Commit bf93a21b by Scott

Split SnowFlat RTL styles into separate stylesheet

parent d402cf53
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......@@ -4677,5 +4677,3 @@ input[type="submit"], button {
float: right;
/*# */
......@@ -85,9 +85,10 @@ class qa_html_theme extends qa_html_theme_base
public function head_css()
// add Snow CSS file
$cssFile = $this->isRTL ? 'snow-core-rtl.css' : 'snow-core.css';
$cssUrl = $this->rooturl . $this->css_dir . $cssFile . '?' . QA_VERSION;
$this->content['css_src'][] = $cssUrl;
$this->content['css_src'][] = $this->rooturl . $this->css_dir . 'snow-core.css?' . QA_VERSION;
if ($this->isRTL)
$this->content['css_src'][] = $this->rooturl . $this->css_dir . 'snow-rtl.css?' . QA_VERSION;
// add Ubuntu font CSS file
$this->content['css_src'][] = ',700,400italic,700italic';
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