Unverified Commit fe62af54 by Scott Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #737 from pupi1985/patch-128

 Add support to 'INSERT INTO ... VALUES $' queries
parents 1971c3e1 006e3a11
......@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ namespace Q2A\Database;
use PDO;
use PDOException;
use PDOStatement;
use Q2A\Database\DbResult;
use Q2A\Database\Exceptions\SelectSpecException;
class DbConnection
......@@ -184,8 +183,13 @@ class DbConnection
$query = str_replace(['#', '$'], '?', $query);
// handle IN queries
$query = $this->applyArraySub($query, $params);
$params = $this->flattenArray($params);
if (substr_count($query, '?') != count($params)) {
throw new SelectSpecException('The number of parameters and placeholders do not match');
try {
global $qa_usage;
......@@ -550,34 +554,78 @@ class DbConnection
$result = '';
$hasArray = false;
$paramIndexCount = array();
$paramInfo = array();
foreach ($params as $param) {
if (is_array($param)) {
$paramIndexCount[] = count($param);
// If the first subparam is an array, the rest of the parameter groups should have the same
// amount of elements. E.G.: the output should be '(?, ?), (?, ?)' rather than '(?), (?, ?)'
$subArrayCount = is_array($param[0]) ? count($param[0]) : 0;
$paramInfo[] = array(
'count' => count($param),
'sub_array_count' => $subArrayCount,
if ($subArrayCount > 0) {
foreach ($param as $subParam) {
$subParamCount = count($subParam);
if ($subParamCount != $subArrayCount) {
throw new SelectSpecException('All parameter groups must have the same amount of parameters');
$hasArray = true;
} else {
$paramIndexCount[] = 1;
$paramInfo[] = array(
'count' => 1,
'sub_array_count' => 0,
if ($hasArray) {
$explodedQuery = explode('?', $query);
if (count($explodedQuery) != count($paramIndexCount) + 1) {
throw new SelectSpecException('The number of parameters and placeholders do not match');
if (!$hasArray) {
return $query;
$explodedQuery = explode('?', $query);
foreach ($explodedQuery as $index => $explodedQueryPart) {
$result .= $explodedQueryPart;
// Ignore the last part of the $explodedQueryPart
if (!isset($paramInfo[$index])) {
foreach ($explodedQuery as $index => $explodedQueryPart) {
$result .= $explodedQueryPart;
if (isset($paramIndexCount[$index])) {
$result .= $paramIndexCount[$index] == 1
? '?'
: str_repeat('?,', $paramIndexCount[$index] - 1) . '?';
// If the parameter is not an array with sub arrays
if ($paramInfo[$index]['sub_array_count'] == 0) {
// Turn this SQL 'IN (?)' into 'IN (?, ?, ?)' for arrays with no sub arrays
$result .= $this->repeatStringWithSeparators('?', $paramInfo[$index]['count']);
} else {
// Turn this SQL 'IN ?' into 'IN (?, ?), (?, ?)' for arrays with sub arrays
$result .=
'(' . $this->repeatStringWithSeparators('?', $paramInfo[$index]['sub_array_count']) . ')',
return $result;
return $query;
return $result;
* Repeat a string a given amount of times separating each of the instances with ', '.
* @param string $string
* @param int $amount
* @return string
private function repeatStringWithSeparators($string, $amount)
return $amount == 1
? $string
: str_repeat($string . ', ', $amount - 1) . $string;
......@@ -609,7 +657,7 @@ class DbConnection
* Flatten a two-level array into a one-level array.
* Flatten a two-level or three-level array into a one-level array.
* @param mixed $elements Input elements which can be one-level deep arrays
* @return array
......@@ -618,7 +666,7 @@ class DbConnection
$result = array();
foreach ($elements as $element) {
if (is_array($element)) {
$result = array_merge($result, $element);
$result = array_merge($result, $this->flattenArray($element));
} else {
$result[] = $element;
use Q2A\Database\DbConnection;
class DbConnectionTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
/** @var DbConnection */
private $dbConnection;
protected function setUp()
$this->dbConnection = new DbConnection();
public function test__applyArraySub_success()
$result = $this->dbConnection->applyArraySub('SELECT * FROM table WHERE field = 1', array());
$this->assertSame('SELECT * FROM table WHERE field = 1', $result);
$result = $this->dbConnection->applyArraySub('SELECT * FROM table WHERE field = ?', array(1));
$this->assertSame('SELECT * FROM table WHERE field = ?', $result);
$result = $this->dbConnection->applyArraySub('SELECT * FROM table WHERE field IN (?)', array(array(1)));
$this->assertSame('SELECT * FROM table WHERE field IN (?)', $result);
$result = $this->dbConnection->applyArraySub('SELECT * FROM table WHERE field IN (?)', array(array(1, 2)));
$this->assertSame('SELECT * FROM table WHERE field IN (?, ?)', $result);
$result = $this->dbConnection->applyArraySub('INSERT INTO table(field) VALUES ?', array(array(array(1))));
$this->assertSame('INSERT INTO table(field) VALUES (?)', $result);
$result = $this->dbConnection->applyArraySub('INSERT INTO table(field) VALUES ?', array(array(array(1), array(2))));
$this->assertSame('INSERT INTO table(field) VALUES (?), (?)', $result);
$result = $this->dbConnection->applyArraySub('INSERT INTO table(field1, field2) VALUES ?', array(array(array(1, 2))));
$this->assertSame('INSERT INTO table(field1, field2) VALUES (?, ?)', $result);
$result = $this->dbConnection->applyArraySub('INSERT INTO table(field1, field2) VALUES ?', array(array(array(1, 2), array(3, 4))));
$this->assertSame('INSERT INTO table(field1, field2) VALUES (?, ?), (?, ?)', $result);
public function test__applyArraySub_parameter_groups_with_different_element_count_error()
$this->dbConnection->applyArraySub('INSERT INTO table(field1, field2) VALUES ?', array(array(array(1, 2), array(3))));
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