Commit 3a5e3401 by pupi1985

Remove font tags and refactor qa_fatal_error

parent 473fabb7
......@@ -689,14 +689,18 @@
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
echo 'Question2Answer fatal error:<p><font color="red">'.qa_html($message, true).'</font></p>';
@error_log('PHP Question2Answer fatal error: '.$message);
echo 'Question2Answer fatal error:<p style="color: red">' . qa_html($message, true) . '</p>';
@error_log('PHP Question2Answer fatal error: ' . $message);
echo '<p>Stack trace:<p>';
$backtrace=array_reverse(array_slice(debug_backtrace(), 1));
foreach ($backtrace as $trace)
echo '<font color="#'.((strpos(@$trace['file'], '/qa-plugin/')!==false) ? 'f00' : '999').'">'.
qa_html(@$trace['function'].'() in '.basename(@$trace['file']).':'.@$trace['line']).'</font><br>';
$backtrace = array_reverse(array_slice(debug_backtrace(), 1));
foreach ($backtrace as $trace) {
$color = strpos(@$trace['file'], '/qa-plugin/') !== false ? 'red' : '#999';
echo sprintf(
'<code style="color: %s">%s() in %s:%s</code><br>',
$color, qa_html(@$trace['function']), basename(@$trace['file']), @$trace['line']
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