POS Payment Terminal

This module adds support for automatic cashdrawers in the Point of Sale.


This module is designed to be installed on the main Odoo server. On the POSbox, you should install the module hw_x depending on the protocol implemented in your device. Cashlogy <http://www.cashlogy.com> are implemented in the hw_cashlogy module and also in pywebdriver <https://github.com/akretion/pywebdriver>.


The cashlogyConnector adddress and port should be configured on the main Odoo server, in the menu Pointof Sale > Configuration > Payment Methods,under the Point of Sale tab.


In the frontend of the POS, when you select a payment method CASH you will have a Start Transaction button : if you click on that button, the amount will be sent to the POSbox.



  • Aurelien Dumaine
  • Mathieu Vatel