qa-lang-options.php 15.7 KB
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Gideon Greenspan committed
Scott Vivian committed

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	Question2Answer (c) Gideon Greenspan

Scott Vivian committed

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	File: qa-include/qa-lang-options.php
	Version: See define()s at top of qa-include/qa-base.php
	Description: Language phrases for all options, as shown in admin center

	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
	as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
	of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Scott Vivian committed

Gideon Greenspan committed
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	More about this license:

	return array(
		'allow_change_usernames' => 'Allow users with posts to change their username:',
		'allow_close_questions' => 'Allow questions to be manually closed:',
Scott Vivian committed
		'allow_login_email_only' => 'Only log in by email address (not username):',
Gideon Greenspan committed
31 32 33 34
		'allow_multi_answers' => 'Allow multiple answers per user:',
		'allow_no_category' => 'Allow questions with no category',
		'allow_no_sub_category' => 'Allow questions with a category but no sub-category',
		'allow_private_messages' => 'Enable private messaging between users:',
Gideon Greenspan committed
		'allow_user_walls' => 'Enable wall posts on user profiles:',
Gideon Greenspan committed
36 37
		'allow_self_answer' => 'Allow users to answer their own question:',
		'allow_view_q_bots' => 'Allow search engines to view question pages',
Gideon Greenspan committed
		'approve_user_required' => 'All new users must be approved:',
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39 40 41
		'avatar_allow_gravatar' => 'Allow ^1Gravatar^2 avatars:',
		'avatar_allow_upload' => 'Allow users to upload avatars:',
		'avatar_default_show' => 'Default avatar:',
Gideon Greenspan committed
		'avatar_message_list_size' => 'Avatar size on message lists:',
Gideon Greenspan committed
43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
		'avatar_profile_size' => 'Avatar size on user profile page:',
		'avatar_q_list_size' => 'Avatar size on question lists:',
		'avatar_q_page_a_size' => 'Avatar size on answers:',
		'avatar_q_page_c_size' => 'Avatar size on comments:',
		'avatar_q_page_q_size' => 'Avatar size on questions:',
		'avatar_store_size' => 'Maximum size for storing avatars:',
		'avatar_users_size' => 'Avatar size on top users page:',
		'block_bad_words' => 'Censored words - separate by spaces or commas:',
		'block_ips_write' => 'Blocked IP addresses - separate by spaces or commas:',
		'captcha_module' => 'Use captcha module:',
		'captcha_on_anon_post' => 'Use captcha for anonymous posts:',
		'captcha_on_feedback' => 'Use captcha on feedback form:',
		'captcha_on_register' => 'Use captcha for user registration:',
		'captcha_on_reset_password' => 'Use captcha on reset password form:',
Gideon Greenspan committed
		'captcha_on_unapproved' => 'Use captcha if user not yet approved:',
Gideon Greenspan committed
58 59 60 61 62 63
		'captcha_on_unconfirmed' => 'Use captcha if email not confirmed:',
		'columns_tags' => 'Columns on Tags page:',
		'columns_users' => 'Columns on Users page:',
		'comment_on_as' => 'Allow comments on answers:',
		'comment_on_qs' => 'Allow comments on questions:',
		'confirm_user_emails' => 'Request confirmation of user emails:',
Gideon Greenspan committed
		'confirm_user_required' => 'All new users must confirm their email:',
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65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
		'custom_home_content' => 'Home page content - HTML allowed:',
		'custom_home_heading' => 'Home page heading:',
		'default_privacy' => 'Privacy: Your email address will not be shared or sold to third parties.',
		'default_sidebar' => "Welcome to ^, where you can ask questions and receive answers from other members of the community.",
		'default_subject' => 'A message from ^',
		'default_suffix' => 'Q&A',
		'do_ask_check_qs' => 'Check for similar questions when asking:',
		'do_close_on_select' => 'Close questions with a selected answer:',
		'do_complete_tags' => 'Show matching tags while typing:',
		'do_count_q_views' => 'Count the number of question views:',
		'do_example_tags' => 'Show example tags based on question:',
