Unverified Commit ea1df470 by q2apro Committed by GitHub

Adding total questions unanswered to Admin Stats

parent f9f9d3bb
......@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ if (!qa_admin_check_privileges($qa_content))
$qcount = (int)qa_opt('cache_qcount');
$qcount_anon = qa_db_count_posts('Q', false);
$qcount_unans = (int)qa_opt('cache_unaqcount');
$acount = (int)qa_opt('cache_acount');
$acount_anon = qa_db_count_posts('A', false);
......@@ -113,6 +114,11 @@ $qa_content['form'] = array(
'value' => qa_html(qa_format_number($qcount)),
'qcount_unans' => array(
'label' => qa_lang_html('admin/total_qs_unans'),
'value' => qa_html(qa_format_number($qcount_unans)),
'qcount_users' => array(
'label' => qa_lang_html('admin/from_users'),
'value' => qa_html(qa_format_number($qcount - $qcount_anon)),
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