Commit 378308c6 by François C.

Add MonA paiement to pos export

parent 5cdce3aa
Pipeline #2594 failed with stage
in 1 minute 59 seconds
......@@ -195,9 +195,10 @@ class ExportPOS(View):
'CHQ': 0,
'CB_DEJ': 0,
'CHQ_DEJ': 0,
'MonA': 0,
'TOTAL': 0}
sub_total = 0
cb = chq = csh = cbd = chqd = 0
cb = chq = csh = cbd = chqd = mona = 0
for p in s['payments']:
# p['name'] is a sequence generated string
# Test order is important as CHEQDEJ contains CHEQ for ex.
......@@ -213,28 +214,32 @@ class ExportPOS(View):
cbd = sub_amount
elif 'CB' in p['name']:
cb = sub_amount
elif 'MonA' in p['name']:
mona = sub_amount
sub_total += sub_amount
totals[key]['CB'] += cb
totals[key]['CSH'] += csh
totals[key]['CHQ'] += chq
totals[key]['CB_DEJ'] += cbd
totals[key]['CHQ_DEJ'] += chqd
totals[key]['MonA'] += mona
totals[key]['TOTAL'] += round(sub_total, 2)
details_lines.append([mois, s['mm_dates']['min'], s['mm_dates']['max'], s['caisse'], s['name'],
cb, csh, chq, cbd, chqd, sub_total])
cb, csh, chq, cbd, chqd, mona, sub_total])
wb = Workbook()
ws1 = wb.create_sheet("Totaux " + mois, 0)
ws2 = wb.create_sheet("Détails " + mois, 1)
ws1.append(['date', 'CB', 'CSH', 'CHQ', 'CB_DEJ', 'CHQ_DEJ', 'Total'])
ws1.append(['date', 'CB', 'CSH', 'CHQ', 'CB_DEJ', 'CHQ_DEJ', 'MonA', 'Total'])
for day in sorted(totals):
cb = totals[day]['CB']
csh = totals[day]['CSH']
chq = totals[day]['CHQ']
cbd = totals[day]['CB_DEJ']
chqd = totals[day]['CHQ_DEJ']
mona = totals[day]['MonA']
total = totals[day]['TOTAL']
ws1.append([day, cb, csh, chq, cbd, chqd, total])
ws2.append(['mois', 'min_date', 'max_date', 'Caisse', 'session', 'CB', 'CSH','CHQ', 'CB_DEJ', 'CHQ_DEJ', 'total'])
ws1.append([day, cb, csh, chq, cbd, chqd, mona, total])
ws2.append(['mois', 'min_date', 'max_date', 'Caisse', 'session', 'CB', 'CSH','CHQ', 'CB_DEJ', 'CHQ_DEJ', 'MonA', 'total'])
for row in details_lines:
wb_name = 'export_sessions__' + mois + '.xlsx'
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