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François C. committed
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# © 2015-2016 Akretion (Alexis de Lattre <>)
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (

def migrate(cr, version):
    if not version:

    # key : source region XMLID - value : destination region XMLID
    new_region_map = {
        'res_country_state_rhonealpes': 'res_country_state_auvergne',
        'res_country_state_champagneardenne': 'res_country_state_alsace',
        'res_country_state_lorraine': 'res_country_state_alsace',
        'res_country_state_limousin': 'res_country_state_aquitaine',
        'res_country_state_poitoucharentes': 'res_country_state_aquitaine',
        'res_country_state_franchecomte': 'res_country_state_bourgogne',
        'res_country_state_picardie': 'res_country_state_nordpasdecalais',
        'res_country_state_hautenormandie': 'res_country_state_bassenormandie',

    # same as new_region_map but with IDs instead of XMLIDs
    new_region_map_id = {}

    for src, dest in new_region_map.iteritems():
            SELECT res_id from ir_model_data where model=''
            AND module='l10n_fr_state' AND name=%s
            """, (src, ))
        res_src_id = cr.fetchall()
            SELECT res_id from ir_model_data where model=''
            AND module='l10n_fr_state' AND name=%s
            """, (dest, ))
        res_dest_id = cr.fetchall()
        if res_src_id and res_dest_id:
            new_region_map_id[res_src_id[0][0]] = res_dest_id[0][0]

    for src_id, dest_id in new_region_map_id.iteritems():
            UPDATE res_partner set state_id=%s where state_id=%s
            """, (dest_id, src_id))

            SELECT id from ir_model where model=''
        dpt = cr.fetchall()
        if dpt:
                UPDATE res_country_department set state_id=%s where state_id=%s
                """, (dest_id, src_id))

            SELECT id from ir_model where model=''
        bzip = cr.fetchall()
        if bzip:
                UPDATE res_better_zip set state_id=%s where state_id=%s
                """, (dest_id, src_id))