Commit 095f2a4c by pupi1985

Replaced array access by variable access.

parent 33660132
......@@ -852,8 +852,8 @@
// The 'approve', 'login', 'confirm', 'userblock', 'ipblock' permission errors are reported to the user here
// The other option ('level') prevents the comment button being shown, in qa_page_q_post_rules(...)
$answer=($question['postid']==$parent['postid']) ? null : $parent;
$parentid = $parent['postid'];
$answer = ($question['postid'] == $parentid) ? null : $parent;
switch (qa_user_post_permit_error('permit_post_c', $parent, QA_LIMIT_COMMENTS)) {
case 'login':
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