Commit f5aaabc6 by Scott

Coding style (db functions)

parent b8eaff85
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function qa_db_blob_create($content, $format, $sourcefilename=null, $userid=null, $cookieid=null, $ip=null)
Create a new blob in the database with $content and $format, other fields as provided
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
for ($attempt=0; $attempt<10; $attempt++) {
if (qa_db_blob_exists($blobid))
'INSERT INTO ^blobs (blobid, format, content, filename, userid, cookieid, createip, created) VALUES (#, $, $, $, $, #, $, NOW())',
$blobid, $format, $content, $sourcefilename, $userid, $cookieid, @inet_pton($ip)
return $blobid;
return null;
function qa_db_blob_read($blobid)
Get the information about blob $blobid from the database
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
return qa_db_read_one_assoc(qa_db_query_sub(
'SELECT content, format, filename FROM ^blobs WHERE blobid=#',
), true);
function qa_db_blob_set_content($blobid, $content)
Change the content of blob $blobid in the database to $content (can also be null)
'UPDATE ^blobs SET content=$ WHERE blobid=#',
$content, $blobid
function qa_db_blob_delete($blobid)
Delete blob $blobid in the database
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
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header('Location: ../');
* Create a new blob in the database with $content and $format, other fields as provided
* @param $content
* @param $format
* @param $sourcefilename
* @param $userid
* @param $cookieid
* @param $ip
* @return mixed|null|string
function qa_db_blob_create($content, $format, $sourcefilename = null, $userid = null, $cookieid = null, $ip = null)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
for ($attempt = 0; $attempt < 10; $attempt++) {
$blobid = qa_db_random_bigint();
if (qa_db_blob_exists($blobid))
'DELETE FROM ^blobs WHERE blobid=#',
'INSERT INTO ^blobs (blobid, format, content, filename, userid, cookieid, createip, created) VALUES (#, $, $, $, $, #, $, NOW())',
$blobid, $format, $content, $sourcefilename, $userid, $cookieid, @inet_pton($ip)
function qa_db_blob_exists($blobid)
Check if blob $blobid exists in the database
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
return qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub(
'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ^blobs WHERE blobid=#',
)) > 0;
return $blobid;
Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output
return null;
* Get the information about blob $blobid from the database
* @param $blobid
* @return array|mixed|null
function qa_db_blob_read($blobid)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
return qa_db_read_one_assoc(qa_db_query_sub(
'SELECT content, format, filename FROM ^blobs WHERE blobid=#',
), true);
* Change the content of blob $blobid in the database to $content (can also be null)
* @param $blobid
* @param $content
function qa_db_blob_set_content($blobid, $content)
'UPDATE ^blobs SET content=$ WHERE blobid=#',
$content, $blobid
* Delete blob $blobid in the database
* @param $blobid
* @return mixed
function qa_db_blob_delete($blobid)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
'DELETE FROM ^blobs WHERE blobid=#',
* Check if blob $blobid exists in the database
* @param $blobid
* @return bool|mixed
function qa_db_blob_exists($blobid)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
$blob = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub(
'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ^blobs WHERE blobid=#',
return $blob > 0;
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require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'db/maxima.php';
function qa_db_cache_set($type, $cacheid, $content)
Create (or replace) the item ($type, $cacheid) in the database cache table with $content
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
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header('Location: ../');
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'db/maxima.php';
* Create (or replace) the item ($type, $cacheid) in the database cache table with $content
* @param $type
* @param $cacheid
* @param $content
* @return mixed
function qa_db_cache_set($type, $cacheid, $content)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
'INSERT INTO ^cache (type, cacheid, content, created, lastread) VALUES ($, #, $, NOW(), NOW()) ' .
'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE content = VALUES(content), created = VALUES(created), lastread = VALUES(lastread)',
$type, $cacheid, $content
* Retrieve the item ($type, $cacheid) from the database cache table
* @param $type
* @param $cacheid
* @return mixed|null
function qa_db_cache_get($type, $cacheid)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
$content = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub(
'SELECT content FROM ^cache WHERE type=$ AND cacheid=#',
$type, $cacheid
), true);
if (isset($content))
'INSERT INTO ^cache (type, cacheid, content, created, lastread) VALUES ($, #, $, NOW(), NOW()) ' .
'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE content = VALUES(content), created = VALUES(created), lastread = VALUES(lastread)',
$type, $cacheid, $content
function qa_db_cache_get($type, $cacheid)
Retrieve the item ($type, $cacheid) from the database cache table
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
'SELECT content FROM ^cache WHERE type=$ AND cacheid=#',
'UPDATE ^cache SET lastread=NOW() WHERE type=$ AND cacheid=#',
$type, $cacheid
), true);
if (isset($content))
'UPDATE ^cache SET lastread=NOW() WHERE type=$ AND cacheid=#',
$type, $cacheid
return $content;
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return $content;
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function qa_db_cookie_create($ipaddress)
Create a new random cookie for $ipaddress and insert into database, returning it
for ($attempt=0; $attempt<10; $attempt++) {
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header('Location: ../');
if (qa_db_cookie_exists($cookieid))
'INSERT INTO ^cookies (cookieid, created, createip) '.
