Commit cc856678 by Administrator

Merge branch 'cooperatic_django_odoo_auth' into 'main'

Add cooperatic-django-odoo-auth plugin

See merge request !5
parents a7d29b56 0f9b78aa
......@@ -4,10 +4,11 @@
- dupliquer `.htaccess-example` et `qa-config-example.php` et les renommer en enlevant le mot `example`. Dans `qu-config.php` ajouter le nom de la base de donnée, l’utilisateur etc. :
define('QA_MYSQL_HOSTNAME', 'localhost');
define('QA_MYSQL_HOSTNAME', 'localhost');
define('QA_MYSQL_USERNAME', 'lacagette');
define('QA_MYSQL_PASSWORD', 'cagette2015');
define('QA_MYSQL_DATABASE', 'openbarlacagette');
define('COOPERATIC_DJANGO_ODOO_URL', 'https://domaine.accueil/members/external_login');
Créer une database mySQL
......@@ -65,7 +65,8 @@ if (qa_clicked('dologin') && (strlen($inemailhandle) || strlen($inpassword))) {
qa_limits_increment(null, QA_LIMIT_LOGINS);
$errors = array();
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'../qa-plugin/cooperatic-django-odoo-auth/qa-cooperatic-django-odoo-process.php';
if (qa_opt('allow_login_email_only') || strpos($inemailhandle, '@') !== false) { // handles can't contain @ symbols
$matchusers = qa_db_user_find_by_email($inemailhandle);
} else {
class django_odoo_logout_process {
var $directory;
var $urltoroot;
function load_module($directory, $urltoroot) {
} // end function load_module
function suggest_requests() {
return array(
'title' => 'Logout',
'request' => 'auth/logout',
'nav' => 'null',
} // end function suggest_requests
function match_request($request) {
if ($request=='auth/logout')
return true;
return false;
} // end function match_request
function process_request($request) {
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR."qa-base.php";
$expire = 14*24*60*60;
if(isset($_SESSION['logout_url'])) {
$tourl = $_SESSION['logout_url'];
} else {
$tourl = false;
if (!$tourl) {
} else {
header('Location: '.$tourl);
return null;
} // end function process_request
\ No newline at end of file
class django_odoo_login {
function load_module($directory, $urltoroot) {
function match_source($source) {
return $source=='cooperatic_dj_o';
\ No newline at end of file
class djangoOdooServer {
public static function getUserAttributes($user,$pass) {
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
// fp is needed for compatibility : random string is fine for this
$datas = array("login"=>$user,"password"=>$pass, "fp"=>substr(str_shuffle(MD5(microtime())), 0, 16));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $datas);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
if ($response) {
try {
return json_decode($response);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return NULL;
/* This script grabs the user/pass combo directly
* from the Question2Answer login page.
* It uses a service account to find
* the user in the odoo database, via Django
* When found the user/pass combo is checked against the
* Odoo authentication source. Following
* this check, it either creates a SESSION array or
* a cookie that can be checked by the ldap-login
* module's check_login function, and bypasses the
* internal QA auth mechanism by redirecting back to
* the login page.
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR."qa-base.php";
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR."../qa-plugin/cooperatic-django-odoo-auth/djangoOdooServer.php";
function django_odoo_process ($user,$pass) {
// Check ig user or pass is empty
if ( '' == $user || '' == $pass ) {
return false;
try {
return djangoOdooServer::getUserAttributes($user,$pass);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// log
return false;
function isEmpty($attr) {
if($attr == '' || preg_match("/^[[:space:]]+$/", $attr)) {
return true;
return false;
$expire = 14*24*60*60;
if (!isEmpty($inemailhandle)) {
if (!isEmpty($inpassword)) {
$call_result = django_odoo_process($inemailhandle,$inpassword);
if ($call_result && isset($call_result->credentials)) {
if (!isset($call_result->credentials->failure)) {
$source = 'cooperatic_dj_o';
$identifier = $inemailhandle;
$fname = $call_result->credentials->firstname;
$hdle_size = strlen($fname) + strlen($coop_num);
if ($hdle_size > 20) {
# remove fname caracters to fit with maximum handle length
$fname = substr($fname, 0, strlen($fname) - ($hdle_size -20));
$fields['email'] = $inemailhandle;
$fields['confirmed'] = true;
$fields['handle'] = $fname . $call_result->credentials->coop_num;;
$fields['name'] = $call_result->credentials->firstname . ' ' . $call_result->credentials->lastname;
qa_log_in_external_user($source, $identifier, $fields, $inremember);
if (isset($topath))
qa_redirect_raw(qa_path_to_root().$topath); // path already provided as URL fragment
\ No newline at end of file
Plugin Name: Cooperatic Odoo thru Django auth
Plugin Description: Allows Odoo cooperative members to connect
Plugin URI:
Plugin Update Check URI:
Plugin Version: 0.1
Plugin Date: 2022-06-01
Plugin Author: fracolo
Plugin License: Free
Plugin Minimum Question2Answer Version: 1.4
// don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) {
header('Location: ../../');
qa_register_plugin_module('login','django-odoo-login.php','django_odoo_login','Cooperatic Odoo thru Django Login');
qa_register_plugin_layer('django-odoo-login-layer.php','Cooperatic Odoo thru Django Login Layer');
qa_register_plugin_module('page','django-odoo-login-logout-page.php','django_odoo_logout_process','Cooperatic Odoo thru Django Logout Process');
//qa_register_plugin_module('module', 'ldap-login-admin-form.php', 'ldap_login_admin_form', 'LDAP Login');
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