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from django.db import models
2 3
from outils.common_imports import *

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4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
from outils.common import OdooAPI
from outils.common import CouchDB

import datetime

class CagetteEnvelops(models.Model):
    """Class to manage operations on envelops"""

    def __init__(self):
        """Init with odoo id."""
        self.o_api = OdooAPI()
        self.c_db = CouchDB(arg_db='envelops')

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18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

    def get_all(self):
        envelops = []
        alldocs = self.c_db.getAllDocs()
        if len(alldocs) > 0:
            for e in alldocs:
                if 'type' in e:
        return envelops

    def get_ids_in_all(self):
        ids = []
        envelops = self.get_all()
        if len(envelops) > 0:
            for e in envelops:
                for key, val in e['envelop_content'].items():
                    if not (key in ids):
        return ids

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    def get_related_invoice(self, data):
        invoice = None
        message = ""
        # Get specific invoice if id is given
        if 'invoice_id' in data:
            cond = [['id', '=', data['invoice_id']], ["number", "!=", False]]
            cond = [['partner_id', '=', data['partner_id']], ["number", "!=", False], ["residual_signed", ">", 0]]

        fields = ['id', 'name', 'number', 'partner_id', 'residual_signed']
        invoice_res = self.o_api.search_read('account.invoice', cond, fields,order="residual_signed DESC")

        # Check if invoice exists
        if len(invoice_res) > 0:
            # Get first invoice for which amount being paid <= amount left to pay in invoice 
            for invoice_item in invoice_res:
                if int(float(data['amount']) * 100) <= int(float(invoice_item['residual_signed']) * 100):
                    invoice = invoice_item
            if invoice is None:
                message = 'The amount is too high for the invoices found for this partner.'

        if invoice is None and 'invoice_id' in data:
            """Because of a legacy bug, 
            some capital subscription recording processes 
            could save a wrong 0 amount invoice in envelop, 
            instead of the one with right amount.
            So, let's retry without invoice_id"""
            del data['invoice_id']
            [invoice, message] = self.get_related_invoice(data)
            # Can't fall into a loop since invoice_id key has been deleted

        return [invoice, message]

Administrator committed
72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
    def save_payment(self, data):
        """Save a partner payment"""
        res = {
            "done": False

            # Get invoice
80 81 82 83 84
            [invoice, message] = self.get_related_invoice(data)
            if invoice is None:
                if len(message) == 0:
                    message = 'No invoice found for this partner, can\'t create payment.'
                res['error'] = message
Administrator committed
85 86
                return res

87 88 89 90
            payment_journal_id = None
            for pm in settings.SUBSCRIPTION_PAYMENT_MEANINGS:
                if pm['code'] == data['type']:
                    payment_journal_id = pm['journal_id']
Administrator committed
91 92 93 94 95 96 97
            args = {
                "writeoff_account_id": False,
                "payment_difference_handling": "open",
                "currency_id": 1,
                "amount": data['amount'],
                "payment_method_id": 1,
                "journal_id": payment_journal_id,
Administrator committed
99 100 101 102 103 104 105
                "partner_id": data['partner_id'],
                "partner_type": "customer",
                "payment_type": "inbound",
                "communication": invoice['number'],
                "invoice_ids": [(4, invoice['id'])]

106 107 108 109
                payment_id = self.o_api.create('account.payment', args)
            except Exception as e:
                res['error'] = repr(e)
                coop_logger.error(res['error'] + ": %s", str(args))

Administrator committed
112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119
            # Exception rises when odoo method returns nothing
            marshal_none_error = 'cannot marshal None unless allow_none is enabled'
                # Second operation to complete payment registration
                self.o_api.execute('account.payment', 'post', [payment_id])
            except Exception as e:
                if not (marshal_none_error in str(e)):
                    res['error'] = repr(e)
                    coop_logger.error(res['error'] + ' : %s', str(payment_id))
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121 122 123
            if not ('error' in res):
                    if int(float(data['amount']) * 100) == int(float(invoice['residual_signed']) * 100):
Damien Moulard committed
                        # This payment is what was left to pay, so change invoice state
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125 126 127
                        self.o_api.update('account.invoice', [invoice['id']], {'state': 'paid'})
                except Exception as e:
                    res['error'] = repr(e)
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129 130 131

        except Exception as e:
            res['error'] = repr(e)
            coop_logger.error(res['error'] + ' : %s', str(data))
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133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142

        if not ('error' in res):
            res['done'] = True
            res['payment_id'] = payment_id

        return res

    def delete_envelop(self, envelop):
        return self.c_db.delete(envelop)