'VALUES (#, NOW(), $)',
$cookieid, @inet_pton($ipaddress)
* Create a new random cookie for $ipaddress and insert into database, returning it
* @param $ipaddress
* @return null|string
function qa_db_cookie_create($ipaddress)
for ($attempt = 0; $attempt < 10; $attempt++) {
$cookieid = qa_db_random_bigint();
return $cookieid;
if (qa_db_cookie_exists($cookieid))
return null;
function qa_db_cookie_written($cookieid, $ipaddress)
Note in database that a write operation has been done by user identified by $cookieid and from $ipaddress
'UPDATE ^cookies SET written=NOW(), writeip=$ WHERE cookieid=#',
@inet_pton($ipaddress), $cookieid
'INSERT INTO ^cookies (cookieid, created, createip) ' .
'VALUES (#, NOW(), $)',
$cookieid, @inet_pton($ipaddress)
function qa_db_cookie_exists($cookieid)
Return whether $cookieid exists in database
return qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub(
'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ^cookies WHERE cookieid=#',
)) > 0;
return $cookieid;
Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output
return null;
* Note in database that a write operation has been done by user identified by $cookieid and from $ipaddress
* @param $cookieid
* @param $ipaddress
function qa_db_cookie_written($cookieid, $ipaddress)
'UPDATE ^cookies SET written=NOW(), writeip=$ WHERE cookieid=#',
@inet_pton($ipaddress), $cookieid
* Return whether $cookieid exists in database
* @param $cookieid
* @return bool
function qa_db_cookie_exists($cookieid)
$cookie = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub(
'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ^cookies WHERE cookieid=#',
return $cookie > 0;
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function qa_db_favorite_create($userid, $entitytype, $entityid)
Add the entity $entitytype with $entityid to the favorites list of $userid. Handles switching streams across from
per-user to per-entity based on how many other users have favorited the entity (see long explanation above). If
appropriate, it also adds recent events from that entity to the user's event stream.
$threshold=qa_opt('max_copy_user_updates'); // if this many users subscribe to it, create a shared stream
* Add the entity $entitytype with $entityid to the favorites list of $userid. Handles switching streams across from
* per-user to per-entity based on how many other users have favorited the entity (see long explanation above). If
* appropriate, it also adds recent events from that entity to the user's event stream.
* @param $userid
* @param $entitytype
* @param $entityid
function qa_db_favorite_create($userid, $entitytype, $entityid)
$threshold = qa_opt('max_copy_user_updates'); // if this many users subscribe to it, create a shared stream
// Add in the favorite for this user, unshared events at first (will be switched later if appropriate)
// Add in the favorite for this user, unshared events at first (will be switched later if appropriate)
'INSERT IGNORE INTO ^userfavorites (userid, entitytype, entityid, nouserevents) VALUES ($, $, #, 0)',
$userid, $entitytype, $entityid
'INSERT IGNORE INTO ^userfavorites (userid, entitytype, entityid, nouserevents) VALUES ($, $, #, 0)',
$userid, $entitytype, $entityid
// See whether this entity already has another favoriter who uses its shared event stream
// See whether this entity already has another favoriter who uses its shared event stream
'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ^userfavorites WHERE entitytype=$ AND entityid=# AND nouserevents>0 LIMIT 1',
$entitytype, $entityid
$useshared = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub(
'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ^userfavorites WHERE entitytype=$ AND entityid=# AND nouserevents>0 LIMIT 1',
$entitytype, $entityid
// If not, check whether it's time to switch it over to a shared stream
// If not, check whether it's time to switch it over to a shared stream
if (!$useshared) {
'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ^userfavorites WHERE entitytype=$ AND entityid=# LIMIT #',
$entitytype, $entityid, $threshold
$useshared=($favoriters >= $threshold);
// If we're going to use the shared stream...
if ($useshared) {
// ... for all the people for whom we're switching this to a shared stream, find the highest number of other shared streams they have
'SELECT MAX(c) FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM ^userfavorites AS shared JOIN ^userfavorites AS unshared '.
