Commit 2b444785 by Scott

Use jpg instead of jpeg

parent fa6fe203
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ function qa_get_max_upload_size()
* images, set $imagemaxwidth and $imagemaxheight. The function returns an array which may contain the following elements:
* 'error' => a string containing an error, if one occurred
* 'format' => the format (file extension) of the blob created (all scaled images end up as 'jpeg')
* 'format' => the format (file extension) of the blob created (all scaled images end up as 'jpg')
* 'width' => if an image, the width in pixels of the blob created (after possible scaling)
* 'height' => if an image, the height in pixels of the blob created (after possible scaling)
* 'blobid' => the blobid that was created (if there was no error)
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ function qa_upload_file($localfilename, $sourcefilename, $maxfilesize = null, $o
$pathinfo = pathinfo($sourcefilename);
$format = strtolower(@$pathinfo['extension']);
$isimage = ($format == 'png') || ($format == 'gif') || ($format == 'jpeg') || ($format == 'jpg'); // allowed image extensions
$isimage = in_array($format, array('png', 'gif', 'jpeg', 'jpg')); // allowed image extensions
if ($isimage) {
$imagesize = @getimagesize($localfilename);
......@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ function qa_upload_file($localfilename, $sourcefilename, $maxfilesize = null, $o
$format = 'jpeg';
$format = 'jpg';
......@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ function qa_upload_file($localfilename, $sourcefilename, $maxfilesize = null, $o
if (is_resource($image)) {
$content = qa_gd_image_jpeg($image);
$result['format'] = $format = 'jpeg';
$result['format'] = $format = 'jpg';
$result['width'] = $width;
$result['height'] = $height;
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