Commit 32ca391c by Scott

Coding style (user HTML functions)

parent b07c082d
......@@ -83,41 +83,45 @@
function qa_userids_handles_html($useridhandles, $microformats=false)
Return array which maps the ['userid'] and/or ['lastuserid'] in each element of
$useridhandles to its HTML representation. For internal user management, corresponding
['handle'] and/or ['lasthandle'] are required in each element.
* Return array which maps the 'userid' and/or 'lastuserid' of each user to its HTML representation.
* For internal user management, corresponding 'handle' and/or 'lasthandle' are required in each element.
* @param array $useridhandles User IDs or usernames.
* @param bool $microdata Whether to include microdata.
* @return array The HTML.
function qa_userids_handles_html($useridhandles, $microdata=false)
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'app/users.php';
$keyuserids = array();
foreach ($useridhandles as $useridhandle) {
if (isset($useridhandle['userid']))
$keyuserids[$useridhandle['userid']] = true;
if (isset($useridhandle['lastuserid']))
$keyuserids[$useridhandle['lastuserid']] = true;
if (count($keyuserids))
return qa_get_users_html(array_keys($keyuserids), true, qa_path_to_root(), $microformats);
return array();
return qa_get_users_html(array_keys($keyuserids), true, qa_path_to_root(), $microdata);
} else {
return array();
else {
$usershtml = array();
$favoritemap = qa_get_favorite_non_qs_map();
foreach ($useridhandles as $useridhandle) {
if (isset($useridhandle['userid']) && $useridhandle['handle'])
$usershtml[$useridhandle['userid']]=qa_get_one_user_html($useridhandle['handle'], $microformats, @$favoritemap['user'][$useridhandle['userid']]);
if (isset($useridhandle['lastuserid']) && $useridhandle['lasthandle'])
$usershtml[$useridhandle['lastuserid']]=qa_get_one_user_html($useridhandle['lasthandle'], $microformats, @$favoritemap['user'][$useridhandle['lastuserid']]);
if (isset($useridhandle['userid']) && $useridhandle['handle']) {
$usershtml[$useridhandle['userid']] = qa_get_one_user_html($useridhandle['handle'], $microdata, @$favoritemap['user'][$useridhandle['userid']]);
if (isset($useridhandle['lastuserid']) && $useridhandle['lasthandle']) {
$usershtml[$useridhandle['lastuserid']] = qa_get_one_user_html($useridhandle['lasthandle'], $microdata, @$favoritemap['user'][$useridhandle['lastuserid']]);
return $usershtml;
......@@ -167,15 +171,23 @@
function qa_tag_html($tag, $microformats=false, $favorited=false)
Convert textual $tag to HTML representation, with microformats if $microformats is true. Set $favorited to true to show the tag as favorited.
* Convert textual tag to HTML representation, linked to its tag page.
* @param string $tag The tag.
* @param bool $microdata Whether to include microdata.
* @param bool $favorited Show the tag as favorited.
* @return string The tag HTML.
function qa_tag_html($tag, $microdata=false, $favorited=false)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
return '<a href="'.qa_path_html('tag/'.$tag).'"'.($microformats ? ' rel="tag"' : '').' class="qa-tag-link'.
($favorited ? ' qa-tag-favorited' : '').'">'.qa_html($tag).'</a>';
$url = qa_path_html('tag/'.$tag);
$attrs = $microdata ? ' rel="tag"' : '';
$class = $favorited ? ' qa-tag-favorited' : '';
return '<a href="'.$url.'"'.$attrs.' class="qa-tag-link'.$class.'">'.qa_html($tag).'</a>';
......@@ -622,11 +634,14 @@
* Generate array of mostly HTML representing a message, to be passed to theme layer.
* @param array $message The message object (as retrieved from database).
* @param array $options Viewing options (see qa_message_html_defaults() in app/options.php).
* @return array The HTML.
function qa_message_html_fields($message, $options=array())
Given $message retrieved from database, return an array of mostly HTML to be passed to theme layer.
Pass viewing options in $options (see qa_message_html_defaults() in qa-app-options.php)
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'app/users.php';
......@@ -635,8 +650,7 @@
$fields = array('raw' => $message);
$fields['tags'] = 'id="m'.qa_html($message['messageid']).'"';
// Message content
// message content
$viewer = qa_load_viewer($message['content'], $message['format']);
$fields['content'] = $viewer->get_html($message['content'], $message['format'], array(
......@@ -645,19 +659,16 @@
'linksnewwindow' => @$options['linksnewwindow'],
// Set ordering of meta elements which can be language-specific
// set ordering of meta elements which can be language-specific
$fields['meta_order'] = qa_lang_html('main/meta_order');
$fields['what'] = qa_lang_html('main/written');
// When it was written
// when it was written
if (@$options['whenview'])
$fields['when'] = qa_when_to_html($message['created'], @$options['fulldatedays']);
// Who wrote it, and their avatar
// who wrote it, and their avatar
if (@$options['towhomview']) {
// for sent private messages page (i.e. show who message was sent to)
$fields['who'] = qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/to_x', qa_get_one_user_html($message['tohandle'], false));
......@@ -666,70 +677,87 @@
else {
// for everything else (received private messages, wall messages)
if (@$options['whoview'])
if (@$options['whoview']) {
$fields['who'] = qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/by_x', qa_get_one_user_html($message['fromhandle'], false));
if (@$options['avatarsize'] > 0) {
$fields['avatar'] = qa_get_user_avatar_html(@$message['fromflags'], @$message['fromemail'], @$message['fromhandle'],
@$message['fromavatarblobid'], @$message['fromavatarwidth'], @$message['fromavatarheight'], $options['avatarsize']);
// That's it!