'WHERE shared.userid=unshared.userid AND shared.nouserevents>0 AND unshared.entitytype=$ AND unshared.entityid=# AND unshared.nouserevents=0 GROUP BY shared.userid) y',
$entitytype, $entityid
if (!$useshared) {
$favoriters = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub(
'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ^userfavorites WHERE entitytype=$ AND entityid=# LIMIT #',
$entitytype, $entityid, $threshold
// ... if this number is greater than our current 'max_copy_user_updates' threshold, increase that threshold (see long comment above)
$useshared = ($favoriters >= $threshold);
if (($maxshared+1)>$threshold)
qa_opt('max_copy_user_updates', $maxshared+1);
// If we're going to use the shared stream...
// ... now switch all unshared favoriters (including this new one) over to be shared
if ($useshared) {
'UPDATE ^userfavorites SET nouserevents=1 WHERE entitytype=$ AND entityid=# AND nouserevents=0',
$entitytype, $entityid
// ... for all the people for whom we're switching this to a shared stream, find the highest number of other shared streams they have
// Otherwise if we're going to record this in user-specific streams ...
$maxshared = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub(
'SELECT MAX(c) FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM ^userfavorites AS shared JOIN ^userfavorites AS unshared ' .
'WHERE shared.userid=unshared.userid AND shared.nouserevents>0 AND unshared.entitytype=$ AND unshared.entityid=# AND unshared.nouserevents=0 GROUP BY shared.userid) y',
$entitytype, $entityid
} else {
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'db/events.php';
// ... if this number is greater than our current 'max_copy_user_updates' threshold, increase that threshold (see long comment above)
// ... copy across recent events from the shared stream
if (($maxshared + 1) > $threshold)
qa_opt('max_copy_user_updates', $maxshared + 1);
'INSERT INTO ^userevents (userid, entitytype, entityid, questionid, lastpostid, updatetype, lastuserid, updated) '.
'SELECT #, entitytype, entityid, questionid, lastpostid, updatetype, lastuserid, updated FROM '.
'^sharedevents WHERE entitytype=$ AND entityid=#',
$userid, $entitytype, $entityid
// ... now switch all unshared favoriters (including this new one) over to be shared
// ... and truncate the user's stream as appropriate
'UPDATE ^userfavorites SET nouserevents=1 WHERE entitytype=$ AND entityid=# AND nouserevents=0',
$entitytype, $entityid
} else {
// Otherwise if we're going to record this in user-specific streams ...
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'db/events.php';
function qa_db_favorite_delete($userid, $entitytype, $entityid)
Delete the entity $entitytype with $entityid from the favorites list of $userid, removing any corresponding events
from the user's stream.
'DELETE FROM ^userfavorites WHERE userid=$ AND entitytype=$ AND entityid=#',
$userid, $entitytype, $entityid
// ... copy across recent events from the shared stream
'DELETE FROM ^userevents WHERE userid=$ AND entitytype=$ AND entityid=#',
'INSERT INTO ^userevents (userid, entitytype, entityid, questionid, lastpostid, updatetype, lastuserid, updated) ' .
'SELECT #, entitytype, entityid, questionid, lastpostid, updatetype, lastuserid, updated FROM ' .
'^sharedevents WHERE entitytype=$ AND entityid=#',
$userid, $entitytype, $entityid
// ... and truncate the user's stream as appropriate
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* Delete the entity $entitytype with $entityid from the favorites list of $userid, removing any corresponding events
* from the user's stream.
* @param $userid
* @param $entitytype
* @param $entityid
function qa_db_favorite_delete($userid, $entitytype, $entityid)
'DELETE FROM ^userfavorites WHERE userid=$ AND entitytype=$ AND entityid=#',
$userid, $entitytype, $entityid
'DELETE FROM ^userevents WHERE userid=$ AND entitytype=$ AND entityid=#',
$userid, $entitytype, $entityid
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function qa_db_hotness_update($firstpostid, $lastpostid=null, $viewincrement=false)
Recalculate the hotness in the database for posts $firstpostid to $lastpostid (if specified)
If $viewincrement is true, also increment the views counter for the post (if different IP from last view),
and include that in the hotness calculation
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
if (qa_should_update_counts()) {
if (!isset($lastpostid))
$query= "UPDATE ^posts AS x, (SELECT parents.postid, parents.created AS qcreated, COALESCE(MAX(children.created), parents.created) as acreated, COUNT(children.postid) AS acount, parents.netvotes, parents.views FROM ^posts AS parents LEFT JOIN ^posts AS children ON parents.postid=children.parentid AND children.type='A' WHERE parents.postid>=# AND parents.postid<=# AND LEFT(parents.type, 1)='Q' GROUP BY postid) AS a SET x.hotness=(".
'((TO_DAYS(a.qcreated)-734138)*86400.0+TIME_TO_SEC(a.qcreated))*# + '. // zero-point is Jan 1, 2010
'((TO_DAYS(a.acreated)-734138)*86400.0+TIME_TO_SEC(a.acreated))*# + '.
