Commit b174700f by François C.

Merge branch '2937-REC-update-qty-in-2nd-step' into 'dev_cooperatic'

2937 rec update qty in 2nd step

See merge request !189
parents 707b2289 bf02619f
Pipeline #2295 passed with stage
in 1 minute 26 seconds
......@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ EM_URL = ''
RECEPTION_PB = "Ici, vous pouvez signaler toute anomalie lors d'une réception, les produits non commandés, cassés ou pourris. \
Merci d'indiquer un maximum d'informations, le nom du produit et son code barre."
......@@ -357,6 +357,10 @@
Password to enter to add products to an order during reception
Same principle as previous pswd
- RECEPTION_UPDATE_QTY_PSWD = 'pass2makeApause'
Password to update a product qty during prices update.
- RECEPTION_PDT_LABELS_BTN_TEXT = 'Lancer l\'impression'
- RECEPTION_PDT_LABELS_FN = 'print_product_labels()'
......@@ -280,6 +280,35 @@ tr.odd td.row_product_no_qty {
background-color: #acb3c2;
#error_report {
width: 100%;
height: 200px;
border: 2px solid #555;
border-radius: 10px;
white-space: pre-wrap;
#main_content {width: 100%;}
.select_product_action {
max-width: 5px;
.toProcess_line_edit, .toProcess_line_valid {
min-width: 11px;
.product_qty_cell {
cursor: pointer;
.product_qty_cell:hover {
background-color: #e7e9ed;
td.row_product_no_qty.product_qty_cell:hover {
background-color: #db9129;
/* Accordion style */
/* Style the buttons that are used to open and close the accordion panel */
......@@ -327,21 +356,3 @@ hr { {
margin-bottom: 30px;
#error_report {
width: 100%;
height: 200px;
border: 2px solid #555;
border-radius: 10px;
white-space: pre-wrap;
#main_content {width: 100%;}
.select_product_action {
max-width: 5px;
.toProcess_line_edit, .toProcess_line_valid {
min-width: 11px;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ var reception_status = null,
barcodes = null, // Barcodes stored locally
priceToWeightIsCorrect = true,
suppliers_products = [], // All products of current order(s) supplier(s)
products_to_add = []; // Products to add to order
products_to_add = [], // Products to add to order
re_editing_qty = false; // During prices edition, edit qty mode enabled
var dbc = null,
sync = null,
......@@ -495,6 +496,13 @@ function initLists() {
// Titles for Qty column
const base_qty_title = "Qté";
const qty_title_tooltip = `<div class="tooltip tt_twolines">
<span class="tooltiptext">Qté comptée / Qté commandée</span>
columns_to_process = columns_to_process.concat([
{data:"product_id.0", title: "id", visible: false},
{data:"shelf_sortorder", title: "Rayon", className: "dt-body-center", width: "4%"},
......@@ -529,8 +537,8 @@ function initLists() {
title: "Qté",
title: (reception_status == "qty_valid") ? qty_title_tooltip : base_qty_title,
className: (reception_status == "qty_valid") ? "dt-body-center product_qty_cell" : "dt-body-center",
width: "5%",
render: function (data, type, full) {
if (reception_status == "False") {
......@@ -604,8 +612,8 @@ function initLists() {
{data:"product_uom.1", title: "Unité vente", className:"dt-body-center", orderable: false, width: "5%"},
className:"dt-head-center dt-body-center",
title: qty_title_tooltip,
className: (reception_status == "qty_valid") ? "dt-head-center dt-body-center product_qty_cell" : "dt-head-center dt-body-center",
width: "5%",
// visible: (reception_status == "False"),
render: function (data, type, full) {
......@@ -648,17 +656,30 @@ function initLists() {
table_to_process_ordering = [
// For grouped orders, order first by number of order, then by product id
if (is_grouped_order()) {
// Init table for to_process content
table_to_process = $('#table_to_process').DataTable({
data: list_to_process,
columns: columns_to_process,
rowId : "product_id.0",
order: [
order: table_to_process_ordering,
scrollY: "33vh",
scrollCollapse: true,
paging: false,
......@@ -895,6 +916,68 @@ function initLists() {
$('#table_to_process tbody').on('click', '.product_qty_cell', function () {
// Prevent editing mutiple lines at a time
if (editing_product == null) {
let pswd = prompt('Mot de passe requis pour éditer la quantité de ce produit');
if (pswd == update_qty_pswd) {
// Password ok, edit product qty
let row = table_to_process.row($(this).parents('tr'));
let data =;
// Product goes to editing
editing_origin = "to_process";
re_editing_qty = true;
remove_from_toProcess(row, data);
document.getElementById('search_input').value = '';
} else if (pswd == null) {
} else {
alert('Mauvais mot de passe !');
} else {
alert("Il y a déjà un produit dans la zone d'édition. Terminez d'abord d'éditer ce produit.")
