Commit afc4a076 by Scott

Update Travis CI config

parent 12f57e3d
......@@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ before_script:
## PHP_CodeSniffer
- phpcs --report=emacs --standard=PSR1 .
- phpcs --report=emacs --standard=PSR2 .
- phpcs --extensions=php --standard=qa-tests/phpcs/ruleset.xml .
## PHP Copy/Paste Detector
- php phpcpd.phar --verbose .
## PHP Mess Detector
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ruleset name="Q2AStandard">
<description>Q2A coding standard</description>
<rule ref="PSR1"/>
<rule ref="PSR2">
<exclude name="Generic.WhiteSpace.DisallowTabIndent"/>
<exclude name="Generic.WhiteSpace.ScopeIndent"/>
<exclude name="Squiz.ControlStructures.ControlSignature"/>
<exclude name="Generic.ControlStructures.InlineControlStructure"/>
<exclude name="PSR2.Methods.FunctionCallSignature"/>
<rule ref="Generic.WhiteSpace.DisallowSpaceIndent"/>
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