		'editor_for_as' => 'Default editor for answers:',
		'editor_for_cs' => 'Default editor for comments:',
		'editor_for_qs' => 'Default editor for questions:',
		'email_privacy' => 'Privacy note for email addresses - HTML allowed:',
		'extra_field_active' => 'Custom field for extra information on ask form:',
		'extra_field_display_label' => 'Show the extra information on question pages with label:',
		'extra_field_display' => 'Show the extra information on question pages',
		'feed_for_activity' => 'Feed for recent activity:',
		'feed_for_hot' => 'Feed for hot questions:',
		'feed_for_qa' => 'Feed for recent questions and answers:',
		'feed_for_questions' => 'Feed for recent questions:',
		'feed_for_search' => 'Feeds for search results:',
		'feed_for_tag_qs' => 'Feed for each tag\'s questions:',
		'feed_for_unanswered' => 'Feed for unanswered questions:',
		'feed_full_text' => 'Include full text in feeds:',
		'feed_number_items' => 'Maximum length of feeds:',
		'feed_per_category' => 'Individual feeds per category:',
		'feedback_email' => 'Email address for admin messages - not shown to users:',
		'feedback_enabled' => 'Provide a page for users to send feedback',
		'flagging_hide_after' => 'Automatically hide posts which reach:',
		'flagging_notify_every' => 'Email me again after every additional:',
		'flagging_notify_first' => 'Email me if a post receives:',
		'flagging_of_posts' => 'Allow posts to be flagged:',
		'follow_on_as' => 'Allow questions to be related to answers:',
		'from_email' => 'Sender address for messages from site:',
		'hot_weight_a_age' => 'Question has a new answer:',
		'hot_weight_answers' => 'Question has many answers:',
		'hot_weight_q_age' => 'Question is new:',
		'hot_weight_views' => 'Question has many views:',
		'hot_weight_votes' => 'Question has many up votes:',
		'links_in_new_window' => 'Open linked URLs in a new window:',
		'logo_height' => 'Logo height:',
		'logo_show' => 'Show a logo image in the page header',
		'logo_url' => 'URL of logo - absolute or relative to Q2A root:',
		'logo_width' => 'Logo width:',
		'mailing_body' => 'Body text:',
		'mailing_enabled' => 'Enable mass mailings to all users',
		'mailing_from_email' => 'From email address:',
		'mailing_from_name' => 'From name:',
		'mailing_per_minute' => 'Maximum mailing rate:',
		'mailing_subject' => 'Subject line:',
		'match_1' => 'Narrowest',
		'match_2' => 'Narrower',
		'match_3' => 'Default',
		'match_4' => 'Wider',
		'match_5' => 'Widest',
		'match_ask_check_qs' => 'Similar questions matching:',
		'match_example_tags' => 'Example tags matching:',
		'match_related_qs' => 'Related questions matching:',
		'max_len_q_title' => 'Maximum length of question title:',
		'max_num_q_tags' => 'Maximum number of tags:',
		'max_rate_ip_as' => 'Rate limit for adding answers:',
		'max_rate_ip_cs' => 'Rate limit for posting comments:',
		'max_rate_ip_flags' => 'Rate limit for flagging posts:',
		'max_rate_ip_logins' => 'Rate limit for logging in:',
Gideon Greenspan committed
		'max_rate_ip_messages' => 'Rate limit for private and wall messages:',
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132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149
		'max_rate_ip_qs' => 'Rate limit for asking questions:',
		'max_rate_ip_registers' => 'Rate limit for user registrations:',
		'max_rate_ip_uploads' => 'Rate limit for uploading files:',
		'max_rate_ip_votes' => 'Rate limit for voting:',
		'max_rate_user_as' => 'Maximum answers per user per hour:',
		'max_rate_user_cs' => 'Maximum comments per user per hour:',
		'max_rate_user_flags' => 'Maximum flags per user per hour:',
		'max_rate_user_messages' => 'Maximum private messages per user per hour:',
		'max_rate_user_qs' => 'Maximum questions per user per hour:',
		'max_rate_user_uploads' => 'Maximum uploads per user per hour:',
		'max_rate_user_votes' => 'Maximum votes per user per hour:',
		'min_len_a_content' => 'Minimum length of answer:',
		'min_len_c_content' => 'Minimum length of comment:',
		'min_len_q_content' => 'Minimum length of question body:',
		'min_len_q_title' => 'Minimum length of question title:',
		'min_num_q_tags' => 'Minimum number of tags:',
		'moderate_anon_post' => 'Use moderation for anonymous posts:',
		'moderate_by_points' => 'Use moderation for users with few points:',
Gideon Greenspan committed
		'moderate_edited_again' => 'Re-moderate posts after editing:',
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151 152
