
	'hot_qs_title' => 'Hot questions',
	'http_status_405' => 'Error: 405 Method Not Allowed',
Scott committed
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184
	'image_not_read' => 'The image could not be read. Please upload one of: ^',
	'image_too_big_x_pc' => 'This image is too big. Please scale to ^% then try again.',
	'in_category_x' => 'in ^',
	'ip_address_x' => 'IP address ^',
	'logged_in_x' => 'Hello ^',
	'max_length_x' => 'Maximum length is ^ characters',
	'max_upload_size_x' => 'Maximum upload size is ^',
	'me' => 'me',
	'meta_order' => '^what^when^where^who', // you can reorder but DO NOT translate! e.g. <answered> <15 hours ago> <in Problems> <by me (500 points)>
	'min_length_x' => 'Please provide more information - at least ^ characters',
	'moved' => 'moved',
	'nav_activity' => 'All Activity',
	'nav_admin' => 'Admin',
	'nav_ask' => 'Ask a Question',
	'nav_categories' => 'Categories',
	'nav_feedback' => 'Send feedback',
	'nav_home' => 'Home',
	'nav_hot' => 'Hot!',
	'nav_login' => 'Login',
	'nav_logout' => 'Logout',
	'nav_most_answers' => 'Most answers',
	'nav_most_recent' => 'Recent',
	'nav_most_views' => 'Most views',
	'nav_most_votes' => 'Most votes',
	'nav_no_answer' => 'No answer',
	'nav_no_selected_answer' => 'No selected answer',
	'nav_no_upvoted_answer' => 'No upvoted answer',
	'nav_qa' => 'Q&A',
	'nav_qs' => 'Questions',
	'nav_register' => 'Register',
	'nav_tags' => 'Tags',
	'nav_unanswered' => 'Unanswered',
	'nav_updates' => 'My Updates',
	'nav_users' => 'Users',
	'newest_users' => 'Newest users',
	'no_active_users' => 'No active users found',
	'no_answers_found' => 'No answers found',
	'no_answers_in_x' => 'No answers in ^',
	'no_categories_found' => 'No categories found',
	'no_category' => 'No category',
	'no_comments_found' => 'No comments found',
	'no_comments_in_x' => 'No comments in ^',
	'no_questions_found' => 'No questions found',
	'no_questions_in_x' => 'No questions in ^',
	'no_related_qs_title' => 'No related questions found',
	'no_results_for_x' => 'No results found for ^',
	'no_tags_found' => 'No tags found',
	'no_una_questions_found' => 'No unanswered questions found',
	'no_una_questions_in_x' => 'No unanswered questions in ^',
	'no_unselected_qs_found' => 'No questions found without a selected answer',
	'no_unupvoteda_qs_found' => 'No questions found without an upvoted answer',
	'page_label' => 'Page:',
	'page_next' => 'next',
	'page_not_found' => 'Page not found',
	'page_prev' => 'prev',
	'popular_tags' => 'Most popular tags',
	'questions_tagged_x' => 'Recent questions tagged ^',
	'recategorized' => 'recategorized',
	'recent_activity_in_x' => 'Recent activity in ^',
	'recent_activity_title' => 'Recent activity',
	'recent_as_in_x' => 'Recently answered questions in ^',
	'recent_as_title' => 'Recently answered questions',
	'recent_cs_in_x' => 'Recently commented questions in ^',
	'recent_cs_title' => 'Recently commented questions',
	'recent_qs_as_in_x' => 'Recent questions and answers in ^',
	'recent_qs_as_title' => 'Recent questions and answers',
	'recent_qs_in_x' => 'Recent questions in ^',
	'recent_qs_title' => 'Recent questions',
	'related_qs_title' => 'Related questions',
	'remove_favorites' => 'Remove from my favorites',
	'remove_x_favorites' => 'Remove ^ from my favorites',
	'reopened' => 'reopened',
	'reshown' => 'reshown',
	'results_for_x' => 'Search results for ^',
	'retagged' => 'retagged',
	'save_button' => 'Save Changes',
	'search_button' => 'Search',
	'search_explanation' => 'Please enter some text into the search box and try again.',
	'search_title' => 'Search results',
	'selected' => 'selected',
