Ticket 1680 & 1695 - retirer clemenceau au calendrier et ajuster le calendrier à la bonne taille de service
la durée du service est encore à ajuster (objectif de jeudi)
{{ resolvedDiscussionCount }}/{{ discussionCount }} {{ resolvedCountText }} resolved
added 33 commits
c31c58a7...934b8216 - 31 commits from branch
- a7ecd0d6 - Merge branch 'evolution_bdm' of gl.cooperatic.fr:cooperatic-foodcoops/third-party into ticket_1680
- ae2cb3df - compagny_code added
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c31c58a7...934b8216 - 31 commits from branch
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resolved all discussions
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120 120 smax = int(value['seats_available']) + int(value['seats_reserved']) 121 121 122 122 value['address_id'] = getattr(settings, 'COMPANY_CODE', '') 123 title_prefix = ' - ' 123 title_prefix = '' 124 124 if len(value['address_id']) == 2 and ',' in value['address_id'][1]: 125 125 title_prefix = str(value['address_id'][1]).split(",")[1] + " --" 126 126 127 127 event["title"] = title_prefix + str(value['seats_reserved']) + "/" + str(smax) 128 128 129 129 130 event["start"] = dateIsoUTC(value['date_begin_tz']) 130 event["end"] = dateIsoUTC(value['date_end_tz']) 131 132 datetime_object = datetime.datetime.strptime(value['date_end_tz'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") - datetime.timedelta(minutes=15)