'(a.acount+0.0)*# + '.
'(a.netvotes+0.0)*# + '.
')'.($viewincrement ? ', x.views=x.views+1, x.lastviewip=$' : '').
' WHERE x.postid=a.postid'.($viewincrement ? ' AND (x.lastviewip IS NULL OR x.lastviewip!=$)' : '');
// Additional multiples based on empirical analysis of activity on Q2A meta site to give approx equal influence for all factors
$viewincrement ? 1 : 0,
if ($viewincrement) {
$ipbin = @inet_pton(qa_remote_ip_address());
array_push($arguments, $ipbin, $ipbin);
qa_db_query_raw(qa_db_apply_sub($query, $arguments));
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header('Location: ../');
* Recalculate the hotness in the database for posts $firstpostid to $lastpostid (if specified)
* If $viewincrement is true, also increment the views counter for the post (if different IP from last view),
* and include that in the hotness calculation
* @param $firstpostid
* @param $lastpostid
* @param bool $viewincrement
* @return mixed
function qa_db_hotness_update($firstpostid, $lastpostid=null, $viewincrement=false)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
if (qa_should_update_counts()) {
if (!isset($lastpostid))
$lastpostid = $firstpostid;
$query = "UPDATE ^posts AS x, (SELECT parents.postid, parents.created AS qcreated, COALESCE(MAX(children.created), parents.created) as acreated, COUNT(children.postid) AS acount, parents.netvotes, parents.views FROM ^posts AS parents LEFT JOIN ^posts AS children ON parents.postid=children.parentid AND children.type='A' WHERE parents.postid>=# AND parents.postid<=# AND LEFT(parents.type, 1)='Q' GROUP BY postid) AS a SET x.hotness=(" .
'((TO_DAYS(a.qcreated)-734138)*86400.0+TIME_TO_SEC(a.qcreated))*# + ' . // zero-point is Jan 1, 2010
'((TO_DAYS(a.acreated)-734138)*86400.0+TIME_TO_SEC(a.acreated))*# + ' .
'(a.acount+0.0)*# + ' .
'(a.netvotes+0.0)*# + ' .
'(a.views+0.0+#)*#' .
')' . ($viewincrement ? ', x.views=x.views+1, x.lastviewip=$' : '') .
' WHERE x.postid=a.postid' . ($viewincrement ? ' AND (x.lastviewip IS NULL OR x.lastviewip!=$)' : '');
// Additional multiples based on empirical analysis of activity on Q2A meta site to give approx equal influence for all factors
$arguments = array(
qa_opt('hot_weight_answers') * 160000,
qa_opt('hot_weight_votes') * 160000,
$viewincrement ? 1 : 0,
qa_opt('hot_weight_views') * 4000,
if ($viewincrement) {
$ipbin = @inet_pton(qa_remote_ip_address());
array_push($arguments, $ipbin, $ipbin);
Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output
qa_db_query_raw(qa_db_apply_sub($query, $arguments));
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* Get rate limit information for $action from the database for user $userid and/or IP address $ip, if they're set.
* Return as an array with the limit type in the key, and a labelled array of the period and count.
* @param $userid
* @param $ip
* @param $action
* @return array
function qa_db_limits_get($userid, $ip, $action)
$selects = array();
$arguments = array();
if (isset($userid)) {
$selects[] = "(SELECT 'user' AS limitkey, period, count FROM ^userlimits WHERE userid=$ AND action=$)";
$arguments[] = $userid;
$arguments[] = $action;
function qa_db_limits_get($userid, $ip, $action)
Get rate limit information for $action from the database for user $userid and/or IP address $ip, if they're set.
Return as an array with the limit type in the key, and a labelled array of the period and count.
if (isset($userid)) {
$selects[]="(SELECT 'user' AS limitkey, period, count FROM ^userlimits WHERE userid=$ AND action=$)";
if (isset($ip)) {
$selects[]="(SELECT 'ip' AS limitkey, period, count FROM ^iplimits WHERE ip=$ AND action=$)";
if (count($selects)) {
$query=qa_db_apply_sub(implode(' UNION ALL ', $selects), $arguments);
return qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_raw($query), 'limitkey');
} else
return array();
function qa_db_limits_user_add($userid, $action, $period, $count)
Increment the database rate limit count for user $userid and $action by $count within $period
'INSERT INTO ^userlimits (userid, action, period, count) VALUES ($, $, #, #) '.
