Unverified Commit a4035e12 by Scott Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #572 from q2apro/patch-9

Success message for successful unsubscribe
parents 33744989 405e491c
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ $qa_content = qa_content_prepare();
$qa_content['title'] = qa_lang_html('users/unsubscribe_title');
if ($unsubscribed) {
$qa_content['error'] = strtr(qa_lang_html('users/unsubscribe_complete'), array(
$qa_content['success'] = strtr(qa_lang_html('users/unsubscribe_complete'), array(
'^0' => qa_html(qa_opt('site_title')),
'^1' => '<a href="' . qa_path_html('account') . '">',
'^2' => '</a>',
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