Commit c368a0f9 by Yvon Kerdoncuff

remove unused code

parent d7c64f69
Pipeline #4085 failed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -49,62 +49,6 @@ class CagetteShift(models.Model):
result['error'] = str(e)
return result
def is_matching_ftop_rules(self, partner_id, idNewShift, idOldShift=0):
answer = True
rules = getattr(settings, 'FTOP_SERVICES_RULES', {})
if ("successive_shifts_allowed" in rules
"max_shifts_per_cycle" in rules
now =
# Have to retrive shifts (from now to a cycle period forward to check rules respect)
[shift_registrations, is_ftop] = shifts.fonctions.get_shift_partner(self.o_api, partner_id, now + datetime.timedelta(weeks=4))
new_shift = self.get_shift(idNewShift) # WARNING : use date_begin_tz while shift_registrations use date_begin (UTC)
if "successive_shifts_allowed" in rules:
min_duration = getattr(settings, 'MIN_SHIFT_DURATION', 2)
for sr in shift_registrations:
if int(sr['shift_id'][0]) != int(idOldShift):
diff = (datetime.datetime.strptime(sr['date_begin'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').astimezone(tz)
- tz.localize(datetime.datetime.strptime(new_shift['date_begin_tz'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))
if abs(diff.total_seconds() / 3600) < (min_duration * 2) * (int(rules['successive_shifts_allowed']) + 1):
answer = False
#['date_begin'] + ' - ' + new_shift['date_begin_tz'])
# + 'h')
if "max_shifts_per_cycle" in rules:
[ymd, hms] = new_shift['date_begin_tz'].split(" ")
cw = self.get_cycle_week_data(ymd)
if 'start_date' in cw:
sd = cw['start_date']
ed = cw['start_date'] + datetime.timedelta(weeks=4)
[cycle_shift_regs, is_ftop] = shifts.fonctions.get_shift_partner(self.o_api, partner_id, start_date=sd, end_date=ed)
if len(cycle_shift_regs) >= int(rules['max_shifts_per_cycle']):
answer = False"services max par cycle atteint pour partner_id %s", str(partner_id))
except Exception as e:
coop_logger.error("is_shift_exchange_allowed %s %s", str(e), str(new_shift))
return answer
def is_shift_exchange_allowed(self, idOldShift, idNewShift, shift_type, partner_id):
answer = True
min_delay = getattr(settings, 'STANDARD_BLOCK_SERVICE_EXCHANGE_DELAY', 0)
if shift_type == "ftop":
min_delay = getattr(settings, 'FTOP_BLOCK_SERVICE_EXCHANGE_DELAY', 0)
if min_delay > 0:
now =
old_shift = self.get_shift(idOldShift)
day_before_old_shift_date_start = \
tz.localize(datetime.datetime.strptime(old_shift['date_begin_tz'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
- datetime.timedelta(hours=min_delay))
if now > day_before_old_shift_date_start:
answer = False
elif shift_type == "ftop":
answer = self.is_matching_ftop_rules(partner_id, idNewShift, idOldShift)
return answer
def get_shift(self, id):
"""Get one shift by id"""
cond = [['id', '=', id]]
......@@ -118,62 +62,6 @@ class CagetteShift(models.Model):
coop_logger.error("get_shift %s", str(e))
return None
def is_matching_ftop_rules(self, partner_id, idNewShift, idOldShift=0):
answer = True
rules = getattr(settings, 'FTOP_SERVICES_RULES', {})
if ("successive_shifts_allowed" in rules
"max_shifts_per_cycle" in rules
now =
# Have to retrive shifts (from now to a cycle period forward to check rules respect)
[shift_registrations, is_ftop] = shifts.fonctions.get_shift_partner(self.o_api, partner_id, now + datetime.timedelta(weeks=4))
new_shift = self.get_shift(idNewShift) # WARNING : use date_begin_tz while shift_registrations use date_begin (UTC)
if "successive_shifts_allowed" in rules:
min_duration = getattr(settings, 'MIN_SHIFT_DURATION', 2)
for sr in shift_registrations:
if int(sr['shift_id'][0]) != int(idOldShift):
diff = (datetime.datetime.strptime(sr['date_begin'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').astimezone(tz)
- tz.localize(datetime.datetime.strptime(new_shift['date_begin_tz'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))
if abs(diff.total_seconds() / 3600) < (min_duration * 2) * (int(rules['successive_shifts_allowed']) + 1):
answer = False
#['date_begin'] + ' - ' + new_shift['date_begin_tz'])
# + 'h')
if "max_shifts_per_cycle" in rules:
[ymd, hms] = new_shift['date_begin_tz'].split(" ")
cw = self.get_cycle_week_data(ymd)
if 'start_date' in cw:
sd = cw['start_date']
ed = cw['start_date'] + datetime.timedelta(weeks=4)
[cycle_shift_regs, is_ftop] = shifts.fonctions.get_shift_partner(self.o_api, partner_id, start_date=sd, end_date=ed)
if len(cycle_shift_regs) >= int(rules['max_shifts_per_cycle']):
answer = False"services max par cycle atteint pour partner_id %s", str(partner_id))
except Exception as e:
coop_logger.error("is_shift_exchange_allowed %s %s", str(e), str(new_shift))
return answer
def is_shift_exchange_allowed(self, idOldShift, idNewShift, shift_type, partner_id):
answer = True
min_delay = getattr(settings, 'STANDARD_BLOCK_SERVICE_EXCHANGE_DELAY', 0)
if shift_type == "ftop":
min_delay = getattr(settings, 'FTOP_BLOCK_SERVICE_EXCHANGE_DELAY', 0)
if min_delay > 0:
now =
old_shift = self.get_shift(idOldShift)
day_before_old_shift_date_start = \
tz.localize(datetime.datetime.strptime(old_shift['date_begin_tz'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
- datetime.timedelta(hours=min_delay))
if now > day_before_old_shift_date_start:
answer = False
elif shift_type == "ftop":
answer = self.is_matching_ftop_rules(partner_id, idNewShift, idOldShift)
return answer
def get_data_partner(self, id):
"""Retrieve partner data useful to make decision about shift options"""
cond = [['id', '=', id]]
......@@ -135,11 +135,6 @@ def change_shift(request):
response = {'msg': "Old service in less than 24hours."}
return JsonResponse(response, status=400)
if cs.is_shift_exchange_allowed(idOldShift, data["idShift"], data["shift_type"], data["idPartner"]) is False:
response = {'msg': "Not allowed to change shift"}
return JsonResponse(response, status=400)
st_r_id = False
#Insertion du nouveau shift
......@@ -220,17 +215,6 @@ def add_shift(request):
if 'is_makeup' in request.POST and request.POST['is_makeup'] == "1":
data['is_makeup'] = True
data['origin'] = "Espace membre : sélection de rattrapage"
if request.POST['shift_type'] == "ftop":
if cs.is_matching_ftop_rules(partner_id, id_shift) is True:
# Need to find out if a makeup has to be choosen
makeups_to_do = cs.get_member_makeups_to_do(partner_id)
if makeups_to_do != 0:
data['is_makeup'] = True
response = {'msg': "FTOP rules not respected"}
return JsonResponse(response, status=422)
#Insertion du nouveau shift
st_r_id = False
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