Commit be4f6d21 by Scott

Refactor uses of qa_db_escape_string

parent ceada519
......@@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ function qa_db_default_userfields_sql()
$sql = 'INSERT INTO ^userfields (title, position, flags, permit) VALUES'; // content column will be NULL, meaning use default from lang files
foreach ($profileFields as $field) {
$sql .= sprintf('("%s", %d, %d, %d), ', qa_db_escape_string($field['title']), $field['position'], $field['flags'], $field['permit']);
$sql .= sprintf('("%s", %d, %d, %d), ', $field['title'], $field['position'], $field['flags'], $field['permit']);
$sql = substr($sql, 0, -2);
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ function qa_db_points_option_names()
* Returns an array containing all the calculation formulae for the userpoints table. Each element of this
* array is for one column - the key contains the column name, and the value is a further array of two elements.
* The element 'formula' contains the SQL fragment that calculates the columns value for one or more users,
* where the ~ symbol within the fragment is substituted for a constraint on which users we are interested in.
* and must contain one placeholder using ? for which the userid is passed as a parameter in the query.
* The element 'multiple' specifies what to multiply each column by to create the final sum in the points column.
* @return mixed
......@@ -63,57 +63,57 @@ function qa_db_points_calculations()
return array(
'qposts' => array(
'multiple' => $options['points_multiple'] * $options['points_post_q'],
'formula' => "COUNT(*) AS qposts FROM ^posts AS userid_src WHERE userid~ AND type='Q'",
'formula' => "COUNT(*) AS qposts FROM ^posts AS userid_src WHERE userid=? AND type='Q'",
'aposts' => array(
'multiple' => $options['points_multiple'] * $options['points_post_a'],
'formula' => "COUNT(*) AS aposts FROM ^posts AS userid_src WHERE userid~ AND type='A'",
'formula' => "COUNT(*) AS aposts FROM ^posts AS userid_src WHERE userid=? AND type='A'",
'cposts' => array(
'multiple' => 0,
'formula' => "COUNT(*) AS cposts FROM ^posts AS userid_src WHERE userid~ AND type='C'",
'formula' => "COUNT(*) AS cposts FROM ^posts AS userid_src WHERE userid=? AND type='C'",
'aselects' => array(
'multiple' => $options['points_multiple'] * $options['points_select_a'],
'formula' => "COUNT(*) AS aselects FROM ^posts AS userid_src WHERE userid~ AND type='Q' AND selchildid IS NOT NULL",
'formula' => "COUNT(*) AS aselects FROM ^posts AS userid_src WHERE userid=? AND type='Q' AND selchildid IS NOT NULL",
'aselecteds' => array(
'multiple' => $options['points_multiple'] * $options['points_a_selected'],
'formula' => "COUNT(*) AS aselecteds FROM ^posts AS userid_src JOIN ^posts AS questions ON questions.selchildid=userid_src.postid WHERE userid_src.userid~ AND userid_src.type='A' AND NOT (questions.userid<=>userid_src.userid)",
'formula' => "COUNT(*) AS aselecteds FROM ^posts AS userid_src JOIN ^posts AS questions ON questions.selchildid=userid_src.postid WHERE userid_src.userid=? AND userid_src.type='A' AND NOT (questions.userid<=>userid_src.userid)",
'qupvotes' => array(
'multiple' => $options['points_multiple'] * $options['points_vote_up_q'],
