account_invoice_4.yml 2.67 KB
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François C. committed
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  I create customer invoice 4 - 120 EUR
  !record {model: account.invoice, id: account_invoice_customer_4, view: invoice_form}:
    journal_id: account.sales_journal
    partner_id: base.res_partner_3
    account_id: ds
    vat_on_payment: True
      - quantity: 1
        account_id: account.a_sale
        name: 'Service'
        price_unit: 100.0
          - tax20
  I create invoice by clicking on Create button
  !workflow {model: account.invoice, action: invoice_open, ref: account_invoice_customer_4}
  I set the context that will be used for the encoding of all the vouchers of this file
    'type': 'receipt'
  I create the Payment for 100
  !record {model: account.voucher, id: account_voucher_4_a, view: account_voucher.view_vendor_receipt_form}:
    partner_id: base.res_partner_3
    amount: 100
  I set the discount for 20
  !python {model: account.voucher}: |
    voucher = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('account_voucher_4_a'), context=context)
    assert len(voucher.line_cr_ids) == 1, "There must be 1 voucher line, %s found" % len(voucher.line_cr_ids)
      'reconcile': True,
      'amount': 120,
      'payment_option': 'with_writeoff',
      'writeoff_acc_id': ref('account.a_expense'),
      'exclude_write_off': False,
  I confirm the voucher
  !workflow {model: account.voucher, action: proforma_voucher, ref: account_voucher_4_a}
  I check the voucher
  !python {model: account.voucher}: |
    voucher = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('account_voucher_4_a'), context=context)
    assert len(voucher.move_id.line_id) == 3, "There must be 3 real move lines, %s found" % len(voucher.move_id.line_id)
    bank_found = False
    vat_found = False
    sales_found = False
    for move_line in voucher.move_id.line_id:
      if == ref('account.bnk'):
        bank_found = True
        assert move_line.debit == 100, "Bank move line must be 100 debit, %s found" % move_line.debit
      if == ref('account.iva'):
        vat_found = True
        assert == 16.67, "VAT move line must be 16.67 credit, %s found" %
      if == ref('account.a_sale'):
        sales_found = True
        assert == 83.33, "sales move line must be 83.33 credit, %s found" %
    assert bank_found, "No bank move line found"
    assert sales_found, "No sales move line found"
    assert vat_found, "No VAT move line found"
  I check that the invoice state is paid
  !assert {model: account.invoice, id: account_invoice_customer_4}:
    - state == 'paid'