Commit 9b817e09 by Scott Vivian

Unit tests!

First batch of tests, using PHPUnit to test string functions.
parent 918a725b
Running Q2A's unit tests
From version 1.7 we have started including unit tests for simple automated testing. They are not required to run the app so you can safely delete the folder from your own site.
If you wish to run the tests (for example if you are contributing to Q2A) the following steps are required. This assumes a Mac or Linux operating system; commands may be different for Windows.
1. Download [PHPUnit]( (PHP archive file).
2. Mark it as executable using the command `chmod +x phpunit.phar`
3. Move it to your executable directory: `mv phpunit.phar /usr/local/bin/phpunit`
4. Navigate to the Question2Answer root directory.
5. Run `phpunit --bootstrap qa-tests/autoload.php qa-tests`
Also check out the [PHPunit documentation]( for more information about PHPUnit and unit testing in general.
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'qa-util-string.php';
class UtilStringTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
private $strBasic = 'So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time.';
private $strAccents = 'Țĥé qũīçĶ ßřǭŴƞ Ƒöŧ ǰÙƢƥş ØƲĘŕ ƮĦȨ ĿÆƶȳ Ƌơǥ';
private $blockWordString = 't*d o*n b*t style';
function test__qa_string_to_words()
$test1 = qa_string_to_words($this->strBasic);
$expected1 = array('so', 'i', 'tied', 'an', 'onion', 'to', 'my', 'belt', 'which', 'was', 'the', 'style', 'at', 'the', 'time');
$test2 = qa_string_to_words($this->strBasic, false);
$expected2 = array('So', 'I', 'tied', 'an', 'onion', 'to', 'my', 'belt', 'which', 'was', 'the', 'style', 'at', 'the', 'time');
$this->assertEquals($expected1, $test1);
$this->assertEquals($expected2, $test2);
function test__qa_string_remove_accents()
$test = qa_string_remove_accents($this->strAccents);
$expected = 'The quicK ssroWn Fot jUOIps OVEr THE LAEzy Dog';
$this->assertEquals($expected, $test);
function test__qa_tags_to_tagstring()
$test = qa_tags_to_tagstring( array('Hello', 'World') );
$expected = 'Hello,World';
$this->assertEquals($expected, $test);
function test__qa_tagstring_to_tags()
$test = qa_tagstring_to_tags('hello,world');
$expected = array('hello', 'world');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $test);
function test__qa_shorten_string_line()
// qa_shorten_string_line ($string, $length)
$test = qa_shorten_string_line($this->strBasic, 30);
$this->assertStringStartsWith('So I tied', $test);
$this->assertStringEndsWith('time.', $test);
$this->assertNotFalse(strpos($test, '...'));
function test__qa_block_words_explode()
$test = qa_block_words_explode($this->blockWordString);
$expected = array('t*d', 'o*n', 'b*t', 'style');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $test);
function test__qa_block_words_to_preg()
$test = qa_block_words_to_preg($this->blockWordString);
$expected = '(?<= )t[^ ]*d(?= )|(?<= )o[^ ]*n(?= )|(?<= )b[^ ]*t(?= )|(?<= )style(?= )';
$this->assertEquals($expected, $test);
function test__qa_block_words_match_all()
$test1 = qa_block_words_match_all('onion belt', '');
$wordpreg = qa_block_words_to_preg($this->blockWordString);
$test2 = qa_block_words_match_all('tried an ocean boat', $wordpreg);
// matches are returned as array of [offset] => [length]
$expected = array(
0 => 5, // tried
9 => 5, // ocean
15 => 4, // boat
$this->assertEquals($expected, $test2);
function test__qa_block_words_replace()
$wordpreg = qa_block_words_to_preg($this->blockWordString);
$test = qa_block_words_replace('tired of my ocean boat style', $wordpreg);
$expected = '***** of my ***** **** *****';
$this->assertEquals($expected, $test);
function test__qa_random_alphanum()
$len = 50;
$test = qa_random_alphanum($len);
$this->assertEquals(strlen($test), $len);
function test__qa_email_validate()
$goodEmails = array(
$badEmails = array(
'email @ with spaces',
'some random string',
foreach ($goodEmails as $email) {
$this->assertTrue( qa_email_validate($email) );
foreach ($badEmails as $email)
$this->assertFalse( qa_email_validate($email) );
function test__qa_strlen()
$test = qa_strlen($this->strAccents);
$this->assertEquals($test, 43);
function test__qa_strtolower()
$test = qa_strtolower('hElLo WoRld');
$this->assertEquals($test, 'hello world');
function test__qa_substr()
$test = qa_substr($this->strBasic, 5, 24);
$this->assertEquals($test, 'tied an onion to my belt');
function test__qa_string_matches_one()
$matches = array( 'dyed', 'shallot', 'belt', 'fashion' );
$nonMatches = array( 'dyed', 'shallot', 'buckle', 'fashion' );
$this->assertTrue( qa_string_matches_one($this->strBasic, $matches) );
$this->assertFalse( qa_string_matches_one($this->strBasic, $nonMatches) );
// currently, all Q2A code depends on qa-base
require_once __DIR__.'/../qa-include/qa-base.php';
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