Commit e16cfb97 by pupi1985

Changes to the mouse-layer plugin

parent b37d0f6d
......@@ -31,16 +31,15 @@ class qa_html_theme_layer extends qa_html_theme_base
$postids = array();
foreach ($q_list['qs'] as $question) {
if (isset($question['raw']['postid']))
$postids[] = $question['raw']['postid'];
$postids[] = $question['raw']['postid'];
if (!empty($postids)) {
// Retrieve the content for these questions from the database and put into an array fetching
// the minimal amount of characters needed to determine the string should be shortened or not
// Retrieve the content for these questions from the database
$maxlength = qa_opt('mouseover_content_max_len');
$result = qa_db_query_sub('SELECT postid, LEFT(content, #) content, format FROM ^posts WHERE postid IN (#)', $maxlength + 1, $postids);
$result = qa_db_query_sub('SELECT postid, content, format FROM ^posts WHERE postid IN (#)', $postids);
$postinfo = qa_db_read_all_assoc($result, 'postid');
// Get the regular expression fragment to use for blocked words and the maximum length of content to show
......@@ -53,14 +52,29 @@ class qa_html_theme_layer extends qa_html_theme_base
if (isset($postinfo[$question['raw']['postid']])) {
$thispost = $postinfo[$question['raw']['postid']];
$text = qa_viewer_text($thispost['content'], $thispost['format'], array('blockwordspreg' => $blockwordspreg));
$text = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $text); // Remove duplicated blanks, new line characters, tabs, etc
$text = qa_shorten_string_line($text, $maxlength);
$title = isset($question['title']) ? $question['title'] : '';
$q_list['qs'][$index]['title'] = sprintf('<span title="%s">%s</span>', qa_html($text), $title);
$q_list['qs'][$index]['title'] = $this->getHtmlTitle(qa_html($text), $title);
qa_html_theme_base::q_list($q_list); // call back through to the default function
parent::q_list($q_list); // call back through to the default function
* Returns the needed HTML to display the tip. Depending on the theme in use, this might need to be
* tuned in order for the tip to be displayed properly
* @access private
* @param string $mouseOverText Text of the tip
* @param string $questionTitle Question title
* @return string HTML needed to display the tip and the question title
private function getHtmlTitle($mouseOverText, $questionTitle)
return sprintf('<span title="%s">%s</span>', $mouseOverText, $questionTitle);
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