test_mass_editing.py 7.13 KB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# © 2016 Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. (support@serpentcs.com)
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl).

import ast

from openerp.tests import common
from openerp.modules import registry
from openerp.addons.mass_editing.hooks import uninstall_hook

class TestMassEditing(common.TransactionCase):

    def setUp(self):
        super(TestMassEditing, self).setUp()
        model_obj = self.env['ir.model']
        self.mass_wiz_obj = self.env['mass.editing.wizard']
        self.mass_object_model = self.env['mass.object']
        self.res_partner_model = self.env['res.partner']
        self.partner = self._create_partner()
        self.partner_model = model_obj.\
            search([('model', '=', 'res.partner')])
        self.user_model = model_obj.search([('model', '=', 'res.users')])
        self.fields_model = self.env['ir.model.fields'].\
            search([('model_id', '=', self.partner_model.id),
                    ('name', 'in', ['email', 'phone', 'category_id', 'comment',
                                    'country_id', 'customer', 'child_ids',
        self.mass = self._create_mass_editing(self.partner_model,
        self.copy_mass = self.mass.copy()
        self.user = self._create_user()

    def _create_partner(self):
        """Create a Partner."""
        categ_ids = self.env['res.partner.category'].search([]).ids
        return self.res_partner_model.create({
            'name': 'Test Partner',
            'email': 'example@yourcompany.com',
            'phone': 123456,
            'category_id': [(6, 0, categ_ids)],

    def _create_user(self):
        return self.env['res.users'].create({
            'name': 'Test User',
            'login': 'test_login',
            'email': 'test@test.com',

    def _create_mass_editing(self, model, fields):
        """Create a Mass Editing with Partner as model and
        email field of partner."""
        mass = self.mass_object_model.create({
            'name': 'Mass Editing for Partner',
            'model_id': model.id,
            'field_ids': [(6, 0, fields.ids)]
        return mass

    def _apply_action(self, partner, vals):
        """Create Wizard object to perform mass editing to
        REMOVE field's value."""
        ctx = {
            'active_id': partner.id,
            'active_ids': partner.ids,
            'active_model': 'res.partner',
        return self.mass_wiz_obj.with_context(ctx).create(vals)

    def test_wiz_fields_view_get(self):
        """Test whether fields_view_get method returns arch or not."""
        ctx = {
            'mass_editing_object': self.mass.id,
            'active_id': self.partner.id,
            'active_ids': self.partner.ids,
            'active_model': 'res.partner',
        result = self.mass_wiz_obj.with_context(ctx).fields_view_get()
                        'Fields view get must return architecture.')

    def test_onchange_model(self):
        """Test whether onchange model_id returns model_id in list"""
        new_mass = self.mass_object_model.new({'model_id': self.user_model.id})
        model_list = ast.literal_eval(new_mass.model_list)
        self.assertTrue(self.user_model.id in model_list,
                        'Onchange model list must contains model_id.')

    def test_mass_edit_email(self):
        """Test Case for MASS EDITING which will remove and after add
        Partner's email and will assert the same."""
        # Remove email address
        vals = {
            'selection__email': 'remove',
            'selection__phone': 'remove',
        self._apply_action(self.partner, vals)
        self.assertEqual(self.partner.email, False,
                         'Partner\'s Email should be removed.')
        # Set email address
        vals = {
            'selection__email': 'set',
            'email': 'sample@mycompany.com',
        self._apply_action(self.partner, vals)
        self.assertNotEqual(self.partner.email, False,
                            'Partner\'s Email should be set.')

    def test_mass_edit_m2m_categ(self):
        """Test Case for MASS EDITING which will remove and add
        Partner's category m2m."""
        # Remove m2m categories
        vals = {
            'selection__category_id': 'remove_m2m',
        self._apply_action(self.partner, vals)
        self.assertNotEqual(self.partner.category_id, False,
                            'Partner\'s category should be removed.')
        # Add m2m categories
        dist_categ_id = self.env.ref('base.res_partner_category_13').id
        vals = {
            'selection__category_id': 'add',
            'category_id': [[6, 0, [dist_categ_id]]],
        wiz_action = self._apply_action(self.partner, vals)
        self.assertTrue(dist_categ_id in self.partner.category_id.ids,
                        'Partner\'s category should be added.')
        # Check window close action
        res = wiz_action.action_apply()
        self.assertTrue(res['type'] == 'ir.actions.act_window_close',
                        'IR Action must be window close.')

    def test_mass_edit_copy(self):
        """Test if fields one2many field gets blank when mass editing record
        is copied.
        self.assertEqual(self.copy_mass.field_ids.ids, [],
                         'Fields must be blank.')

    def test_sidebar_action(self):
        """Test if Sidebar Action is added / removed to / from give object."""
        action = self.mass.ref_ir_act_window_id and self.mass.ref_ir_value_id
        self.assertTrue(action, 'Sidebar action must be exists.')
        # Remove the sidebar actions
        action = self.mass.ref_ir_act_window_id and self.mass.ref_ir_value_id
        self.assertFalse(action, 'Sidebar action must be removed.')

    def test_unlink_mass(self):
        """Test if related actions are removed when mass editing
        record is unlinked."""
        mass_action_id = "ir.actions.act_window," + str(self.mass.id)
        value_cnt = self.env['ir.values'].search([('value', '=',
        self.assertTrue(value_cnt == 0,
                        "Sidebar action must be removed when mass"
                        " editing is unlinked.")

    def test_uninstall_hook(self):
        """Test if related actions are removed when mass editing
        record is uninstalled."""
        uninstall_hook(self.cr, registry)
        mass_action_id = "ir.actions.act_window," + str(self.mass.id)
        value_cnt = self.env['ir.values'].search([('value', '=',
        self.assertTrue(value_cnt == 0,
                        "Sidebar action must be removed when mass"
                        " editing module is uninstalled.")