12.7 KB
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from django.db import models

from outils.common_imports import *
from outils.common import OdooAPI
from orders.models import Order

import os, re

# Create your models here.

PO_TO_PROCESS_FILE_PREFIX = 'data/po_to_process'

class CagetteReception(models.Model):

    def __init__(self, id):
        """Init with odoo id.""" = int(id)
        self.o_api = OdooAPI()

20 21 22 23 24
    def get_orders(pids=[]):
            Recupere la liste des BC en cours.
            pids: Id des purchase.order à récupérer. Limite la recherche si défini.
Administrator committed
25 26 27
        orders = []
            api = OdooAPI()
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
            if len(pids) == 0:
                f = ["purchase_id"]
                c = [['picking_type_id', '=', 1], ["state", "in", ['assigned', 'partially_available']]]
                res = api.search_read('stock.picking', c, f)
                pids = []
                if res and len(res) > 0:
                    for r in res:

Administrator committed
            if len(pids):
                f=["id","name","date_order", "partner_id", "date_planned", "amount_untaxed", "amount_total", "reception_status", 'create_uid']
Administrator committed
39 40

                # Only get orders that need to be treated in Reception
41 42 43 44 45
                c = [
                        ['id', 'in', pids],
                        ["reception_status", "in", [False, 'qty_valid', 'valid_pending', 'br_valid']],
                        ["state", "not in", ["cancel", "done"]]
46 47

                orders = api.search_read('purchase.order', c, f)
Administrator committed
        except Exception as e:
            coop_logger.error("CagetteReception.get_orders : %s", str(e))
Administrator committed
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58
        return orders

    def get_order_unprocessable_products(id_po):
        """Return all products that can't be processed in order"""
        return Order(id_po).get_inactive_products()

    def get_order_lines_by_po(id_po, nullQty=False):
        """Return all purchases order lines linked with purchase order id in Odoo."""
        return Order(id_po).get_lines(withNullQty=nullQty)
59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74
    def get_mail_create_po(id_po):
        """Return name et email from id_po of order"""
            api = OdooAPI()
            f = ["create_uid"] 
            c = [['id', '=', id_po]]
            res = api.search_read('purchase.order', c, f)

            f = ["email", "display_name"]
            c = [['user_ids', '=', int(res[0]['create_uid'][0])]]
            res = api.search_read('res.partner', c, f)

        except Exception as e:
            coop_logger.error("CagetteReception.get_mail_create_po : %s", str(e))
76 77
        return res
Administrator committed
78 79 80

    def implies_scale_file_generation(self):
        answer = False
        lines_data = Order(
        bc_pattern = re.compile('^0493|0499')  # TODO : Adjust for other pattern (such as Supercoop)
        for l in lines_data['lines']:
84 85
            if 'barcode' in l and not (bc_pattern.match(str(l['barcode'])) is None):
                #  "'barcode' in l" has been added after actual case where it was missing !
Administrator committed
86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93
                answer = True
        # print ('answer=' + str(answer))
        return answer

    def update_line(self, idOnLine, updateType, pakageQty, nbPakage, uPrice):
        """Update purchase.order.line with qty data and/or price"""
        result = None
            f = {}
Administrator committed
95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106

            if updateType == "qty_valid" or updateType == "br_valid":
                f['package_qty'] = pakageQty
                f['product_qty_package'] = nbPakage
                f['product_qty'] = pakageQty * nbPakage

            if updateType == "br_valid":
                f['price_unit'] = uPrice

            res = self.o_api.update('purchase.order.line', idOnLine, f)
            result = True
107 108
        except Exception as e:
            coop_logger.error("update_line : %s (fields values = %s, line_id = %s)",str(e), str(f), str(idOnLine))
Administrator committed
109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
            result = False
        return result

    def remove_package_restriction(self, order_line):
        """Set indicative_package to True"""
        f = {'indicative_package' : True}
        return self.o_api.update('product.supplierinfo', order_line['ps_info_id'], f)

    def update_order_status(self, id_po, updateType):
        """Update purchase.order with new reception status """
        f = {'reception_status':updateType}
Administrator committed
120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138

        res = self.o_api.update('purchase.order', int(id_po), f)
        return res

    def attach_file(self, fileName, removeFile = True):
        Attach file to purshase order.
        By default, remove entry file after operation.
        return Order(, removeFile)