	'send_button' => 'Send',
	'since_x' => 'since ^',
	'suggest_ask' => 'Help get things started by ^1asking a question^2.',
	'suggest_category_qs' => 'To see more, click for all the ^1questions in this category^2.',
	'suggest_qs' => 'To see more, click for the ^1full list of questions^2.',
	'suggest_qs_tags' => 'To see more, click for the ^1full list of questions^2 or ^3popular tags^4.',
	'to_x' => 'to ^',
	'unanswered_qs_in_x' => 'Questions without answers in ^',
	'unanswered_qs_title' => 'Recent questions without answers',
	'unselected_qs_in_x' => 'Questions without a selected answer in ^',
	'unselected_qs_title' => 'Recent questions without a selected answer',
	'unupvoteda_qs_in_x' => 'Questions without an upvoted answer in ^',
	'unupvoteda_qs_title' => 'Recent questions without an upvoted answer',
	'upload_limit' => 'Too many uploads - please try again in an hour',
	'view_q_must_be_approved' => 'Your account must be approved to view question pages. Please wait or ^1add more information^2.',
Scott committed
186 187 188 189
	'view_q_must_confirm' => 'Please ^5confirm your email address^6 to view question pages.',
	'view_q_must_login' => 'Please ^1log in^2 or ^3register^4 to view question pages.',
	'viewed_qs_in_x' => 'Most viewed questions in ^',
	'viewed_qs_title' => 'Most viewed questions',
	'vote_disabled_approve' => 'Your account must be approved before you can vote',
Scott committed
191 192
	'vote_disabled_down' => 'Voting down is only available to some users',
	'vote_disabled_down_approve' => 'Your account must be approved before you can vote down',
	'vote_disabled_hidden_post' => 'You cannot vote on hidden posts',
194 195
	'vote_disabled_hidden_a' => 'You cannot vote on hidden answers',  // @deprecated
	'vote_disabled_hidden_q' => 'You cannot vote on hidden questions',  // @deprecated
Scott committed
	'vote_disabled_level' => 'Voting is only available to some users',
197 198 199
	'vote_disabled_my_post' => 'You cannot vote on your own posts',
	'vote_disabled_my_a' => 'You cannot vote on your own answers',  // @deprecated
	'vote_disabled_my_q' => 'You cannot vote on your own questions',  // @deprecated
Scott committed
	'vote_disabled_q_page_only' => 'Please view this question to vote',
	'vote_disabled_queued' => 'You can only vote on approved posts',
Scott committed
202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233
	'vote_down_must_confirm' => 'Please ^5confirm your email address^6 to vote down.',
	'vote_down_popup' => 'Click to vote down',
	'vote_limit' => 'Too many votes received - please try again in an hour',
	'vote_must_confirm' => 'Please ^5confirm your email address^6 to vote.',
	'vote_must_login' => 'Please ^1log in^2 or ^3register^4 to vote.',
	'vote_not_allowed' => 'Voting on this is not allowed',
	'vote_up_popup' => 'Click to vote up',
	'voted_down_popup' => 'You have voted this down - click to remove vote',
	'voted_qs_in_x' => 'Highest voted questions in ^',
	'voted_qs_title' => 'Highest voted questions',
	'voted_up_popup' => 'You have voted this up - click to remove vote',
	'written' => '', // blank in English - placeholder for other languages
	'x_ago' => '^ ago',
	'x_answers' => '^ answers',
	'x_comments' => '^ comments',
	'x_days' => '^ days',
	'x_disliked' => '^ dislike',
	'x_flags' => '^ flags',
	'x_hours' => '^ hours',
	'x_liked' => '^ like',
	'x_minutes' => '^ minutes',
	'x_months' => '^ months',
	'x_points' => '^ points',
	'x_questions' => '^ questions',
	'x_seconds' => '^ seconds',
	'x_tags' => '^ tags',
	'x_users' => '^ users',
	'x_views' => '^ views',
	'x_votes' => '^ votes',
	'x_weeks' => '^ weeks',
	'x_years' => '^ years',