qa-lang-question.php 8.96 KB
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Gideon Greenspan committed
Scott Vivian committed

Gideon Greenspan committed
3 4 5 6 7
	Question2Answer (c) Gideon Greenspan

Scott Vivian committed

Gideon Greenspan committed
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
	File: qa-include/qa-lang-question.php
	Version: See define()s at top of qa-include/qa-base.php
	Description: Language phrases for question page

	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
	as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
	of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Scott Vivian committed

Gideon Greenspan committed
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	More about this license:

	return array(
		'1_answer_title' => '1 Answer',
		'a_convert_to_c_on' => 'Convert this answer into a comment on:',
		'a_convert_to_c' => 'Convert this answer into a comment',
		'a_convert_warn_cs' => 'Warning: This conversion cannot be reversed and will also move this answer\'s comments.',
		'a_convert_warn' => 'Warning: This conversion cannot be reversed.',
		'a_notify_email' => 'Email me at this address if my answer is selected or commented on:',
		'a_notify_label' => 'Email me if my answer is selected or commented on',
		'a_notify_x_label' => 'Email me (^) if my answer is selected or commented on',
		'a_waiting_your_approval' => 'This answer is waiting for your approval',
Gideon Greenspan committed
		'a_your_waiting_approval' => 'Your answer will be checked and approved shortly.',
Gideon Greenspan committed
38 39 40
		'add_answer_button' => 'Add answer',
		'add_comment_button' => 'Add comment',
		'add_q_favorites' => 'Add this question to my favorites',
Gideon Greenspan committed
		'anon_name_label' => 'Your name to display (optional):',
Gideon Greenspan committed
42 43
		'answer_button' => 'answer',
		'answer_limit' => 'Too many answers received - please try again in an hour',
Gideon Greenspan committed
		'answer_must_be_approved' => 'Your account must be approved before you answer a question.',
Gideon Greenspan committed
45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
		'answer_must_confirm' => 'Please ^5confirm your email address^6 to answer this question.',
		'answer_must_login' => 'Please ^1log in^2 or ^3register^4 to answer this question.',
		'answer_q_popup' => 'Answer this question',
		'approve_button' => 'approve',
		'ask_button' => 'Ask the Question',
		'ask_follow_from_a' => 'Your question will be related to this answer:',
		'ask_follow_title' => 'Ask a related question',
		'ask_limit' => 'Too many questions received - please try again in an hour',
Gideon Greenspan committed
		'ask_must_be_approved' => 'Your account must be approved before you ask a question.',
Gideon Greenspan committed
54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61
		'ask_must_confirm' => 'Please ^5confirm your email address^6 to ask a question.',
		'ask_must_login' => 'Please ^1log in^2 or ^3register^4 to ask a question.',
		'ask_same_q' => 'Before proceeding, please check your question was not asked already:',
		'ask_title' => 'Ask a question',
		'c_notify_email' => 'Email me at this address if a comment is added after mine:',
		'c_notify_label' => 'Email me if a comment is added after mine',
		'c_notify_x_label' => 'Email me (^) if a comment is added after mine',
		'c_waiting_your_approval' => 'This comment is waiting for your approval',
Gideon Greenspan committed
		'c_your_waiting_approval' => 'Your comment will be checked and approved shortly.',
Gideon Greenspan committed
63 64
		'category_js_note' => 'To select any category, please enable Javascript in your web browser.',
		'category_required' => 'Please choose a category',
Gideon Greenspan committed
		'category_ask_not_allowed' => 'You do not have permission to ask questions in this category',
Gideon Greenspan committed
66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82
		'claim_button' => 'I wrote this',
		'clear_flags_button' => 'clear flags',
		'clear_flags_popup' => 'Remove flags by all users',
		'close_button' => 'close',
		'close_duplicate_error' => 'The duplicate question could not be found - please try entering the number from a different question URL, e.g. 123.',
		'close_duplicate' => 'This is a duplicate of another question',
		'close_form_button' => 'Close question',
		'close_form_title' => 'Close this question',
		'close_original_note' => 'You can also enter the question number from the URL, e.g. 123.',
		'close_original_title' => 'URL of the original question:',
		'close_q_popup' => 'Close this question to any new answers',
		'close_reason_title' => 'Reason for closing this question:',
		'closed_as_duplicate' => 'closed as a duplicate of:',
		'closed_with_note' => 'closed with the note:',
		'comment_a_popup' => 'Add a comment on this answer',
		'comment_button' => 'comment',
		'comment_limit' => 'Too many comments received - please try again in an hour',