'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE count=IF(period=#, count+#, #), period=#',
$userid, $action, $period, $count, $period, $count, $count, $period
if (isset($ip)) {
$selects[] = "(SELECT 'ip' AS limitkey, period, count FROM ^iplimits WHERE ip=$ AND action=$)";
$arguments[] = @inet_pton($ip);
$arguments[] = $action;
function qa_db_limits_ip_add($ip, $action, $period, $count)
Increment the database rate limit count for IP address $ip and $action by $count within $period
'INSERT INTO ^iplimits (ip, action, period, count) VALUES ($, $, #, #) '.
'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE count=IF(period=#, count+#, #), period=#',
@inet_pton($ip), $action, $period, $count, $period, $count, $count, $period
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if (count($selects)) {
$query = qa_db_apply_sub(implode(' UNION ALL ', $selects), $arguments);
return qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_raw($query), 'limitkey');
} else
return array();
* Increment the database rate limit count for user $userid and $action by $count within $period
* @param $userid
* @param $action
* @param $period
* @param $count
function qa_db_limits_user_add($userid, $action, $period, $count)
'INSERT INTO ^userlimits (userid, action, period, count) VALUES ($, $, #, #) ' .
'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE count=IF(period=#, count+#, #), period=#',
$userid, $action, $period, $count, $period, $count, $count, $period
* Increment the database rate limit count for IP address $ip and $action by $count within $period
* @param $ip
* @param $action
* @param $period
* @param $count
function qa_db_limits_ip_add($ip, $action, $period, $count)
'INSERT INTO ^iplimits (ip, action, period, count) VALUES ($, $, #, #) ' .
'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE count=IF(period=#, count+#, #), period=#',
@inet_pton($ip), $action, $period, $count, $period, $count, $count, $period
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// Maximum column sizes - any of these can be defined in qa-config.php to override the defaults below,
// but you need to do so before creating the database, otherwise it's too late.
@define('QA_DB_MAX_EMAIL_LENGTH', 80);
@define('QA_DB_MAX_HANDLE_LENGTH', 20);
@define('QA_DB_MAX_TITLE_LENGTH', 800);
@define('QA_DB_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH', 12000);
@define('QA_DB_MAX_FORMAT_LENGTH', 20);
@define('QA_DB_MAX_TAGS_LENGTH', 800);
@define('QA_DB_MAX_NAME_LENGTH', 40);
@define('QA_DB_MAX_WORD_LENGTH', 80);
@define('QA_DB_MAX_CACHE_AGE', 86400);
// How many records to retrieve for different circumstances. In many cases we retrieve more records than we
// end up needing to display once we know the value of an option. Wasteful, but allows one query per page.
@define('QA_DB_RETRIEVE_QS_AS', 50);
@define('QA_DB_RETRIEVE_TAGS', 200);
@define('QA_DB_RETRIEVE_USERS', 200);
@define('QA_DB_RETRIEVE_ASK_TAG_QS', 500);
// Keep event streams trimmed - not worth storing too many events per question because we only display the
// most recent event for each question, that has not been invalidated due to hiding/unselection/etc...
@define('QA_DB_MAX_EVENTS_PER_Q', 5);
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// Maximum column sizes - any of these can be defined in qa-config.php to override the defaults below,
// but you need to do so before creating the database, otherwise it's too late.
@define('QA_DB_MAX_EMAIL_LENGTH', 80);
@define('QA_DB_MAX_HANDLE_LENGTH', 20);
@define('QA_DB_MAX_TITLE_LENGTH', 800);
@define('QA_DB_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH', 12000);
@define('QA_DB_MAX_FORMAT_LENGTH', 20);
@define('QA_DB_MAX_TAGS_LENGTH', 800);
@define('QA_DB_MAX_NAME_LENGTH', 40);
@define('QA_DB_MAX_WORD_LENGTH', 80);
@define('QA_DB_MAX_CACHE_AGE', 86400);
// How many records to retrieve for different circumstances. In many cases we retrieve more records than we
// end up needing to display once we know the value of an option. Wasteful, but allows one query per page.
@define('QA_DB_RETRIEVE_QS_AS', 50);
@define('QA_DB_RETRIEVE_TAGS', 200);
@define('QA_DB_RETRIEVE_USERS', 200);
@define('QA_DB_RETRIEVE_ASK_TAG_QS', 500);
// Keep event streams trimmed - not worth storing too many events per question because we only display the
// most recent event for each question, that has not been invalidated due to hiding/unselection/etc...
@define('QA_DB_MAX_EVENTS_PER_Q', 5);
......@@ -20,69 +20,76 @@
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function qa_db_message_create($fromuserid, $touserid, $content, $format, $public=false)
Record a message sent from $fromuserid to $touserid with $content in $format in the database. $public sets whether
public (on wall) or private. Return the messageid of the row created.