		'moderate_notify_admin' => 'Email me when a post needs moderation:',
		'moderate_points_limit' => 'Use moderation for users with less than:',
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		'moderate_unapproved' => 'Use moderation if user not yet approved:',
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		'moderate_unconfirmed' => 'Use moderation if email not confirmed:',
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		'moderate_update_time' => 'Time to show on moderated posts:',
		'moderate_users' => 'Enable moderation (approval) of users:',
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157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173
		'neat_urls' => 'URL structure:',
		'notify_admin_q_post' => 'Email this address when a question is posted',
		'notify_users_default' => 'Check email notification box by default:',
		'option_default' => 'Default',
		'page_size_activity' => 'Length of All Activity page:',
		'page_size_ask_check_qs' => 'Maximum similar questions to show:',
		'page_size_ask_tags' => 'Maximum tag hints to show:',
		'page_size_home' => 'Length of Q&A page:',
		'page_size_hot_qs' => 'Length of Hot! page:',
		'page_size_q_as' => 'Maximum answers per page:',
		'page_size_qs' => 'Length of Questions page:',
		'page_size_related_qs' => 'Maximum related questions:',
		'page_size_search' => 'Search results per page:',
		'page_size_tag_qs' => 'Questions on each tag page:',
		'page_size_tags' => 'Length of Tags page:',
		'page_size_una_qs' => 'Length of Unanswered page:',
		'page_size_users' => 'Length of Users page:',
Gideon Greenspan committed
		'page_size_wall' => 'Wall posts per page:',
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175 176 177
		'pages_prev_next' => 'Links to previous/next pages:',
		'permit_admins' => 'Administrators',
		'permit_all' => 'Anybody',
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		'permit_approve_users' => 'Approving registered users:',
		'permit_approved' => 'Approved users only',
		'permit_approved_points' => 'Approved users with enough points',
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181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226
		'permit_block' => 'Blocking or unblocking user or IPs:',
		'permit_confirmed' => 'Registered users with email confirmed',
		'permit_create_admins' => 'Creating administrators:',
		'permit_create_eds_mods' => 'Creating editors and moderators:',
		'permit_create_experts' => 'Creating experts:',
		'permit_delete_users' => 'Deleting users:',
		'permit_editors' => 'Editors, Moderators, Admins',
		'permit_experts' => 'Experts, Editors, Moderators, Admins',
		'permit_moderators' => 'Moderators and Admins',
		'permit_points_confirmed' => 'Registered & email confirmed & enough points',
		'permit_points' => 'Registered users with enough points',
		'permit_see_emails' => 'Viewing user email addresses:',
		'permit_supers' => 'Super Administrators',
		'permit_users' => 'Registered users',
		'place_full_below_content' => 'Full width - Below content',
		'place_full_below_footer' => 'Full width - Below footer',
		'place_full_below_nav' => 'Full width - Below navigation',
		'place_full_top' => 'Full width - Top of page',
		'place_main_below_lists' => 'Main area - Below lists',
		'place_main_below_title' => 'Main area - Below title',
		'place_main_bottom' => 'Main area - Bottom',
		'place_main_top' => 'Main area - Top',
		'place_side_below_categories' => 'Side panel - Below categories',
		'place_side_below_sidebar' => 'Side panel - Below sidebar box',
		'place_side_last' => 'Side panel - Last',
		'place_side_top' => 'Side panel - Top',
		'points_a_selected' => 'Having your answer selected as the best:',
		'points_a_voted_max_gain' => 'Limit from up votes on each answer:',
		'points_a_voted_max_loss' => 'Limit from down votes on each answer:',
		'points_base' => 'Add for all users:',
		'points_multiple' => 'Multiply all points:',
		'points_per_a_voted_down' => 'Per down vote on your answer:',
		'points_per_a_voted_up' => 'Per up vote on your answer:',
		'points_per_q_voted_down' => 'Per down vote on your question:',
		'points_per_q_voted_up' => 'Per up vote on your question:',
		'points_post_a' => 'Posting an answer:',
		'points_post_q' => 'Posting a question:',
		'points_q_voted_max_gain' => 'Limit from up votes on each question:',
		'points_q_voted_max_loss' => 'Limit from down votes on each question:',
