Commit 5848c742 by François C.

#4394 : allow comitee members to add as many points they want

parent 644261a5
Pipeline #2726 passed with stage
in 2 minutes 16 seconds
......@@ -870,27 +870,36 @@ class CagetteServices(models.Model):
if (len(shift_templ_res) > 0
shift_templ_res[0]['shift_template_id'][0] == committees_shift_id):
ok_for_adding_pt = False
mininum_seconds_interval = getattr(settings, 'MINIMUM_SECONDS_BETWEEN_TWO_COMITEE_VALIDATION', 3600 * 24)
evt_name = getattr(settings, 'ENTRANCE_ADD_PT_EVENT_NAME', 'Validation service comité')
if mininum_seconds_interval > 0:
# A constraint has been set to prevent from adding more than 1 point during a time period
# Let's find out when was the last time a "special point" has been addes
c = [['partner_id', '=', coop_id], ['name', '=', evt_name]]
f = ['create_date']
last_point_mvts = api.search_read('shift.counter.event', c, f,
order ="create_date DESC", limit=1)
ok_for_adding_pt = False
if len(last_point_mvts):
now =
past = datetime.datetime. strptime(last_point_mvts[0]['create_date'],
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
if (now - past).total_seconds() >= 3600 * 24:
if (now - past).total_seconds() >= mininum_seconds_interval:
ok_for_adding_pt = True
ok_for_adding_pt = True
# mininum_seconds_interval is 0 : Point can we added without any condition
ok_for_adding_pt = True
if ok_for_adding_pt is True:
res['evt_id'] = CagetteMember(coop_id).add_pts('ftop', 1, evt_name)
res['error'] = "One point has been added less then 24 hours ago"
res['error'] = "Un point a déjà été ajouté il y a trop récemment."
res['error'] = "Unallowed coop"
res['error'] = "Vous n'avez pas le droit d'ajouter un point."
res['error'] = "Unregistred coop"
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