'INSERT INTO ^messages (type, fromuserid, touserid, content, format, created) VALUES ($, #, #, $, $, NOW())',
$public ? 'PUBLIC' : 'PRIVATE', $fromuserid, $touserid, $content, $format
return qa_db_last_insert_id();
function qa_db_message_user_hide($messageid, $box)
Hide the message with $messageid, in $box (inbox|outbox) from the user.
$field = ($box === 'inbox' ? 'tohidden' : 'fromhidden');
"UPDATE ^messages SET $field=1 WHERE messageid=#",
function qa_db_message_delete($messageid, $public=true)
Delete the message with $messageid from the database.
// delete PM only if both sender and receiver have hidden it
$clause = $public ? '' : ' AND fromhidden=1 AND tohidden=1';
if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) { // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
header('Location: ../');
* Record a message sent from $fromuserid to $touserid with $content in $format in the database. $public sets whether
* public (on wall) or private. Return the messageid of the row created.
* @param $fromuserid
* @param $touserid
* @param $content
* @param $format
* @param bool $public
* @return mixed
function qa_db_message_create($fromuserid, $touserid, $content, $format, $public = false)
'INSERT INTO ^messages (type, fromuserid, touserid, content, format, created) VALUES ($, #, #, $, $, NOW())',
$public ? 'PUBLIC' : 'PRIVATE', $fromuserid, $touserid, $content, $format
return qa_db_last_insert_id();
* Hide the message with $messageid, in $box (inbox|outbox) from the user.
* @param $messageid
* @param $box
function qa_db_message_user_hide($messageid, $box)
$field = ($box === 'inbox' ? 'tohidden' : 'fromhidden');
"UPDATE ^messages SET $field=1 WHERE messageid=#",
* Delete the message with $messageid from the database.
* @param $messageid
* @param bool $public
function qa_db_message_delete($messageid, $public = true)
// delete PM only if both sender and receiver have hidden it
$clause = $public ? '' : ' AND fromhidden=1 AND tohidden=1';
'DELETE FROM ^messages WHERE messageid=#' . $clause,
* Recalculate the cached count of wall posts for user $userid in the database
* @param $userid
function qa_db_user_recount_posts($userid)
if (qa_should_update_counts()) {
'DELETE FROM ^messages WHERE messageid=#'.$clause,
"UPDATE ^users AS x, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS wallposts FROM ^messages WHERE touserid=# AND type='PUBLIC') AS a SET x.wallposts=a.wallposts WHERE x.userid=#",
$userid, $userid
function qa_db_user_recount_posts($userid)
Recalculate the cached count of wall posts for user $userid in the database
if (qa_should_update_counts())
"UPDATE ^users AS x, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS wallposts FROM ^messages WHERE touserid=# AND type='PUBLIC') AS a SET x.wallposts=a.wallposts WHERE x.userid=#",
$userid, $userid
Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -20,179 +20,223 @@
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header('Location: ../');
function qa_db_usermeta_set($userid, $key, $value)
Set the metadata for user $userid with $key to $value. Keys beginning qa_ are reserved for the Q2A core.
qa_db_meta_set('usermetas', 'userid', $userid, $key, $value);
function qa_db_usermeta_clear($userid, $key)
Clear the metadata for user $userid with $key ($key can also be an array of keys)
qa_db_meta_clear('usermetas', 'userid', $userid, $key);
function qa_db_usermeta_get($userid, $key)
Return the metadata value for user $userid with $key ($key can also be an array of keys in which case this
returns an array of metadata key => value).
return qa_db_meta_get('usermetas', 'userid', $userid, $key);
function qa_db_postmeta_set($postid, $key, $value)
Set the metadata for post $postid with $key to $value. Keys beginning qa_ are reserved for the Q2A core.
qa_db_meta_set('postmetas', 'postid', $postid, $key, $value);
function qa_db_postmeta_clear($postid, $key)
Clear the metadata for post $postid with $key ($key can also be an array of keys)
qa_db_meta_clear('postmetas', 'postid', $postid, $key);
function qa_db_postmeta_get($postid, $key)
Return the metadata value for post $postid with $key ($key can also be an array of keys in which case this
returns an array of metadata key => value).
return qa_db_meta_get('postmetas', 'postid', $postid, $key);
function qa_db_categorymeta_set($categoryid, $key, $value)
Set the metadata for category $categoryid with $key to $value. Keys beginning qa_ are reserved for the Q2A core.
qa_db_meta_set('categorymetas', 'categoryid', $categoryid, $key, $value);
function qa_db_categorymeta_clear($categoryid, $key)
Clear the metadata for category $categoryid with $key ($key can also be an array of keys)
qa_db_meta_clear('categorymetas', 'categoryid', $categoryid, $key);
function qa_db_categorymeta_get($categoryid, $key)
Return the metadata value for category $categoryid with $key ($key can also be an array of keys in which
case this returns an array of metadata key => value).