return $fields;
function qa_who_to_html($isbyuser, $postuserid, $usershtml, $ip=null, $microformats=false, $name=null)
Return array of split HTML (prefix, data, suffix) to represent author of post
* Generate array of split HTML (prefix, data, suffix) to represent author of post.
* @param bool $isbyuser True if the current user made the post.
* @param int $postuserid The post user's ID.
* @param array $usershtml Array of HTML representing usernames.
* @param string $ip The post user's IP.
* @param string $microdata Whether to include microdata (no longer used).
* @param string $name The author's username.
* @return array The HTML.
function qa_who_to_html($isbyuser, $postuserid, $usershtml, $ip=null, $microdata=false, $name=null)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
if (isset($postuserid) && isset($usershtml[$postuserid])) {
} else {
$whohtml = $usershtml[$postuserid];
else {
if (strlen($name))
$whohtml = qa_html($name);
elseif ($isbyuser)
$whohtml = qa_lang_html('main/me');
$whohtml = qa_lang_html('main/anonymous');
if (isset($ip))
$whohtml=qa_ip_anchor_html($ip, $whohtml);
$whohtml = qa_ip_anchor_html($ip, $whohtml);
return qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/by_x', $whohtml);
* Generate array of split HTML (prefix, data, suffix) to represent a timestamp, optionally with the full date.
* @param int $timestamp Unix timestamp.
* @param bool $fulldatedays Number of days after which to show the full date.
* @return array The HTML.
function qa_when_to_html($timestamp, $fulldatedays)
Return array of split HTML (prefix, data, suffix) to represent unix $timestamp, with the full date shown if it's
more than $fulldatedays ago
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
$interval = qa_opt('db_time') - $timestamp;
if ($interval < 0 || (isset($fulldatedays) && $interval > 86400*$fulldatedays)) {
// full style date
$stampyear = date('Y', $timestamp);
$thisyear = date('Y', qa_opt('db_time'));
if ( ($interval<0) || (isset($fulldatedays) && ($interval>(86400*$fulldatedays))) ) { // full style date
$stampyear=date('Y', $timestamp);
$thisyear=date('Y', qa_opt('db_time'));
$dateFormat = qa_lang($stampyear == $thisyear ? 'main/date_format_this_year' : 'main/date_format_other_years');
$replaceData = array(
'^day' => date(qa_lang('main/date_day_min_digits')==2 ? 'd' : 'j', $timestamp),
'^month' => qa_lang('main/date_month_'.date('n', $timestamp)),
'^year' => date(qa_lang('main/date_year_digits')==2 ? 'y' : 'Y', $timestamp),
return array(
'data' => qa_html(strtr(qa_lang(($stampyear==$thisyear) ? 'main/date_format_this_year' : 'main/date_format_other_years'), array(
'^day' => date((qa_lang('main/date_day_min_digits')==2) ? 'd' : 'j', $timestamp),
'^month' => qa_lang('main/date_month_'.date('n', $timestamp)),
'^year' => date((qa_lang('main/date_year_digits')==2) ? 'y' : 'Y', $timestamp),
'data' => qa_html(strtr($dateFormat, $replaceData)),
} else // ago-style date
else {
// ago-style date
return qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/x_ago', qa_html(qa_time_to_string($interval)));
......@@ -448,10 +448,15 @@
function qa_get_one_user_html($handle, $microformats=false, $favorited=false)
Return HTML to display for user with username $handle, with microformats if $microformats is true. Set $favorited to true to show the user as favorited.
* Get HTML to display a username, linked to their user page.
* @param string $handle The username.
* @param bool $microdata Whether to include microdata.
* @param bool $favorited Show the user as favorited.
* @return string The user HTML.
function qa_get_one_user_html($handle, $microdata=false, $favorited=false)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
......@@ -460,9 +465,9 @@
$url = qa_path_html('user/'.$handle);
$favclass = $favorited ? ' qa-user-favorited' : '';
$mfAttr = $microformats ? ' itemprop="name"' : '';
$mfPrefix = $microformats ? '<span itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype="">' : '';
$mfSuffix = $microformats ? '</span>' : '';
$mfAttr = $microdata ? ' itemprop="name"' : '';
$mfPrefix = $microdata ? '<span itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype="">' : '';
$mfSuffix = $microdata ? '</span>' : '';
return $mfPrefix . '<a href="'.$url.'" class="qa-user-link'.$favclass.'"'.$mfAttr.'>'.qa_html($handle).'</a>' . $mfSuffix;
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