Unverified Commit 347ef3cf by Scott Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #599 from q2apro/patch-13

Total questions unanswered lang file
parents 95cde3f2 fe5b7c95
......@@ -260,6 +260,7 @@ return array(
'total_as' => 'Total answers:',
'total_cs' => 'Total comments:',
'total_qs' => 'Total questions:',
'total_qs_unans' => 'Total questions unanswered:',
'unnamed_plugin' => 'Unnamed Plugin',
'upgrade_db' => 'Your Question2Answer database needs to be ^1upgraded^2 for this version.',
'url_format_note' => 'Options with the ^ label are working for your site\'s configuration. For best search engine optimization (SEO), use the first ^ option available.',
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