$('#table_processed tbody').on('click', '.product_qty_cell', function () {
// Prevent editing mutiple lines at a time
if (editing_product == null) {
let pswd = prompt('Mot de passe requis pour éditer la quantité de ce produit');
if (pswd == update_qty_pswd) {
// Password ok, edit product qty
let row = table_processed.row($(this).parents('tr'));
let data =;
// Product goes to editing
editing_origin = "processed";
re_editing_qty = true;
remove_from_processed(row, data);
document.getElementById('search_input').value = '';
} else if (pswd == null) {
} else {
alert('Mauvais mot de passe !');
} else {
alert("Il y a déjà un produit dans la zone d'édition. Terminez d'abord d'éditer ce produit.")
// Add a line to to_process
......@@ -1076,23 +1159,23 @@ function set_supplier_shortage(row, product, from_processed = false) {
// Set edition
// Set edition area
function setLineEdition(product) {
editing_product = product;
// name
document.getElementById('product_name').innerHTML = editing_product.product_id[1];
// intput
if (reception_status == "qty_valid")
document.getElementById('edition_input').value = editing_product.price_unit;
if (reception_status == 'False' || re_editing_qty === true)
document.getElementById('edition_input').value = editing_product.product_qty;
document.getElementById('edition_input').value = editing_product.price_unit;
// uom
if (editing_product.product_uom[0] == 1) { // Unit
if (reception_status == 'False') {
if (reception_status == 'False' || re_editing_qty === true) {
document.getElementById('product_uom').innerHTML = ' unité(s)';
$('#edition_input').attr('type', 'number')
.attr('step', 1)
......@@ -1104,7 +1187,7 @@ function setLineEdition(product) {
.attr('max', 9999);
} else if (editing_product.product_uom[0] == 21) { // kg
if (reception_status == 'False') {
if (reception_status == 'False' || re_editing_qty === true) {
document.getElementById('product_uom').innerHTML = ' kg';
$('#edition_input').attr('type', 'number')
.attr('step', 0.001)
......@@ -1117,6 +1200,12 @@ function setLineEdition(product) {
// If editing qty during prices edition
if (re_editing_qty === true) {
document.getElementById('edition_header').innerHTML = "Ré-éditer la quantité";
document.getElementById('edition_input_label').innerHTML = "Qté";
// Make edition area blink when edition button clicked
......@@ -1130,6 +1219,13 @@ function clearLineEdition() {
document.getElementById('edition_input').value = null;
document.getElementById('product_uom').innerHTML = '';
if (re_editing_qty === true) {
document.getElementById('edition_header').innerHTML = "Editer les prix";
document.getElementById('edition_input_label').innerHTML = "Prix unit.";
re_editing_qty = false;
......@@ -1154,6 +1250,57 @@ function editProductInfo (productToEdit, value = null, batch = false) {
newValue = isFinite(newValue) ? newValue : 0;
// Particular process in case of qty reedition during prices update
if (re_editing_qty === true) {
// Look for product in product's order first step data
let previous_step_index = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < orders[productToEdit.id_po]["previous_steps_data"]["False"]["updated_products"].length; i++) {
if (
) {
previous_step_index = i;
if (previous_step_index === -1) {
// Product qty hasn't been updated yet: add to first step data
productToEdit.old_qty = productToEdit.product_qty;
productToEdit.product_qty = newValue;
productToEdit.product_qty_package = 1;
productToEdit.package_qty = productToEdit.product_qty;
} else {
productToEdit.product_qty = newValue;
productToEdit.package_qty = productToEdit.product_qty;
// Product qty has been updated before, update first step data
orders[productToEdit.id_po]["previous_steps_data"]["False"]["updated_products"][previous_step_index].product_qty = newValue;
orders[productToEdit.id_po]["previous_steps_data"]["False"]["updated_products"][previous_step_index].package_qty = newValue;
/* Send request to server to update a single product */
updateType = "qty_valid";
// Update temp couchdb order
// Put back product in its original list
if (editing_origin === "to_process") {
} else if (editing_origin === "processed") {
return true;
// addition mode = weight is directly added from scanned product
$.each(list_processed, function(i, e) {
if (
......@@ -1433,8 +1580,14 @@ function data_validation() {
// Send the request to the server
function send() {
* Send the request to update order(s) data
* @param {Array} given_products If set, only update these products.
* If no given products, we're in the regular process, ie the end of a reception.