return qa_db_meta_get('categorymetas', 'categoryid', $categoryid, $key);
function qa_db_tagmeta_set($tag, $key, $value)
Set the metadata for tag $tag with $key to $value. Keys beginning qa_ are reserved for the Q2A core.
qa_db_meta_set('tagmetas', 'tag', $tag, $key, $value);
function qa_db_tagmeta_clear($tag, $key)
Clear the metadata for tag $tag with $key ($key can also be an array of keys)
qa_db_meta_clear('tagmetas', 'tag', $tag, $key);
function qa_db_tagmeta_get($tag, $key)
Return the metadata value for tag $tag with $key ($key can also be an array of keys in which case this
returns an array of metadata key => value).
return qa_db_meta_get('tagmetas', 'tag', $tag, $key);
function qa_db_meta_set($metatable, $idcolumn, $idvalue, $title, $content)
Internal general function to set metadata
'INSERT INTO ^' . $metatable . ' (' . $idcolumn . ', title, content) VALUES ($, $, $) ' .
'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE content = VALUES(content)',
$idvalue, $title, $content
function qa_db_meta_clear($metatable, $idcolumn, $idvalue, $title)
Internal general function to clear metadata
if (is_array($title)) {
if (count($title))
'DELETE FROM ^'.$metatable.' WHERE '.$idcolumn.'=$ AND title IN ($)',
$idvalue, $title
} else
if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) { // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
header('Location: ../');
* Set the metadata for user $userid with $key to $value. Keys beginning qa_ are reserved for the Q2A core.
* @param $userid
* @param $key
* @param $value
function qa_db_usermeta_set($userid, $key, $value)
qa_db_meta_set('usermetas', 'userid', $userid, $key, $value);
* Clear the metadata for user $userid with $key ($key can also be an array of keys)
* @param $userid
* @param $key
function qa_db_usermeta_clear($userid, $key)
qa_db_meta_clear('usermetas', 'userid', $userid, $key);
* Return the metadata value for user $userid with $key ($key can also be an array of keys in which case this
* returns an array of metadata key => value).
* @param $userid
* @param $key
* @return array|mixed|null
function qa_db_usermeta_get($userid, $key)
return qa_db_meta_get('usermetas', 'userid', $userid, $key);
* Set the metadata for post $postid with $key to $value. Keys beginning qa_ are reserved for the Q2A core.
* @param $postid
* @param $key
* @param $value
function qa_db_postmeta_set($postid, $key, $value)
qa_db_meta_set('postmetas', 'postid', $postid, $key, $value);
* Clear the metadata for post $postid with $key ($key can also be an array of keys)
* @param $postid
* @param $key
function qa_db_postmeta_clear($postid, $key)
qa_db_meta_clear('postmetas', 'postid', $postid, $key);
* Return the metadata value for post $postid with $key ($key can also be an array of keys in which case this
* returns an array of metadata key => value).
* @param $postid
* @param $key
* @return array|mixed|null
function qa_db_postmeta_get($postid, $key)
return qa_db_meta_get('postmetas', 'postid', $postid, $key);
* Set the metadata for category $categoryid with $key to $value. Keys beginning qa_ are reserved for the Q2A core.
* @param $categoryid
* @param $key
* @param $value
function qa_db_categorymeta_set($categoryid, $key, $value)
qa_db_meta_set('categorymetas', 'categoryid', $categoryid, $key, $value);
* Clear the metadata for category $categoryid with $key ($key can also be an array of keys)
* @param $categoryid
* @param $key
function qa_db_categorymeta_clear($categoryid, $key)
qa_db_meta_clear('categorymetas', 'categoryid', $categoryid, $key);
* Return the metadata value for category $categoryid with $key ($key can also be an array of keys in which
* case this returns an array of metadata key => value).
* @param $categoryid
* @param $key
* @return array|mixed|null
function qa_db_categorymeta_get($categoryid, $key)
return qa_db_meta_get('categorymetas', 'categoryid', $categoryid, $key);
* Set the metadata for tag $tag with $key to $value. Keys beginning qa_ are reserved for the Q2A core.
* @param $tag
* @param $key
* @param $value
function qa_db_tagmeta_set($tag, $key, $value)
qa_db_meta_set('tagmetas', 'tag', $tag, $key, $value);
* Clear the metadata for tag $tag with $key ($key can also be an array of keys)
* @param $tag
* @param $key
function qa_db_tagmeta_clear($tag, $key)
qa_db_meta_clear('tagmetas', 'tag', $tag, $key);
* Return the metadata value for tag $tag with $key ($key can also be an array of keys in which case this
* returns an array of metadata key => value).