    def make_immediate_transfer(self, pack_operation_ids):
            Pack operations have been created when order has been changed from draft to 'purchase'
            Qty have to be changed to fit with the actual received one
        import json
        processed_lines = 0
139 140
        order_lines_data = CagetteReception.get_order_lines_by_po(, nullQty=True)
        order_lines = order_lines_data['lines']
Administrator committed
141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163
        received_products = {}
        for p in order_lines:
            received_products[p['product_id'][0]] = p['product_qty']
        packs = self.o_api.search_read('stock.pack.operation',[['id','in', pack_operation_ids]],['product_qty','product_id','linked_move_operation_ids'])
        if packs:
            for pack in packs:
                    if len(pack['linked_move_operation_ids']) == 1:
                        received_qty = 0
                        if pack['product_id'][0] in received_products:
                            received_qty = received_products[pack['product_id'][0]]
                            # First of all, change stock.move quantities to prevent missing quantities
                            pfields = {'product_qty_package': 1,
                                       'package_qty': received_qty,
                            linked_move_op_id = int(pack['linked_move_operation_ids'][0])
                            mol_cond = [['id','=', linked_move_op_id]]
                            mol_f = ['move_id']
                            move_op_link = self.o_api.search_read('', mol_cond, mol_f)
                            move_id = int(move_op_link[0]['move_id'][0])
                            self.o_api.update('', [linked_move_op_id], {'qty': received_products[pack['product_id'][0]]})
                            pfields['product_uom_qty'] = received_qty
                            self.o_api.update('stock.move', [move_id], pfields)
                            del pfields['product_uom_qty']  # field not in stock.pack.operation
Administrator committed
165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180
                            pfields['qty_done'] = pfields['product_qty'] = received_qty
                            self.o_api.update('stock.pack.operation', [int(pack['id'])], pfields)
                        processed_lines += 1
                        # More than 1 move have been created : Attach a message to PO to advise
                        msg = 'Transfert non réalisé car le nombre de "linked_move_operation_ids" est > 1'
                except Exception as e:
                    print (str(e))
                    # link a message to PO to advise
                    msg = 'Transfert non réalisé : erreur sur produit ' + str(pack['product_id'])
                    msg += ' ' + str(e)

        return  processed_lines

181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193
    def print_shelf_labels_for_updated_prices(self, lines):
        import requests
        # don't print barcode which begin with these codes
        noprint_list = ["0493", "0492", "0499"]

        pids = []
        for l in lines:
        products_to_print = self.o_api.search_read('product.product', [['id','in', pids]], ['product_tmpl_id', 'barcode', 'to_print'])
        if products_to_print:
            to_reset = []
            for p_to_print in products_to_print:
      'candidate to print %s', str(p_to_print))
                if p_to_print['barcode'] and p_to_print['to_print'] is True and p_to_print['barcode'][:4] not in noprint_list:
195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204
                        tools_url = settings.TOOLS_SERVER + '/products/label_print/'
                        tools_url += str(p_to_print['product_tmpl_id'][0])
                    except Exception as e:
                        coop_logger.error("Shelf label printing : %s",str(e))
            if len(to_reset) > 0:
                self.o_api.update('product.product', to_reset, {'to_print': 0})
205 206 207 208 209 210 211
    def update_products_price_v12(self):
        result = {'success': False}
            result['success'] = self.o_api.execute('purchase.order', 'update_po_price_to_vendor_price', [])
        except Exception as e:
            coop_logger.error("update_products_price_v12 : %s", str(e))
            result['error'] = str(e)
Administrator committed

        return result
Administrator committed

    def stock_picking_update(self, order_line):
Administrator committed
        result = None
217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230
            res = self.o_api.search_read('stock.move', [['purchase_line_id', '=', order_line['id']]], ['id'])
            if res:
                fields = {
                    'package_qty': float(order_line['package_qty']),
                    'product_qty_package': float(order_line['product_qty_package']),
                    'product_uom_qty': float(order_line['package_qty']) * float(order_line['product_qty_package']),
                    'price_unit': float(order_line['price_unit'])
                ids = []
                for r in res:
                self.o_api.update('stock.move', ids, fields)
                result = True
Administrator committed

232 233 234 235
        except Exception as e:
            coop_logger.error("Stock picking update : %s ", str(e))
            result = False
        return result
Administrator committed

237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247
    def finalyze_picking_v12(self):
        result = None
            res = self.o_api.execute('purchase.order', 'stock_immediate_transfer', [])
            done = 0
            for r in res:
                if r in ['done', 'cancel']:
                    done += 1
            if done == len(res):
                result = 'processed'
                price_update = self.update_products_price_v12()
                if price_update['success'] is False:
                    result = 'error: price update'
250 251 252
                    if getattr(settings, 'RECEPTION_SHELF_LABEL_PRINT', False) is True:
253 254 255 256 257
                result = False

        except Exception as e:
            coop_logger.error("Finalyze picking : %s ", str(e))
Administrator committed
258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291

        return result

    def register_purchase_order_to_finalyze(self):
            import datetime
            file = open(PO_TO_PROCESS_FILE_PREFIX + '_'+ str(,'w')
            result = True
        except Exception as e:
            result = str(e)
        return result

    def process_enqueued_po_to_finalyze():
        to_process = []
        processed = []
        print_label = False
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk('data'):
            po_to_process_pattern = re.compile('po_to_process_([0-9]+)')
            po_in_process_pattern = re.compile('po_in_process_([0-9]+)')
            in_process_ids = []
            for basename in files:
                in_po_id = po_in_process_pattern.findall(basename)
                if len(in_po_id) > 0:
            for basename in files:
                id = po_to_process_pattern.findall(basename)
                if len(id) > 0 and not (id[0] in in_process_ids):
                    file = open('data/po_in_process_' + str(id[0]), 'w')
                    to_process.append({'file': 'data/' + basename, 'id': str(id[0])})
        if len(to_process) > 0:
            for p in to_process:
                m = CagetteReception(int(p['id']))
                fp = m.finalyze_picking_v12()
Administrator committed
293 294 295 296
                if fp == 'processed':
                    print_label = m.implies_scale_file_generation()
                if fp == 'processed' or fp == 'already done':

Administrator committed
298 299 300 301 302 303
                processed.append({p['id']: fp})
                os.remove('data/po_in_process_' + str(p['id']))
        if print_label is True:
            import requests
            requests.get(settings.TOOLS_SERVER + '/products/labels_appli_csv')
        return [to_process, processed]