'formula' => "COUNT(*) AS qupvotes FROM ^uservotes AS userid_src JOIN ^posts ON userid_src.postid=^posts.postid WHERE userid_src.userid~ AND LEFT(^posts.type, 1)='Q' AND>0",
'formula' => "COUNT(*) AS qupvotes FROM ^uservotes AS userid_src JOIN ^posts ON userid_src.postid=^posts.postid WHERE userid_src.userid=? AND LEFT(^posts.type, 1)='Q' AND>0",
'qdownvotes' => array(
'multiple' => $options['points_multiple'] * $options['points_vote_down_q'],
'formula' => "COUNT(*) AS qdownvotes FROM ^uservotes AS userid_src JOIN ^posts ON userid_src.postid=^posts.postid WHERE userid_src.userid~ AND LEFT(^posts.type, 1)='Q' AND<0",
'formula' => "COUNT(*) AS qdownvotes FROM ^uservotes AS userid_src JOIN ^posts ON userid_src.postid=^posts.postid WHERE userid_src.userid=? AND LEFT(^posts.type, 1)='Q' AND<0",
'aupvotes' => array(
'multiple' => $options['points_multiple'] * $options['points_vote_up_a'],
'formula' => "COUNT(*) AS aupvotes FROM ^uservotes AS userid_src JOIN ^posts ON userid_src.postid=^posts.postid WHERE userid_src.userid~ AND LEFT(^posts.type, 1)='A' AND>0",
'formula' => "COUNT(*) AS aupvotes FROM ^uservotes AS userid_src JOIN ^posts ON userid_src.postid=^posts.postid WHERE userid_src.userid=? AND LEFT(^posts.type, 1)='A' AND>0",
'adownvotes' => array(
'multiple' => $options['points_multiple'] * $options['points_vote_down_a'],
'formula' => "COUNT(*) AS adownvotes FROM ^uservotes AS userid_src JOIN ^posts ON userid_src.postid=^posts.postid WHERE userid_src.userid~ AND LEFT(^posts.type, 1)='A' AND<0",
'formula' => "COUNT(*) AS adownvotes FROM ^uservotes AS userid_src JOIN ^posts ON userid_src.postid=^posts.postid WHERE userid_src.userid=? AND LEFT(^posts.type, 1)='A' AND<0",
'cupvotes' => array(
'multiple' => 0,
'formula' => "COUNT(*) AS cupvotes FROM ^uservotes AS userid_src JOIN ^posts ON userid_src.postid=^posts.postid WHERE userid_src.userid~ AND LEFT(^posts.type, 1)='C' AND>0",
'formula' => "COUNT(*) AS cupvotes FROM ^uservotes AS userid_src JOIN ^posts ON userid_src.postid=^posts.postid WHERE userid_src.userid=? AND LEFT(^posts.type, 1)='C' AND>0",
'cdownvotes' => array(
'multiple' => 0,
'formula' => "COUNT(*) AS cdownvotes FROM ^uservotes AS userid_src JOIN ^posts ON userid_src.postid=^posts.postid WHERE userid_src.userid~ AND LEFT(^posts.type, 1)='C' AND<0",
'formula' => "COUNT(*) AS cdownvotes FROM ^uservotes AS userid_src JOIN ^posts ON userid_src.postid=^posts.postid WHERE userid_src.userid=? AND LEFT(^posts.type, 1)='C' AND<0",
'qvoteds' => array(
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ function qa_db_points_calculations()
"LEAST(" . ((int)$options['points_per_q_voted_up']) . "*upvotes," . ((int)$options['points_q_voted_max_gain']) . ")" .
"-" .
"LEAST(" . ((int)$options['points_per_q_voted_down']) . "*downvotes," . ((int)$options['points_q_voted_max_loss']) . ")" .
"), 0) AS qvoteds FROM ^posts AS userid_src WHERE LEFT(type, 1)='Q' AND userid~",
"), 0) AS qvoteds FROM ^posts AS userid_src WHERE LEFT(type, 1)='Q' AND userid=?",
'avoteds' => array(
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ function qa_db_points_calculations()
"LEAST(" . ((int)$options['points_per_a_voted_up']) . "*upvotes," . ((int)$options['points_a_voted_max_gain']) . ")" .
"-" .
"LEAST(" . ((int)$options['points_per_a_voted_down']) . "*downvotes," . ((int)$options['points_a_voted_max_loss']) . ")" .
