__openerp__.py 1.7 KB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2018-Today: La Cagette (<https://lacagette-coop.fr/>)
# @author: La Cagette
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html).
# Odoo will look into your __openerp__.py. It will check the 'depends' list
# value. It will look for the method your are overriding in the modules in
# the 'depends' list.
# Odoo will try to find the method in the first module in the list, if not
# found it will look into the next module, and if not it will look into the
# 3rd one, etc ...
# So, if method B override method A and method C overrides A as well, you
# need to add the module name of the method A in the 'depends' list before
# the module name of method B.
# On the other hand, if method B overrides method A, and method C overrides
# method B, you need to add the module name of the method B in the 'depends'
# list before the module name of method A
    'name': 'La Cagette - Product',
    'version': '',
    'category': 'Custom',
    'summary': 'Implements La Cagette product specific views and action',
    'description': """
       Actions implémentées :\n
       - Impression d'étiquettes
       - Lors de la recherche par nom d'un produit, rechercher également par code fournisseur
       - Lors de la sauvegarde d'une fiche article, vérification de la validité du code barre (EAN8, EAN13 ou chaîne vide).
    'author': 'La Cagette',
    'website': 'https://lacagette-coop.fr',
    'depends': [
    'data': [
    'qweb': ['static/src/xml/label_print_button.xml'],
    'installable': True,