Commit 644261a5 by François C.

Add computing_shelf_price_detail in reception updated products data sent to backend server

parent c63e52f5
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......@@ -1357,6 +1357,7 @@ function editProductInfo (productToEdit, value = null, batch = false) {
productToEdit.new_shelf_price = parseFloat(newValue);
try {
// Let's compute product final price, using coeffs.
let computing_shelf_price_details = {base_value: productToEdit.new_shelf_price, intermediate_values: []};
for (let k = 1; k <10; k++) {
if (typeof productToEdit['coeff' + k + '_id'] !== "undefined") {
......@@ -1364,8 +1365,10 @@ function editProductInfo (productToEdit, value = null, batch = false) {
if ( == productToEdit['coeff' + k + '_id']) {
if (coeff.operation_type == "fixed") {
productToEdit.new_shelf_price += coeff.value;
computing_shelf_price_details.intermediate_values.push({msg: "Found fixed coeff " + coeff.value, new_value: productToEdit.new_shelf_price})
} else if (coeff.operation_type == "multiplier") {
productToEdit.new_shelf_price *= (1 + coeff.value);
computing_shelf_price_details.intermediate_values.push({msg: "Found multiplier coeff " + coeff.value, new_value: productToEdit.new_shelf_price})
......@@ -1373,7 +1376,10 @@ function editProductInfo (productToEdit, value = null, batch = false) {
productToEdit.new_shelf_price *= productToEdit.tax_coeff;
computing_shelf_price_details.intermediate_values.push({msg: "Applying tax coeff " + productToEdit.tax_coeff, new_value: productToEdit.new_shelf_price})
productToEdit.new_shelf_price = productToEdit.new_shelf_price.toFixed(2);
computing_shelf_price_details.final_value = productToEdit.new_shelf_price
productToEdit.computing_shelf_price_details = computing_shelf_price_details
} catch (e) {
productToEdit.new_shelf_price = null;
err = {msg: + ' : ' + e.message, ctx: 'computing new_shelf_price'};
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