Commit 5fe3f760 by Scott

Add dates to uservotes

parent c7b2c7a2
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) { // don't allow this page to be requested directly
define('QA_DB_VERSION_CURRENT', 64);
define('QA_DB_VERSION_CURRENT', 65);
......@@ -410,8 +410,11 @@ function qa_db_table_definitions()
'userid' => $useridcoltype . ' NOT NULL',
'vote' => 'TINYINT NOT NULL', // -1, 0 or 1
'flag' => 'TINYINT NOT NULL', // 0 or 1
'votecreated' => 'DATETIME', // time of first vote
'voteupdated' => 'DATETIME', // time of last vote change
'UNIQUE userid (userid, postid)',
'KEY postid (postid)',
'KEY created (created, updated)',
'CONSTRAINT ^uservotes_ibfk_1 FOREIGN KEY (postid) REFERENCES ^posts(postid) ON DELETE CASCADE',
......@@ -1558,6 +1561,15 @@ function qa_db_upgrade_tables()
case 65:
qa_db_upgrade_query('ALTER TABLE ^uservotes ADD COLUMN votecreated ' . $definitions['uservotes']['votecreated'] . ' AFTER flag');
qa_db_upgrade_query('ALTER TABLE ^uservotes ADD COLUMN voteupdated ' . $definitions['uservotes']['voteupdated'] . ' AFTER votecreated');
qa_db_upgrade_query('ALTER TABLE ^uservotes ADD KEY voted (votecreated, voteupdated)');
// for old votes, set a default date of when that post was made
qa_db_upgrade_query('UPDATE ^uservotes, ^posts SET ^uservotes.votecreated=^posts.created WHERE ^uservotes.postid=^posts.postid AND (^ != 0 OR ^uservotes.flag=0)');
// Up to here: Version 1.8 alpha
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ function qa_db_uservote_set($postid, $userid, $vote)
$vote = max(min(($vote), 1), -1);
'INSERT INTO ^uservotes (postid, userid, vote, flag) VALUES (#, #, #, 0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE vote=#',
'INSERT INTO ^uservotes (postid, userid, vote, flag, votecreated) VALUES (#, #, #, 0, NOW()) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE vote=#, voteupdated=NOW()',
$postid, $userid, $vote, $vote
......@@ -153,12 +153,12 @@ function qa_db_uservoteflag_posts_get($postids)
return qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub(
'SELECT postid, userid, vote, flag FROM ^uservotes WHERE postid IN (#) AND ((vote!=0) OR (flag!=0))',
'SELECT postid, userid, vote, flag, votecreated, voteupdated FROM ^uservotes WHERE postid IN (#) AND (vote!=0 OR flag!=0)',
} else {
return qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub(
'SELECT postid, handle, vote, flag FROM ^uservotes LEFT JOIN ^users ON ^uservotes.userid=^users.userid WHERE postid IN (#) AND ((vote!=0) OR (flag!=0))',
'SELECT postid, handle, vote, flag, votecreated, voteupdated FROM ^uservotes LEFT JOIN ^users ON ^uservotes.userid=^users.userid WHERE postid IN (#) AND (vote!=0 OR flag!=0)',
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