Unverified Commit eccdb50c by Scott Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #551 from pupi1985/patch-92

Fix non-ANSI group-by queries
parents 7a133cb9 a3b4cbd1
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ function qa_db_hotness_update($firstpostid, $lastpostid = null, $viewincrement =
if (!isset($lastpostid))
$lastpostid = $firstpostid;
$query = "UPDATE ^posts AS x, (SELECT parents.postid, parents.created AS qcreated, COALESCE(MAX(children.created), parents.created) as acreated, COUNT(children.postid) AS acount, parents.netvotes, parents.views FROM ^posts AS parents LEFT JOIN ^posts AS children ON parents.postid=children.parentid AND children.type='A' WHERE parents.postid BETWEEN # AND # GROUP BY postid) AS a SET x.hotness=(" .
$query = "UPDATE ^posts AS x, (SELECT parents.postid, MAX(parents.created) AS qcreated, COALESCE(MAX(children.created), MAX(parents.created)) as acreated, COUNT(children.postid) AS acount, MAX(parents.netvotes) AS netvotes, MAX(parents.views) AS views FROM ^posts AS parents LEFT JOIN ^posts AS children ON parents.postid=children.parentid AND children.type='A' WHERE parents.postid BETWEEN # AND # GROUP BY postid) AS a SET x.hotness=(" .
'((TO_DAYS(a.qcreated)-734138)*86400.0+TIME_TO_SEC(a.qcreated))*# + ' . // zero-point is Jan 1, 2010
'((TO_DAYS(a.acreated)-734138)*86400.0+TIME_TO_SEC(a.acreated))*# + ' .
'(a.acount+0.0)*# + ' .
......@@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ function qa_db_search_posts_selectspec($voteuserid, $titlewords, $contentwords,
$selectspec['columns'][] = 'score';
$selectspec['columns'][] = 'matchparts';
$selectspec['source'] .= " JOIN (SELECT questionid, SUM(score)+2*(LOG(#)*(^posts.hotness-(SELECT MIN(hotness) FROM ^posts WHERE type='Q'))/((SELECT MAX(hotness) FROM ^posts WHERE type='Q')-(SELECT MIN(hotness) FROM ^posts WHERE type='Q')))+LOG(questionid)/1000000 AS score, GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT_WS(':', matchposttype, matchpostid, ROUND(score,3))) AS matchparts FROM (";
$selectspec['source'] .= " JOIN (SELECT questionid, SUM(score)+2*(LOG(#)*(MAX(^posts.hotness)-(SELECT MIN(hotness) FROM ^posts WHERE type='Q'))/((SELECT MAX(hotness) FROM ^posts WHERE type='Q')-(SELECT MIN(hotness) FROM ^posts WHERE type='Q')))+LOG(questionid)/1000000 AS score, GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT_WS(':', matchposttype, matchpostid, ROUND(score,3))) AS matchparts FROM (";
$selectspec['sortdesc'] = 'score';
array_push($selectspec['arguments'], QA_IGNORED_WORDS_FREQ);
......@@ -1070,20 +1070,36 @@ function qa_db_category_nav_selectspec($slugsorid, $isid, $ispostid = false, $fu
'SELECT categoryid FROM ^categories WHERE ' . $identifiersql, // gen below
$columns = array(
'parentid' => '^categories.parentid',
'title' => '^categories.title',
'tags' => '^categories.tags',
'qcount' => '^categories.qcount',
'position' => '^categories.position',
if ($full) {
foreach ($columns as $alias => $column) {
$columns[$alias] = 'MAX(' . $column . ')';
$columns['childcount'] = 'COUNT(child.categoryid)';
$columns['content'] = 'MAX(^categories.content)';
$columns['backpath'] = 'MAX(^categories.backpath)';
array_unshift($columns, '^categories.categoryid');
$selectspec = array(
'columns' => array('^categories.categoryid', '^categories.parentid', 'title' => '^categories.title', 'tags' => '^categories.tags', '^categories.qcount', '^categories.position'),
'source' => '^categories JOIN (' . implode(' UNION ', $parentselects) . ') y ON ^categories.parentid<=>parentkey' . ($full ? ' LEFT JOIN ^categories AS child ON child.parentid=^categories.categoryid GROUP BY ^categories.categoryid' : '') . ' ORDER BY ^categories.position',
'columns' => $columns,
'source' => '^categories JOIN (' . implode(' UNION ', $parentselects) . ') y ON ^categories.parentid<=>parentkey' .
($full ? ' LEFT JOIN ^categories AS child ON child.parentid=^categories.categoryid GROUP BY ^categories.categoryid' : '') .
' ORDER BY ^categories.position',
'arguments' => array($slugsorid, $slugsorid, $slugsorid, $slugsorid),
'arraykey' => 'categoryid',
'sortasc' => 'position',
if ($full) {
$selectspec['columns']['childcount'] = 'COUNT(child.categoryid)';
$selectspec['columns']['content'] = '^categories.content';
$selectspec['columns']['backpath'] = '^categories.backpath';
return $selectspec;
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