qa-theme.php 5.05 KB
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class qa_html_theme extends qa_html_theme_base
	// use new ranking layout
	protected $ranking_block_layout = true;
	protected $theme = 'snow';
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	// outputs login form if user not logged in
	public function nav_user_search()
		if (!qa_is_logged_in()) {
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			if (isset($this->content['navigation']['user']['login']) && !QA_FINAL_EXTERNAL_USERS) {
				$login = $this->content['navigation']['user']['login'];
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					'<form class="qam-login-form" action="'.$login['url'].'" method="post">',
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						'<input type="text" class="qam-login-text" name="emailhandle" dir="auto" placeholder="'.trim(qa_lang_html(qa_opt('allow_login_email_only') ? 'users/email_label' : 'users/email_handle_label'), ':').'"/>',
						'<input type="password" class="qam-login-text" name="password" dir="auto" placeholder="'.trim(qa_lang_html('users/password_label'), ':').'"/>',
						'<div class="qam-rememberbox"><input type="checkbox" name="remember" id="qam-rememberme" value="1"/>',
						'<label for="qam-rememberme" class="qam-remember">'.qa_lang_html('users/remember').'</label></div>',
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						'<input type="hidden" name="code" value="'.qa_html(qa_get_form_security_code('login')).'"/>',
						'<input type="submit" value="' . qa_lang_html('users/login_button') . '" class="qa-form-tall-button qa-form-tall-button-login" name="dologin"/>',
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				// remove regular navigation link to log in page
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	public function logged_in()
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		require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/format.php';

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		if (qa_is_logged_in()) // output user avatar to login bar
				'<div class="qa-logged-in-avatar">',
				? qa_get_external_avatar_html(qa_get_logged_in_userid(), 24, true)
				: qa_get_user_avatar_html(qa_get_logged_in_flags(), qa_get_logged_in_email(), qa_get_logged_in_handle(),
					qa_get_logged_in_user_field('avatarblobid'), qa_get_logged_in_user_field('avatarwidth'), qa_get_logged_in_user_field('avatarheight'),
					24, true),


		if (qa_is_logged_in()) { // adds points count after logged in username

				? qa_lang_html_sub('main/1_point', '1', '1')
				: qa_lang_html_sub('main/x_points', qa_html(qa_format_number($userpoints)));
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				'<span class="qa-logged-in-points">',

	// adds login bar, user navigation and search at top of page in place of custom header content
	public function body_header()
		$this->output('<div class="qam-login-bar"><div class="qam-login-group">');
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	// allows modification of custom element shown inside header after logo
	public function header_custom()
		if (isset($this->content['body_header'])) {
			$this->output('<div class="header-banner">');

	// removes user navigation and search from header and replaces with custom header content. Also opens new <div>s
	public function header()
		$this->output('<div class="qa-header">');


		$this->output('</div> <!-- END qa-header -->', '');

		$this->output('<div class="qa-main-shadow">', '');
		$this->output('<div class="qa-main-wrapper">', '');


	// removes sidebar for user profile pages
	public function sidepanel()
		if ($this->template!='user')

	// prevent display of regular footer content (see body_suffix()) and replace with closing new <div>s
	public function footer()
		$this->output('</div> <!-- END main-wrapper -->');
		$this->output('</div> <!-- END main-shadow -->');

	// add RSS feed icon after the page title
	public function title()


		if (!empty($feed))
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			$this->output('<a href="'.$feed['url'].'" title="'.@$feed['label'].'"><img src="'.$this->rooturl.'images/rss.jpg" alt="" width="16" height="16" border="0" class="qa-rss-icon"/></a>');
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	// add view count to question list
	public function q_item_stats($q_item)
		$this->output('<div class="qa-q-item-stats">');



	// prevent display of view count in the usual place
	public function view_count($q_item)
		if ($this->template=='question')

	// to replace standard Q2A footer
	public function body_suffix()
		$this->output('<div class="qa-footer-bottom-group">');
		$this->output('</div> <!-- END footer-bottom-group -->', '');

	public function attribution()
			'<div class="qa-attribution">',
			'&nbsp;| Snow Theme by <a href="">Q2A Market</a>',
