Commit 591893b7 by François C.

Fix wrong usage of partner_id when associated people id is used in affect_shift process

parent f96b09f0
Pipeline #1866 passed with stage
in 1 minute 30 seconds
......@@ -178,20 +178,30 @@ class CagetteShift(models.Model):
def affect_shift(self, data):
"""Affect shift to partner, his associate or both"""
response = None
cond = [['partner_id', '=', int(data['idPartner'])],
['id', '=', int(data['idShiftRegistration'])]]
fields = ['id']
shit_to_affect = self.o_api.search_read('shift.registration', cond, fields, 1)
if (len(shit_to_affect) == 1):
shift_res = shit_to_affect[0]
fieldsDatas = { "associate_registered":data['affected_partner']}
response = self.o_api.update('shift.registration', [shift_res['id']], fieldsDatas)
except Exception as e:
coop_logger.error("Reopen shift : %s", str(e))
# partner_id can be 'associated_people' one, which is never use as shift partner_id reference
# So, let's first retrieved data about the res.partner involved
cond = [['id', '=', int(data['idPartner'])]]
fields = ['parent_id']
partner = self.o_api.search_read('res.partner', cond, fields, 1)
if partner:
if partner[0]['parent_id']:
partner_id = partner[0]['parent_id'][0]
partner_id = int(data['idPartner'])
cond = [['partner_id', '=', partner_id],
['id', '=', int(data['idShiftRegistration'])]]
fields = ['id']
# make sure there is coherence between shift.registration id and partner_id (to avoid forged request)
shit_to_affect = self.o_api.search_read('shift.registration', cond, fields, 1)
if (len(shit_to_affect) == 1):
shift_res = shit_to_affect[0]
fieldsDatas = { "associate_registered":data['affected_partner']}
response = self.o_api.update('shift.registration', [shift_res['id']], fieldsDatas)
except Exception as e:
coop_logger.error("Model affect shift : %s", str(e))
coop_logger.error("Model affect shift nobody found : %s", str(cond))
return response
def cancel_shift(self, idsRegisteur):
......@@ -239,11 +239,14 @@ def affect_shift(request):
if Verification.verif_token(request.POST.get('verif_token'), int(request.POST.get('idPartner'))) is True:
cs = CagetteShift()
if 'idShiftRegistration' in request.POST and 'affected_partner' in request.POST:
# if request is made by associated people, idPartner is it's id, not "master" res.partner
# it's will be handled in model's method (affect_shift)
data = {
"idPartner": int(request.POST['idPartner']),
"idShiftRegistration": int(request.POST['idShiftRegistration']),
"affected_partner": request.POST['affected_partner'],
st_r_id = None
st_r_id = cs.affect_shift(data)
except Exception as e:
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