Food Coop - Product Coefficient
This module was written to extend the functionality of Odoo Product module.
This module add 'Product Coefficients' Model and a complete system to compute theoritical sale price, depending of a supplier price.
Product Coefficients
A coefficient can be:
- A coefficient of Shipping (it will be used at the beginning of the computation)
- A coefficient of Loss (it will be used after for the computation)
- A Custom Coefficient (it will be used at the middle of the computation)
- A Coefficient of Margin (it will be used at the end of the computation)
Two operation are allowed:
- 'Multiplier' : A multiplication will be done
- 'Fixed Amount' : A fixed amount will be added

6 Coefficients can be set on products.
On the product form, a new page displays price details, using category coefficients previously defined.
The base price is based on the supplier sale price. (see technical information below).

This module provides a theoritical sale price, based on the sale price and the coefficients. If the theoritical sale price is different of the real sale price, a button is available to apply the change on the product form.

User can select all the products that have a sale price differents and can change prices massively, using a wizard :

You can mass edit coefficient on many products, via a new tree editable view

Technical Information
If user set end dates on supplier info, base prices will be incorrect after a certain date. For that purpose, an extra button is available on the product form, and cron task is available to recompute base prices each night.
Normal installation.
- Go to 'Sale' / 'Configuration' / 'Product Coefficients' and create your coefficients
- Go to 'Sale' / 'Sales' / 'Products' and affect coefficients to your products.
- Sylvain LE GAL <>