$query="UPDATE ^posts AS x, (SELECT parents.postid, parents.created AS qcreated, COALESCE(MAX(children.created), parents.created) as acreated, children.acount, parents.netvotes, parents.views FROM ^posts AS parents LEFT JOIN ^posts AS children ON parents.postid=children.parentid AND children.type='A' WHERE parents.postid BETWEEN # AND # GROUP BY postid) AS a SET x.hotness=(".
'((TO_DAYS(a.qcreated)-734138)*86400.0+TIME_TO_SEC(a.qcreated))*# + '.// zero-point is Jan 1, 2010
$query="UPDATE ^posts AS x, (SELECT parents.postid, parents.created AS qcreated, COALESCE(MAX(children.created), parents.created) as acreated, children.acount, parents.netvotes, parents.views FROM ^posts AS parents LEFT JOIN ^posts AS children ON parents.postid=children.parentid AND children.type='A' WHERE parents.postid BETWEEN # AND # GROUP BY postid) AS a SET x.hotness=(".
'((TO_DAYS(a.qcreated)-734138)*86400.0+TIME_TO_SEC(a.qcreated))*# + '.// zero-point is Jan 1, 2010
'recalc_categories_note'=>' - for post categories and category counts',
'recalc_categories_recounting'=>'Recounting questions for ^1 of ^2 categories...',
'recalc_categories_updated'=>'Recalculated for ^1 of ^2 posts...',
'recalc_hotness_q_view_note'=>'Slightly more efficient if disabled, but hotness values will become out of date if views are given higher importance in settings',
'recalc_hotness_q_view_note'=>'May slightly improve page speed if disabled, but hotness values will become out of date if views are included in hotness settings',
'recalc_points'=>'Recalculate user points',
'recalc_points_complete'=>'All user points were successfully recalculated.',
'recalc_points_note'=>' - for user ranking and points displays',