Commit cb355dc5 by Félicie

mini fix

parent 99a1dfd1
Pipeline #1767 passed with stage
in 1 minute 38 seconds
......@@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ class CagetteMember(models.Model):
# member = CagetteMember(m['id'], m['email'])
# m['next_shifts'] = member.get_next_shift()
if not m['parent_name'] is False:
m['name'] += ' en binôme avec ' + m['parent_name']
m['name'] += ' (en binôme avec ' + m['parent_name'] + ')'
del m['parent_name']
......@@ -73,5 +73,5 @@ h1 .member_name {font-weight: bold;}
.easy_shift_validate {text-align: center; margin-top: 3em;}
.button_is_member {background-color: #439D44;}
.button_is_associated_people {background: #0275D8;}
.button_is_member {background-color: #439D44; color: #fff;}
.button_is_associated_people {background: #0275D8; color: #fff;}
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