Gideon Greenspan committed
		'comment_must_be_approved' => 'Your account must be approved before you add a comment.',
Gideon Greenspan committed
84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137
		'comment_must_confirm' => 'Please ^5confirm your email address^6 to add a comment.',
		'comment_must_login' => 'Please ^1log in^2 or ^3register^4 to add a comment.',
		'comment_on_a' => 'On answer: ',
		'comment_on_q' => 'On question: ',
		'comment_q_popup' => 'Add a comment on this question',
		'delete_a_popup' => 'Delete this answer permanently',
		'delete_button' => 'delete',
		'delete_c_popup' => 'Delete this comment permanently',
		'delete_q_popup' => 'Delete this question permanently',
		'duplicate_content' => 'Your submission appears to be a duplicate.',
		'edit_a_popup' => 'Edit this answer',
		'edit_a_title' => 'Edit answer',
		'edit_button' => 'edit',
		'edit_c_popup' => 'Edit this comment',
		'edit_c_title' => 'Edit comment',
		'edit_must_confirm' => 'Please ^5confirm your email address^6 to edit this.',
		'edit_must_login' => 'Please ^1log in^2 or ^3register^4 to edit this.',
		'edit_q_popup' => 'Edit this question',
		'edit_q_title' => 'Edit Question',
		'example_tags' => 'Example tags: ',
		'flag_a_popup' => 'Flag this answer as spam or inappropriate',
		'flag_button' => 'flag',
		'flag_c_popup' => 'Flag this comment as spam or inappropriate',
		'flag_hide_button' => 'flag and hide',
		'flag_limit' => 'Too many posts flagged - please try again in an hour',
		'flag_must_confirm' => 'Please ^5confirm your email address^6 to flag posts.',
		'flag_must_login' => 'Please ^1log in^2 or ^3register^4 to flag posts.',
		'flag_not_allowed' => 'Flagging this is not allowed',
		'flag_q_popup' => 'Flag this question as spam or inappropriate',
		'follow_a_popup' => 'Ask a new question relating to this answer',
		'follow_button' => 'ask related question',
		'follows_a' => 'related to an answer for:',
		'follows_q' => 'about the question:',
		'hide_a_popup' => 'Hide this answer',
		'hide_button' => 'hide',
		'hide_c_popup' => 'Hide this comment',
		'hide_q_popup' => 'Hide this question',
		'matching_tags' => 'Matching tags: ',
		'max_tags_x' => 'A maximum of ^ tags are allowed',
		'min_tags_x' => 'Please provide at least ^ tag/s',
		'notify_email_note' => 'Privacy: Your email address will only be used for sending these notifications.',
		'q_category_label' => 'Category:',
		'q_content_label' => 'More information for the question:',
		'q_hidden_author' => 'This question has been hidden by its author',
		'q_hidden_flagged' => 'This question has been flagged and hidden',
		'q_hidden_other' => 'This question has been hidden',
		'q_notify_email' => 'Email me at this address if my question is answered or commented on:',
		'q_notify_label' => 'Email me if my question is answered or commented on',
		'q_notify_x_label' => 'Email me (^) if my question is answered or commented on',
		'q_tags_comma_label' => 'Tags - use comma (,) as a separator:',
		'q_tags_label' => 'Tags - use hyphens to combine words:',
		'q_title_label' => 'The question in one sentence:',
		'q_waiting_approval' => 'This question is waiting for approval',
		'q_waiting_your_approval' => 'This question is waiting for your approval',
Gideon Greenspan committed
		'q_your_waiting_approval' => 'Your question will be checked and approved shortly.',
Gideon Greenspan committed
139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151
		'recat_button' => 'recategorize',
		'recat_popup' => 'Change this question\'s category',
		'recat_q_title' => 'Recategorize question',
		'reject_button' => 'reject',
		'remove_q_favorites' => 'Remove this question from my favorites',
		'reopen_button' => 'reopen',
		'reply_button' => 'reply',
		'reply_c_popup' => 'Reply to this comment',
		'reshow_button' => 'reshow',
		'retag_button' => 'retag',
		'retag_cat_popup' => 'Change this question\'s category or tags',
		'retag_popup' => 'Change this question\'s tags',
		'retag_q_title' => 'Retag question',
Scott Vivian committed
		'save_silent_label' => 'Save silently to hide that this was edited',
Gideon Greenspan committed
153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166
		'select_popup' => 'Click to select as best answer',
		'select_text' => 'Best answer',
		'show_1_comment' => 'Show 1 comment',
		'show_1_previous_comment' => 'Show 1 previous comment',
		'show_x_comments' => 'Show ^ comments',
		'show_x_previous_comments' => 'Show ^ previous comments',
		'unflag_button' => 'unflag',
		'unflag_popup' => 'Remove the flag that you added',
		'unselect_popup' => 'Click to remove selection',
		'x_answers_title' => '^ Answers',
		'your_answer_title' => 'Your answer',
		'your_comment_a' => 'Your comment on this answer:',
		'your_comment_q' => 'Your comment on this question:',
Scott Vivian committed

Gideon Greenspan committed
168 169 170 171

	Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output