* @param $tag
* @param $key
* @return array|mixed|null
function qa_db_tagmeta_get($tag, $key)
return qa_db_meta_get('tagmetas', 'tag', $tag, $key);
* Internal general function to set metadata
* @param $metatable
* @param $idcolumn
* @param $idvalue
* @param $title
* @param $content
function qa_db_meta_set($metatable, $idcolumn, $idvalue, $title, $content)
'INSERT INTO ^' . $metatable . ' (' . $idcolumn . ', title, content) VALUES ($, $, $) ' .
'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE content = VALUES(content)',
$idvalue, $title, $content
* Internal general function to clear metadata
* @param $metatable
* @param $idcolumn
* @param $idvalue
* @param $title
function qa_db_meta_clear($metatable, $idcolumn, $idvalue, $title)
if (is_array($title)) {
if (count($title)) {
'DELETE FROM ^'.$metatable.' WHERE '.$idcolumn.'=$ AND title=$',
'DELETE FROM ^' . $metatable . ' WHERE ' . $idcolumn . '=$ AND title IN ($)',
$idvalue, $title
} else {
'DELETE FROM ^' . $metatable . ' WHERE ' . $idcolumn . '=$ AND title=$',
$idvalue, $title
function qa_db_meta_get($metatable, $idcolumn, $idvalue, $title)
Internal general function to return metadata
if (is_array($title)) {
if (count($title))
return qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub(
'SELECT title, content FROM ^'.$metatable.' WHERE '.$idcolumn.'=$ AND title IN($)',
$idvalue, $title
), 'title', 'content');
return array();
} else
return qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub(
'SELECT content FROM ^'.$metatable.' WHERE '.$idcolumn.'=$ AND title=$',
* Internal general function to return metadata
* @param $metatable
* @param $idcolumn
* @param $idvalue
* @param $title
* @return array|mixed|null
function qa_db_meta_get($metatable, $idcolumn, $idvalue, $title)
if (is_array($title)) {
if (count($title)) {
return qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub(
'SELECT title, content FROM ^' . $metatable . ' WHERE ' . $idcolumn . '=$ AND title IN($)',
$idvalue, $title
), true);
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), 'title', 'content');
} else {
return array();
} else {
return qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub(
'SELECT content FROM ^' . $metatable . ' WHERE ' . $idcolumn . '=$ AND title=$',
$idvalue, $title
), true);
......@@ -20,50 +20,54 @@
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function qa_db_usernotice_create($userid, $content, $format='', $tags=null)
Create a notice for $userid with $content in $format and optional $tags (not displayed) and return its noticeid
'INSERT INTO ^usernotices (userid, content, format, tags, created) VALUES ($, $, $, $, NOW())',
$userid, $content, $format, $tags
* Create a notice for $userid with $content in $format and optional $tags (not displayed) and return its noticeid
* @param $userid
* @param $content
* @param string $format
* @param $tags
* @return mixed
function qa_db_usernotice_create($userid, $content, $format = '', $tags = null)
'INSERT INTO ^usernotices (userid, content, format, tags, created) VALUES ($, $, $, $, NOW())',
$userid, $content, $format, $tags
return qa_db_last_insert_id();
return qa_db_last_insert_id();
function qa_db_usernotice_delete($userid, $noticeid)
Delete the notice $notice which belongs to $userid
'DELETE FROM ^usernotices WHERE userid=$ AND noticeid=#',
$userid, $noticeid
* Delete the notice $notice which belongs to $userid
* @param $userid
* @param $noticeid
function qa_db_usernotice_delete($userid, $noticeid)
'DELETE FROM ^usernotices WHERE userid=$ AND noticeid=#',
$userid, $noticeid
function qa_db_usernotices_list($userid)
Return an array summarizing the notices to be displayed for $userid, including the tags (not displayed)
return qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub(
'SELECT noticeid, tags, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created) AS created FROM ^usernotices WHERE userid=$ ORDER BY created',
Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output
\ No newline at end of file
* Return an array summarizing the notices to be displayed for $userid, including the tags (not displayed)
* @param $userid
* @return array
function qa_db_usernotices_list($userid)
return qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub(
'SELECT noticeid, tags, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created) AS created FROM ^usernotices WHERE userid=$ ORDER BY created',
......@@ -20,25 +20,22 @@
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function qa_db_set_option($name, $value)
Set option $name to $value in the database
'INSERT INTO ^options (title, content) VALUES ($, $) ' .
'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE content = VALUES(content)',
$name, $value
Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output
\ No newline at end of file
if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) { // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
header('Location: ../');
* Set option $name to $value in the database
* @param $name
* @param $value
function qa_db_set_option($name, $value)
'INSERT INTO ^options (title, content) VALUES ($, $) ' .
'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE content = VALUES(content)',
$name, $value
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