143 144
    def archive_envelop(self, envelop):
        envelop['archive'] = True
        envelop['cashing_date'] ="%d/%m/%Y")
146 147
        return self.c_db.dbc.update([envelop])

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    def generate_envelop_display_id(self):
        """Generate a unique incremental id to display"""
        c_db = CouchDB(arg_db='envelops')
        display_id = 0
        # Get last created envelop: the one with the highest display_id
        envelops = c_db.getAllDocs(descending=True)
        if envelops:
            last_env = envelops[0]
            if 'display_id' in last_env:
                    if int(last_env['display_id']) > display_id:
                        display_id = int(last_env['display_id'])

        display_id += 1
        return display_id

    def create_or_update_envelops(payment_data):
        """Create or update one or multiple envelops according to member payment data"""
        c_db = CouchDB(arg_db='envelops')
        m = CagetteEnvelops()
        answer = None

        doc = {
            'type' : payment_data['payment_meaning'],
            'creation_date' :"%Y-%m-%d"),
            'envelop_content': {
                payment_data['partner_id'] : {
                    'partner_name' : payment_data['partner_name']

        # Create or update today's envelop when payment is cash
        if payment_data['payment_meaning'] == 'cash':
            # Generate envelop id
            today =
            envelop_id = 'cash_' + str(today.year) + '_' + str(today.month) + '_' + str(

                doc = c_db.getDocById(envelop_id)   #today's envelop already exists

                doc['envelop_content'][payment_data['partner_id']] = {
                    'partner_name': payment_data['partner_name'],
                    'amount': int(payment_data['shares_euros'])

                answer = c_db.dbc.update([doc])
            except:     #doesn't exist, create today's envelop
                doc['_id'] = envelop_id
                doc['envelop_content'][payment_data['partner_id']]['amount'] = int(payment_data['shares_euros'])

                doc.pop('_rev', None)
                answer =

        # When payment by check
            # Get the oldest check envelops, limited by the number of checks
            docs = []
209 210 211 212 213 214
                for item in c_db.dbc.view('index/by_type_not_archive', key='ch', include_docs=True, limit=payment_data['checks_nb']):
                # Exception raised if no envelop
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215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259

            # If only 1 check to save
            if int(payment_data['checks_nb']) == 1:
                # No existing envelop, create one
                if len(docs) == 0:
                    doc['_id'] = 'ch_' + str(
                    doc['display_id'] = m.generate_envelop_display_id()
                    doc['envelop_content'][payment_data['partner_id']]['amount'] = int(payment_data['shares_euros'])

                    doc.pop('_rev', None)
                    answer =

                # Update existing envelop
                    docs[0]['envelop_content'][payment_data['partner_id']] = doc['envelop_content'][payment_data['partner_id']]
                    docs[0]['envelop_content'][payment_data['partner_id']]['amount'] = int(payment_data['shares_euros'])

                    answer = c_db.dbc.update(docs)

            # If more than 1 check
                checks_cpt = 0
                # Put the first checks in the first existing envelops
                for item in docs:
                    item['envelop_content'][payment_data['partner_id']] = doc['envelop_content'][payment_data['partner_id']]
                    item['envelop_content'][payment_data['partner_id']]['amount'] = payment_data['checks'][checks_cpt]

                    checks_cpt += 1

                    answer = c_db.dbc.update([item])

                # If there is no existing envelop for the reminding checks, create them
                env_display_id = m.generate_envelop_display_id()
                for i in range(checks_cpt, int(payment_data['checks_nb'])):    # rangeMAX excluded -> no loop if no remaining checks
                    doc['_id'] = 'ch_' + str( + i)
                    doc['display_id'] = env_display_id
                    doc['envelop_content'][payment_data['partner_id']]['amount'] = payment_data['checks'][checks_cpt]

                    doc.pop('_rev', None)  # For some reason, the _rev of the previously created doc is stored and set to the next new doc
                    answer =

                    checks_cpt += 1
                    env_display_id += 1

        return answer