		'points_select_a' => 'Selecting an answer for your question:',
		'points_vote_down_a' => 'Voting down an answer:',
		'points_vote_down_q' => 'Voting down a question:',
		'points_vote_up_a' => 'Voting up an answer:',
		'points_vote_up_q' => 'Voting up a question:',
		'q_urls_remove_accents' => 'Remove accents from question URLs:',
		'q_urls_title_length' => 'Question title length in URLs:',
Gideon Greenspan committed
		'register_notify_admin' => 'Email me when a new user registers:',
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228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237
		'search_module' => 'Use search module:',
		'show_a_form_immediate' => 'Show answer form immediately:',
		'show_always' => 'Always',
		'show_c_reply_buttons' => 'Show reply button on comments:',
		'show_custom_answer' => 'Custom message on answer form - HTML allowed:',
		'show_custom_ask' => 'Custom message on ask form - HTML allowed:',
		'show_custom_comment' => 'Custom message on comment form - HTML allowed:',
		'show_custom_footer' => 'Custom HTML at bottom of every page:',
		'show_custom_header' => 'Custom HTML at top of every page:',
		'show_custom_home' => 'Custom content in home page instead of Q&A',
Gideon Greenspan committed
		'show_custom_in_head' => 'Custom HTML in <head> section of every page:',
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239 240 241 242 243 244 245
		'show_custom_register' => 'Custom message on register form - HTML allowed:',
		'show_custom_sidebar' => 'Custom HTML in sidebar box on every page:',
		'show_custom_sidepanel' => 'Custom HTML in side panel on every page:',
		'show_custom_welcome' => 'Custom message in email sent to new registered users:',
		'show_fewer_cs_count' => 'If partially hidden, show most recent:',
		'show_fewer_cs_from' => 'Partially hide comments if more than:',
		'show_full_date_days' => 'Show full date after:',
Gideon Greenspan committed
		'show_home_description' => 'Include <meta> description for home page:',
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247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256
		'show_if_no_as' => 'If no answers',
		'show_message_history' => 'Store and display private message history:',
		'show_never' => 'Never',
		'show_notice_visitor' => 'Notice at top for first time visitors - HTML allowed:',
		'show_notice_welcome' => 'Notice at top for new registered users - HTML allowed:',
		'show_selected_first' => 'Move selected answer to the top:',
		'show_url_links' => 'Detect and link URLs in posts:',
		'show_user_points' => 'Show points next to usernames:',
		'show_user_titles' => 'Show titles next to usernames:',
		'show_view_counts' => 'Show view count in question lists:',
Gideon Greenspan committed
		'show_view_count_q_page' => 'Show view count on question pages:',
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258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278
		'show_when_created' => 'Show age of user posts:',
		'site_language' => 'Site language:',
		'site_maintenance' => 'Take site down for temporary maintenance',
		'site_theme_mobile' => 'Theme for mobiles:',
		'site_theme' => 'Site theme:',
		'site_title' => 'Q&A site name:',
		'site_url' => 'Preferred site URL:',
		'smtp_active' => 'Send email via SMTP instead of local mail',
		'smtp_address' => 'SMTP server address:',
		'smtp_authenticate' => 'Send SMTP username and password',
		'smtp_password' => 'SMTP password:',
		'smtp_port' => 'SMTP server port:',
		'smtp_secure_none' => 'None',
		'smtp_secure' => 'SMTP secure connection:',
		'smtp_username' => 'SMTP username:',
		'sort_answers_by' => 'Sort answers by:',
		'sort_time' => 'Time',
		'sort_votes' => 'Votes',
		'suspend_register_users' => 'Temporarily suspend new user registrations:',
		'tag_separator_comma' => 'Use comma as the only tag separator:',
		'tags_or_categories' => 'Question classification:',
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		'time_approved' => 'Time approved',
		'time_written' => 'Time written',
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281 282 283 284 285
		'votes_separated' => 'Show separate up and down votes:',
		'voting_on_as' => 'Allow voting on answers:',
		'voting_on_q_page_only' => 'Allow voting on question page only:',
		'voting_on_qs' => 'Allow voting on questions:',
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	Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output