"), 0) AS avoteds FROM ^posts AS userid_src WHERE LEFT(type, 1)='A' AND userid~",
"), 0) AS avoteds FROM ^posts AS userid_src WHERE LEFT(type, 1)='A' AND userid=?",
'cvoteds' => array(
......@@ -140,17 +140,17 @@ function qa_db_points_calculations()
"LEAST(" . ((int)$options['points_per_c_voted_up']) . "*upvotes," . ((int)$options['points_c_voted_max_gain']) . ")" .
"-" .
"LEAST(" . ((int)$options['points_per_c_voted_down']) . "*downvotes," . ((int)$options['points_c_voted_max_loss']) . ")" .
"), 0) AS cvoteds FROM ^posts AS userid_src WHERE LEFT(type, 1)='C' AND userid~",
"), 0) AS cvoteds FROM ^posts AS userid_src WHERE LEFT(type, 1)='C' AND userid=?",
'upvoteds' => array(
'multiple' => 0,
'formula' => "COALESCE(SUM(upvotes), 0) AS upvoteds FROM ^posts AS userid_src WHERE userid~",
'formula' => "COALESCE(SUM(upvotes), 0) AS upvoteds FROM ^posts AS userid_src WHERE userid=?",
'downvoteds' => array(
'multiple' => 0,
'formula' => "COALESCE(SUM(downvotes), 0) AS downvoteds FROM ^posts AS userid_src WHERE userid~",
'formula' => "COALESCE(SUM(downvotes), 0) AS downvoteds FROM ^posts AS userid_src WHERE userid=?",
......@@ -168,7 +168,9 @@ function qa_db_points_update_ifuser($userid, $columns)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
if (qa_should_update_counts() && isset($userid)) {
$db = qa_service('database');
if ($db->shouldUpdateCounts() && isset($userid)) {
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/options.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/cookies.php';
......@@ -185,7 +187,7 @@ function qa_db_points_update_ifuser($userid, $columns)
$insertfields = 'userid, ';
$insertvalues = '$, ';
$insertvalues = '?, ';
$insertpoints = (int)qa_opt('points_base');
$updates = '';
......@@ -207,8 +209,7 @@ function qa_db_points_update_ifuser($userid, $columns)
$query = 'INSERT INTO ^userpoints (' . $insertfields . 'points) VALUES (' . $insertvalues . $insertpoints . ') ' .
'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ' . $updates . 'points=' . $updatepoints . '+bonus';
// build like this so that a #, $ or ^ character in the $userid (if external integration) isn't substituted
$result = qa_db_query_raw(str_replace('~', "='" . qa_db_escape_string($userid) . "'", qa_db_apply_sub($query, array($userid))));
$result = $db->query($query, array($userid, $userid));
if ($result->affectedRows() > 0) {
......@@ -169,18 +169,21 @@ function qa_db_user_get_handle_userids($handles)
* @param mixed $userid
* @param string|array $fields
* @param string|null $value
* @throws \Q2A\Database\Exceptions\QueryException
function qa_db_user_set($userid, $fields, $value = null)
if (!is_array($fields)) {
$fields = array(
$fields => $value,
$fields = [$fields => $value];
$columnRegex = '/^[A-Za-z0-9_]+$/'; // simple and secure way to ensure only valid fields are used
$sql = 'UPDATE ^users SET ';
foreach ($fields as $field => $fieldValue) {
$sql .= qa_db_escape_string($field) . ' = ?, ';
if (!preg_match($columnRegex, $field)) {
throw new \Q2A\Database\Exceptions\QueryException('Invalid field supplied to qa_db_user_set');
$sql .= "`$field` = ?, ";
$sql = substr($sql, 0, -2) . ' WHERE userid = ?';
Question2Answer by Gideon Greenspan and contributors
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
More about this license:
namespace Q2A\Database\Exceptions;
use Q2A\Exceptions\FatalErrorException;
class QueryException extends FatalErrorException
* QueryException constructor.
* @param string $message
public function __construct($message = 'There was an error with the database query')
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