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François C. committed
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2016-Today: La Louve (<>)
# @author: La Louve
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (

from openerp import api, models, fields, _

class AccountMoveLine(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'account.move.line'

    def prepare_move_lines_for_reconciliation_widget(
            self, target_currency=False, target_date=False):
        Override this function to change the logic of doing bank reconcliation:
        - if account_code of account.move.line = account_code of bank.statement.line  => the transaction is matched,
        - if account_code of account.move.line != account_code of bank.statement.line => a new move is generated,
          move.line on source account is allocated and counterpart
          on bank journal account is matched to the statement.

        res = super(AccountMoveLine,
            target_currency, target_date)

        # Get current journal account and accounts
        journal_ids = self._context.get('journal_ids', [])
        journals = self.env['account.journal'].browse(journal_ids)
        debit_account = journals.mapped('default_debit_account_id')

        list_account_code = debit_account.mapped('code')

        # Update already paid if statement line with not account debit/credit
        # in current journal
        # if account_code of account.move.line = account_code of bank.statement.line  => only match 2 bank statement.line 
        # and account.move.line
        # if account_code of account.move.line != account_code of bank.statement.line => a new move is generated

        for line_data in res:
            if line_data['account_code'] in list_account_code:
                    'already_paid': True})
                    'already_paid': False})
        return res