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Newer Older
François C. committed
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from openerp import api, models

class ShiftLeaveWizard(models.TransientModel):
    _inherit = 'shift.leave.wizard'

    def button_confirm(self):
        res = super(ShiftLeaveWizard, self).button_confirm()
        tmpl_name = self._context.get('leave_mail_tmpl', False)

        for wiz in self:
            leave = wiz.leave_id

            if leave.non_defined_type and leave.non_defined_leave:
                tmpl_name = 'coop_membership.confirm_leave_non_define_email'
                mail_tmpl = self.env.ref(tmpl_name)
                if mail_tmpl:
                return res

            elif not (leave.type_id and leave.type_id.is_temp_leave):

            if not tmpl_name:
                tmpl_name = leave.partner_id.in_ftop_team and \
                    'coop_membership.coop_ftop_leave_email' or \

            mail_tmpl = self.env.ref(tmpl_name)
            if mail_tmpl:

        return res