'dir_for_log_files'=>'Directory for log files - enter full path:',
'dir_not_found'=>'This directory cannot be found. Please enter the full path.',
'dir_not_writable'=>'This directory is not writable by the web server. Please choose a different directory, use chown/chmod to change permissions, or contact your web hosting company for assistance.',
'enter_directory'=>'This is a file. Please enter the full path of a directory.',
'header_lines_top_each_file'=>'Include header lines at top of each log file',
'log_events_to_daily_log_files'=>'Log events to daily log files',
'log_events_to_x_table'=>'Log events to <code>^</code> database table',
'header_lines'=>'Include header lines at top of each log file',
'log_events_daily'=>'Log events to daily log files',
'log_events_x_table'=>'Log events to <code>^</code> database table',
'log_files_dir'=>'Directory for log files - enter full path:',
'q2a_x_log_file_generated'=>'Question2Answer ^ log file generated by Event Logger plugin.',
'specify_dir_writable'=>'Please specify a directory that is writable by the web server.',
'utf8_tab_delimited_file'=>'This file is formatted as tab-delimited text with UTF-8 encoding.',
'tab_delimited_file'=>'This file is formatted as tab-delimited text with UTF-8 encoding.',