Commit d4672378 by pupi1985

Added reshow hints which were missing for the question view and admin/hidden sections

parent 7ccba454
......@@ -144,7 +144,10 @@
'reopen_button' => 'reopen',
'reply_button' => 'reply',
'reply_c_popup' => 'Reply to this comment',
'reshow_a_popup' => 'Reshow this answer',
'reshow_button' => 'reshow',
'reshow_c_popup' => 'Reshow this comment',
'reshow_q_popup' => 'Reshow this question',
'retag_button' => 'retag',
'retag_cat_popup' => 'Change this question\'s category or tags',
'retag_popup' => 'Change this question\'s tags',
......@@ -132,16 +132,24 @@
$posttype = qa_strtolower(isset($question['obasetype']) ? $question['obasetype'] : $question['basetype']);
if (!qa_user_post_permit_error('permit_hide_show', $question))
// Possible values for the popup (enumerated to let text searches match in the future):
// question/reshow_q_popup, question/reshow_a_popup and question/reshow_c_popup
'tags' => 'name="admin_'.qa_html($qhiddenpostid[$key]).'_reshow" onclick="return qa_admin_click(this);"',
'label' => qa_lang_html('question/reshow_button'),
'popup' => qa_lang_html(sprintf('question/reshow_%s_popup', $posttype)),
if ((!qa_user_post_permit_error('permit_delete_hidden', $question)) && !$dependcounts[$qhiddenpostid[$key]])
// Possible values for the popup (enumerated to let text searches match in the future):
// question/delete_q_popup, question/delete_a_popup and question/delete_c_popup
'tags' => 'name="admin_'.qa_html($qhiddenpostid[$key]).'_delete" onclick="return qa_admin_click(this);"',
'label' => qa_lang_html('question/delete_button'),
'popup' => qa_lang_html(sprintf('question/delete_%s_popup', $posttype)),
if (count($buttons))
......@@ -316,6 +316,7 @@
'tags' => 'name="q_doreshow"'.$clicksuffix,
'label' => qa_lang_html('question/reshow_button'),
'popup' => qa_lang_html('question/reshow_q_popup'),
if ($question['deleteable'])
......@@ -494,6 +495,7 @@
'tags' => 'name="'.$prefix.'doreshow"'.$clicksuffix,
'label' => qa_lang_html('question/reshow_button'),
'popup' => qa_lang_html('question/reshow_a_popup'),
if ($answer['deleteable'])
......@@ -615,6 +617,7 @@
'tags' => 'name="'.$prefix.'doreshow"'.$clicksuffix,
'label' => qa_lang_html('question/reshow_button'),
'popup' => qa_lang_html('question/reshow_c_popup'),
if ($comment['deleteable'])
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