* Else, we're in the middle of a reception, so we'll skip some parts.
function send(given_products = []) {
try {
// Loading on
......@@ -1451,15 +1604,19 @@ function send() {
update_data.orders[order_id] = {'po' : []};
has_given_products = given_products.length > 0;
// If given products, update these only, else update global updatedProducts list
products_to_update = has_given_products === true ? given_products : updatedProducts;
// for each updated product, add it to its order list
for (i in updatedProducts) {
for (i in products_to_update) {
/* ---> The following part concerns products found in different orders */
if ('other_orders_data' in updatedProducts[i]) {
if ('other_orders_data' in products_to_update[i]) {
// for each other order of product
for (other_order_data of updatedProducts[i].other_orders_data) {
for (other_order_data of products_to_update[i].other_orders_data) {
// Make a clone (deep copy) of the product object
let product_copy = $.extend(true, {}, updatedProducts[i]);
let product_copy = $.extend(true, {}, products_to_update[i]);
// Set correct order line id for this product = other_order_data.id_product;
......@@ -1468,30 +1625,30 @@ function send() {
if (reception_status == 'False') {
// Reset initial qties in respective orders
product_copy.old_qty = other_order_data.initial_qty;
for (j in orders[updatedProducts[i].id_po]['updated_products']) {
if (orders[updatedProducts[i].id_po]['updated_products'][j].product_id[0]
for (j in orders[products_to_update[i].id_po]['updated_products']) {
if (orders[products_to_update[i].id_po]['updated_products'][j].product_id[0]
== product_copy.product_id[0]) {
orders[updatedProducts[i].id_po]['updated_products'][j].old_qty -= other_order_data.initial_qty;
orders[products_to_update[i].id_po]['updated_products'][j].old_qty -= other_order_data.initial_qty;
if (product_copy.product_uom[0] == 21 && updatedProducts[i].product_qty > 0.1) { // kg
if (product_copy.product_uom[0] == 21 && products_to_update[i].product_qty > 0.1) { // kg
// Add minimum qty in other orders
product_copy.product_qty_package = 1;
product_copy.package_qty = 0.1;
product_copy.product_qty = 0.1;
// Remove this qty from first order
updatedProducts[i].package_qty -= 0.1;
updatedProducts[i].product_qty -= 0.1;
} else if (product_copy.product_uom[0] == 1 && updatedProducts[i].product_qty > 1) { // Unit
products_to_update[i].package_qty -= 0.1;
products_to_update[i].product_qty -= 0.1;
} else if (product_copy.product_uom[0] == 1 && products_to_update[i].product_qty > 1) { // Unit
product_copy.product_qty_package = 1;
product_copy.package_qty = 1;
product_copy.product_qty = 1;
updatedProducts[i].package_qty -= 1;
updatedProducts[i].product_qty -= 1;
products_to_update[i].package_qty -= 1;
products_to_update[i].product_qty -= 1;
} else { // Not handled, all qty in one order
product_copy.product_qty_package = 0;
product_copy.package_qty = 0;
......@@ -1514,16 +1671,18 @@ function send() {
/* <--- */
// Add product to order's prod list
prod_order_id = updatedProducts[i].id_po;
prod_order_id = products_to_update[i].id_po;
// Only send error report & no barcode list when no given products (ie normal process, end of reception)
if (has_given_products === false) {
/* Create the error report */
// Send changes between items to process and processed items
var error_report_data = {
'group_amount_total' : 0,
'update_type' : updateType,
'updated_products' : updatedProducts,
'updated_products' : products_to_update,
'user_comments': user_comments,
'orders' : []
......@@ -1580,6 +1739,7 @@ function send() {
alert('Erreur dans l\'envoi du rapport.');
/* Update orders */
......@@ -1592,6 +1752,7 @@ function send() {
success: function() {
if (has_given_products === false) {
try {
// If step 1 (counting)
if (reception_status == "False") {
......@@ -1750,6 +1911,7 @@ function send() {
report_JS_error(err, 'reception');
error: function() {
......@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ def produits(request, id):
'add_products_pswd': getattr(settings, 'RECEPTION_ADD_PRODUCTS_PSWD', 'makeastop'),
'update_qty_pswd': getattr(settings, 'RECEPTION_UPDATE_QTY_PSWD', 'makeastop')
fixed_barcode_prefix = '0490'
......@@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
var add_all_left_is_good_qties = "{{ADD_ALL_LEFT_IS_GOOD_QTIES}}"
var add_all_left_is_good_prices = "{{ADD_ALL_LEFT_IS_GOOD_PRICES}}"
var add_products_pswd = "{{add_products_pswd}}"
var update_qty_pswd = "{{update_qty_pswd}}"
<script src="{% static "js/all_common.js" %}?v=1651853225"></script>
<script src='{% static "js/barcodes.js" %}?v=1651853225'></script>
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