Commit 45d161db by Scott

Update message selectspecs to get recipient user details

parent 82a68650
......@@ -1309,10 +1309,16 @@
return array(
'messageid', 'fromuserid', 'touserid', 'content', 'format',
'created' => 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(^messages.created)',
'fromflags' => '^users.flags', 'fromlevel' => '^users.level',
'fromemail' => '^', 'fromhandle' => '^users.handle',
'fromavatarblobid' => 'BINARY ^users.avatarblobid', // cast to BINARY due to MySQL bug which renders it signed in a union
'fromavatarwidth' => '^users.avatarwidth', 'fromavatarheight' => '^users.avatarheight',
'fromflags' => 'ufrom.flags', 'fromlevel' => 'ufrom.level',
'fromemail' => '', 'fromhandle' => 'ufrom.handle',
'fromavatarblobid' => 'BINARY ufrom.avatarblobid', // cast to BINARY due to MySQL bug which renders it signed in a union
'fromavatarwidth' => 'ufrom.avatarwidth', 'fromavatarheight' => 'ufrom.avatarheight',
'toflags' => 'uto.flags', 'tolevel' => 'uto.level',
'toemail' => '', 'tohandle' => 'uto.handle',
'toavatarblobid' => 'BINARY uto.avatarblobid', // cast to BINARY due to MySQL bug which renders it signed in a union
'toavatarwidth' => 'uto.avatarwidth', 'toavatarheight' => 'uto.avatarheight',
......@@ -1335,7 +1341,7 @@
$where = "type='PUBLIC'";
$tosub = $toisuserid ? '$' : '(SELECT userid FROM ^users WHERE handle=$ LIMIT 1)';
$source = '^messages LEFT JOIN ^users ON fromuserid=^users.userid WHERE ' . $where . ' AND touserid=' . $tosub . ' ORDER BY ^messages.created DESC LIMIT #,#';
$source = '^messages LEFT JOIN ^users ufrom ON fromuserid=ufrom.userid LEFT JOIN ^users uto ON touserid=uto.userid WHERE ' . $where . ' AND touserid=' . $tosub . ' ORDER BY ^messages.created DESC LIMIT #,#';
$arguments = isset($fromidentifier) ? array($fromidentifier, $toidentifier, $start, $count) : array($toidentifier, $start, $count);
......@@ -1361,7 +1367,7 @@
$count = isset($count) ? min($count, QA_DB_RETRIEVE_MESSAGES) : QA_DB_RETRIEVE_MESSAGES;
$where = 'touserid=' . ($toisuserid ? '$' : '(SELECT userid FROM ^users WHERE handle=$ LIMIT 1)') . ' AND type=$';
$source = '^messages LEFT JOIN ^users ON fromuserid=^users.userid WHERE ' . $where . ' ORDER BY ^messages.created DESC LIMIT #,#';
$source = '^messages LEFT JOIN ^users ufrom ON fromuserid=ufrom.userid LEFT JOIN ^users uto ON touserid=uto.userid WHERE ' . $where . ' ORDER BY ^messages.created DESC LIMIT #,#';
$arguments = array($toidentifier, $type, $start, $count);
......@@ -1387,7 +1393,7 @@
$count = isset($count) ? min($count, QA_DB_RETRIEVE_MESSAGES) : QA_DB_RETRIEVE_MESSAGES;
$where = 'fromuserid=' . ($fromisuserid ? '$' : '(SELECT userid FROM ^users WHERE handle=$ LIMIT 1)') . ' AND type=$';
$source = '^messages LEFT JOIN ^users ON fromuserid=^users.userid WHERE ' . $where . ' ORDER BY ^messages.created DESC LIMIT #,#';
$source = '^messages LEFT JOIN ^users ufrom ON fromuserid=ufrom.userid LEFT JOIN ^users uto ON touserid=uto.userid WHERE ' . $where . ' ORDER BY ^messages.created DESC LIMIT #,#';
$arguments = array($fromidentifier, $type, $start, $count);
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